Benefits of bathing with seawater

in #health8 years ago

Sea water has great benefits for the skin. It penetrates the pores of the skin and plays a role in stimulating and nourishing the skin. It provides natural iodine, which in turn expands blood vessels. It also plays an important role in the relaxation of the nervous system. Sea water is also an effective treatment for arthritis and rheumatism.

Doctors and health experts note that sea salt has a massive cleansing effect, along with its moisturizing effect on the skin, if the body is massaged, so bathing with seawater leads to restoring the vitality and integrity of the skin complexion. It also removes skin peels and activates pores. Most of the problems of the skin, acne, inflammation of the folds and redness, as well as maintain the smoothness of the skin and prevention and recovery of sores and eczema, so there is an invitation to take advantage of the marine products and use in many forms such as soap, cream and ointments; as successful in beautifying the skin and retention of freshness and vitality, The importance of bathing in the sea for the elimination of stress and depression, insomnia and excessive nervous tension, because the different sound waves caused by the many creatures and diverse living within it and the movement of water continues to make a wonderful symphony has an effective therapeutic effect

The sea ​​regulates the activity of the thyroid through the cultivation of iodine that the human descent into the water helps him to activate his body through swimming swim everyone goes to the vicinity of the sea always desire to eat white meat, especially fish, which are useful for the digestive system, because it is easy to digest and rich With minerals and salts, which makes the stomach in the comfort of hard digestion foods like red meat

More benefits Salt water helps to clean the stomach if accidentally tampered with while in the sea. Do not be afraid to take advantage of the sea water if you are exposed to sea spray only without dives and eyes open or face waves, because the sea water is full of salt, which hurts the eye if It has been heavily exposed to drought. Help article "Fluorine" are frequently found in places near the sea,certain percentage to resist decay, which is food directly toteeth,the sandsseaworking to finetuneouter layer ofteeth seems whiter than white.

According to doctors, the normal depth of sea water has a medically effective pressure, which stimulates the peripheral blood circulation and relieves the pain of sclerosis. This benefit is attributed by scientists to the availability of pressure factors Heat and mineral water, and several US private hospitals have been set up to treat certain diseases. 

  Doctors say that simply bathing in the sea water on the beach and exposing the body to the sun in the morning until before noon makes the person susceptible to cosmic rays and electromagnetic waves caused by the waves. These radiation stimulates the biological processes in the body as a result of the healthy interaction between heat, radiation and chemical elements, Which contributes to increased body immunity.

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