How to Control Ageing - by @dcrypto

in #health7 years ago

No matter what gender we are, we want to be young as long as we can. However, due to many obvious things happening in our lives, we almost stopped trying regeneration. Regeneration is the one which makes out ageing stops to a certain extent. To get a younger look, your body’s degeneration should be dominated by regeneration, an anti-ageing. This process depends on many factors such as food and fitness.

Stop Smoking

It is well known that smoking causes adverse effects on the body. Not only does it makes your lungs get damaged but also it is associated with increasing ageing. Many pieces of evidence say people who smoke seem ten years older than those who don’t. Therefore, to get a healthy body and good skin, avoid smoking completely.

Of course, food should be on the list

The food you eat has an extensive effect on your body’s health and ageing. Eat plenty of natural foods such as vegetables and fruits while avoiding white sugar, processed foods, and alcohol. Leafy greens are an excellent source of nutrients, and it helps in anti-ageing. Drink a significant amount of water, and always prefer anti-oxidant foods. Some foods are, you can consume a lot of blueberries or any berries for that matter and green tea.

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With an abundance of reasons, many people don’t consider the importance of sleep and lack in many health benefits of it. Sleep is such an important medicine as human growth hormones are segregated in the body during the period. It is perfectly known that when we have a bad sleep, we almost look like a tired and not a productive person. So, better have enough sleep to enhance your anti-ageing.

Wash skin well but not vigorously

Some people tend to wash more often while others wash very rare. It should not be both and wash your skin gently and exfoliate it at least once a week. Pay attention to choosing the correct product that suits your skin. Thus exfoliation helps remove dirt that is hidden inside the pores and helps skin to renewal fast. So, exfoliate regularly and moisturise it.


Exercising is a wonderful activity which helps in many different ways. This activity can make a significant amount of difference in ageing process with only four days a week. It not only prevents ageing but also helps you to look slim while giving many important benefits.


Good tips. But people who take anti-ageing drugs just to make their skin good is not good for the health. Instead of it you take care of you lifestyle.

Very nice and valuable information provided. I fully agree with your blog. If we follow this we will have good health. Thanks for sharing.

Everyone should see this.. resteeming :)

Althoigh i don't agree completely but to aome extent i do.

Muy informativo, me gusto tu post. Gracias por compartir.

For me am always exercising and it keeps me in shape and lively.I nees to adjust on my sleep,its great i dont smoke!

I have been selective of my food of late too.

hit me baby one more time... with some more fitness tips

The smoking really gets me. I have never smoked but am shocked by the younger people I see that smoke. I can sort of understand if someone is older but younger generations know how dangerous smoking is and they have known this all their lives and yet they still pick up cigarettes...

yes, i agree with you,keep healthy do exercise,