A Needle Can Save You
It is worth reading to understand and spread this information.
When a person is starting a stroke or (Vascular Brain Disease), the use of a needle can save that person's life.
During a stroke, the capillaries of the brain tear gradually, which deserves rest and immediate attention.

- Keep calm, although nerves and anguish are inevitable.
- Do not let the victim move because the capillaries can explode and a cerebral hemorrhage occurs.
- We must get a needle can be sewing or a syringe.
- You have to sterilize it, we can place it on the fire for a few minutes.
- We will puncture the tips of the victim's ten fingers approximately 1mm near the nail, until the blood starts to come out.
- In case the blood does not start to come out, you have to press your fingers until it comes out.
- Once the blood comes out and all the fingers are bleeding, if the person's mouth is twisted, we begin to rub the lobes of the patient's ears until they turn red, this denotes the presence of blood.
- After a few minutes the mouth should return to its normal position.
- You can also prick the lobes of the ears to bleed.
All this is done as first aid techniques, to stabilize the victim quickly and then move it to a health center to receive better care.