What Are Stages Of Gingival Disease?

in #health7 years ago

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease results in inflammation of the gums that can progress and reach the bone that surrounds and supports the teeth. They are the result of the action of the bacteria of the dental plaque, a sticky coating, colorless, which is deposited permanently on the teeth. If not removed by brushing and dental floss, plaque grows and bacteria infect not only the gums and teeth, but also the bone that supports the teeth. In the long run, this may cause the teeth to be removed or dropped or forced to be removed.

Gum disease goes through three stages:

Gingivitis: This is the initial stage of the disease, an inflammation of the gums due to the accumulation of plaque at the level of the gingival border. If brushing and dental floss cleaning can not remove the plaque, the toxins (poisons) it produces will irritate the gingival tissue and cause gingivitis. Bleeding may occur when brushing and flossing. This gingivitis is reversible, the bone and connective tissue that support the teeth are not yet reached.

Periodontitis: The bone and fibers that hold the teeth in place are irreversibly damaged. Pockets begin to form between the tooth and the gum; These pockets hold food and plate. Appropriate treatment and personal dental hygiene are usually sufficient to halt the progression of the disease.

Advanced periodontitis: The disease has progressed, the fibers and bone surrounding the teeth are destroyed, which can lead to migrations (mobility) and mobility. Your way of biting can be changed and if the treatment is not able to save the teeth, they must be extracted.

How do I know if I have gum disease?

Gum disease can occur at any age, but it is most common in adults. If the diagnosis is made at the very beginning, they are reversible. Consult your dentist if you notice the following symptoms:

.Gums are red, swollen or painful

.Gums bleed with brushing or when passing dental floss

.The teeth appear longer because the gums are raised.

.Gums no longer adhere to teeth, creating pockets

.Changes in the position of the teeth during mastication

.Pus between teeth and gums

.Bad breath or bad taste in the mouth

How can we treat gum disease?

The initial stage of gum disease is reversible with proper brushing and use of dental floss. Good oral hygiene will help prevent plaque buildup.

Professional cleaning is the only way to remove the plaque that has formed and transformed into tartar. Your dental surgeon will be able to clean or "descal" the teeth to remove the tartar above and below the gum. If your case is more severe, a root planing will be done to smooth out the irregularities existing on the roots and thus make the accumulation of the plaque more difficult.

Regular visits to your dental surgeon can treat this disease initially, before it becomes too severe. If you have passed the initial stage of the illness, you will need to take care of your dental surgeon. 


Great post, very informative, followed you @rishherbalist
According to AYURVEDA
all stages can actually be reversed without the help of a dental professional, all you need is an oil which suits your body type, the the procedure is called "oil-pulling". This oil pulling procedure superseeds all other forms of oral health as it can CURE all ailments like cavities, as it can heal them, gum disease, plaque and tarter build up.
The only person that won't benefit from oil pulling is your dentist becauce he will be out of work.
For problems like bad breath, a tongue scraper will solve that problem.
We have been bombarded with Fluoride for way too long and the masses are waking up. Avoid Fluoride exposure and repeated x-rays as they are carcinogenic.
Thanks for reading my comment, get more valuable Ayurvedic health knowledge by following me @rishherbalist or emailing me [email protected]

Great post !!!
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This post remind me that I need to clean my teeth. :)