Should I bulk or cut?

in #health7 years ago (edited)

 The age-old question, Should I bulk or cut? This flow chart will tell you exactly what to do (Credit to Vitruvian Physique for making the flowchart). Starting at the top we have "Are you comfortable with your current level of body fat?" With the options of "Yes", "Sort of" and "No". If "Yes" do you want more size? If  "No" you Maintain (Eat at your TDEE), if "Yes" then you Lean Bulk (Eat at a slight surplus, 200-300 calories). Back at the top, if you picked "Sort of" do you have a FFMI over 21? (Check your FFMI here) if "No" Are you under 18? If no have you been training for >2 years? If "No" You lean bulk. Back at the top if you have an FFMI over 21 you ask yourself "Can you dedicate 6+ months to a bulk and are you ok with gaining a little body fat?" If "Yes" you bulk, if "No" Are you under 18? If "No" Have you been training for >2 years? If "Yes" cut if "No" You recomposition (eat at maintenance and get stronger). Back to are you under 18, if "Yes" you recomposition. Back again to the top if "No" you aren't comfortable with your current body fat levels are you under 18? If "Yes" you recomposition, if "No" have you been training for >2 years? If "Yes" you cut, if "No" you recomposition. This probably sounds complicated as hell written out so just refer to the flowchart.

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