Constantly sprain your ankles? Read this.

in #health7 years ago

Whether you chronically sprain your ankle or just sprained it recently the contents of this blog will help your rehab your problem.  The two most common types of ankle sprains, and what you most likely have, are the Inversion sprain and the Eversion sprain.

When most people sprain their ankle they usually opt to stretch their calves but that isn't going to do anything, what we need to stretch are the Tibia and Fibula area. In this blog, I'll be showing three things that if you do regularly will heal your ankle(s). The first one is a stretch involving the front side of your ankle. When doing this stretch try to keep the bottom of your foot straight on the ground. 

The second one is another stretch this time involving the back of your ankle. When doing this stretch try to keep the bottom of your foot straight on the ground.

The third thing is for the stabilizer muscles, to perform this just stand on one foot and close your eyes and try to balance. It may be hard to balance the first couple times so have sometime near you to hold on to. I'll be posting at least 2 blogs every week so subscribe if want more blogs on Health, Nutrition, and Training.