Cockscomb: Pretty and Healthy

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime, 4mm, 1/17sec, f/1.9, ISO-250

Celosia cristata is a member of the genus Celosia, and is commonly known as cockscomb, since the flower looks like the head on a rooster (cock). The plants are hardy and resistant to most diseases, and grow equally well indoors or out, though the perfect place is one with no shade and a well drained soil, as the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases. The plant is used frequently as an ornamental plant indoors. Their leaves and flowers can be used as vegetables. They are often grown as foods in India, Western Africa, and South America .

Cockscomb flower with Latin name Celosia cristata widely used for traditional medicine. Some of the benefits of this flower are believed to cure diseases like, treat blood urine, and cure urinary tract infections. These flowers are rich in chemicals that are beneficial to health. Characteristic of this flower lies in its shape like cockscomb champion doubled and branched, the average height reaches 1 m, thick and strong stems, single leaves bereling, tip tapered, the base pointed to form the stalk.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime, 4mm, 1/33sec, f/1.9, ISO-200

These flowers usually grow from the lowlands to a height of 1000 m above sea level. Some chemical substances that can be obtained from these flowers include Oil Fat, Kaempferitrin, Amaranthin, Pinitol, Saponin, Flavonoida, and Polifenol. With the flowers are red colored flowers have many benefits for health. For those of you who want to know what are the benefits and efficacy of this cockscomb interest, here are the benefits:

  1. Treating cough and vomiting blood
    Benefits of the first cockscomb flowers can help you in maintaining the airway defense system. Coughing accompanied by blood coming out during vomiting is a symptom of bleeding in the stomach, esophagus, or duodenum. You can use this flower by pounding, then boil it. Drink 2 times a day.
  2. Overcoming hemorrhoids or hemorrhoid
    In addition cockscomb flowers are also efficacious to overcome the swelling of blood vessels that enlarge or often called hemorrhoids. This flower content serves to eliminate pembekakan on the buttocks. You can treat it by boiling this flower with 3 glasses of water, strain the water and drink the morning before eating.
  3. Stop the nosebleed
    A nosebleed is a bleeding that occurs from the nose. Nosebleeds can be caused by various things, one of which you may be too tight when blowing snot. Natural treatment can be done with cockscomb flower properties. By pounding this flower then boil it until boiling. You can consume it within 2 times a day.
  4. Eliminate vaginal discharge
    The next benefit of this flower is to help you eliminate the mucus in the feminine area. Whitish usually occurs in women who are too tired, or stress. In a natural way then you can treat this disease, simply by consuming this flower by boiling and then drinking in the afternoon.
  5. Launch the digestive system
    The digestive system is very important for the body. This process helps the body's metabolism. If your digestive system is not smooth then it will be susceptible to disease. This flower provides benefits if you consume it. It will help you avoid digestive system disorders including diarrhea and constipation.
  6. Improve organ performance
    If your condition is weak when used to run then you can take advantage of this cockscomb flower. Content in this flower is very nutritious to increase stamina in the body and also improve the performance of organs so that your body will not easily feel tired.
  7. Overcome dysentery
    The cause of this disease is to consume foods or beverages that contain germs and parasites. So that the bacteria attack the wall of the large intestine and will cause the patient to feel vomiting, and diarrhea. This flower can cure the disease. In addition, the content in this flower can overcome dysentery.
  8. Treating urine blood and pus
    Haematuria is a medical term that indicates the presence of blood in the urine. Both blood and pus contained in urine is very dangerous for your health because it can at any time threaten your life. The natural way that can be done to prevent it by boiling this flower then add a little rock sugar. Drink 3 times a day.
  9. Prevent and cure urinary tract infections
    Urinary tract infections can happen to anyone. This disease is a condition when the organs in the urinary system, namely the kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra, have an infection. To prevent the disease prepare cockscomb flowers with 3 cups water, boil until boiling then strain and drink. Do it this way 3 times a day.
  10. Clarify the eyes
    Cockscomb flowers can also clear the view. In addition, the content of this flower is also efficacious for treating irritated eyes. By smoothing this flower, then boil water 500 ml to boil. Add a little honey, then you can consume this herb.
  11. Treating uterine bleeding
  12. Prevent inflammation or swelling


Steven Foster and Yue Chongxi. 1992. Herbal Emissaries Bringing Chinese Herbs To The West; A Guide To Gardening, Herbal Wisdom, and Well-being: Healing Arts Press, Vermont.

Umberto Quattrocchi, F.L.S. 2012. CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal And Poisonous Plants; Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, And Etymology: CRC Press, New York.

J. Seidemann. 2005. World Spice Plants; Economic Usage, Botany, Taxonomy: Springer, New York.

Prof. Hembing. 2000. Ensiklopedia Milenium; Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat Indonesia, Jilid I: Prestasi Insan Indonesia, Jakarta.

Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime, 4mm, 1/17sec, f/1.9, ISO-320

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