Foods that increase productivity at workplace - by @dcrypto

in #health7 years ago

Productivity is the one which everyone wants. Some people think productivity comes only from smartness and intelligence. Although they are right, productivity is also influenced by certain other items such as your lifestyle particular in healthy eating. As there are several super foods for different parts of the body, there are many super foods to increase your brain power too and thereby promote your productivity.
By simply incorporating some specific foods into your diet, you can able to promote your productivity to a next level as they increase your focus towards your work as well as it increases your energy levels to a significant extent. So, in order to boost your focus and things which are associated with increasing productivity, add this item to your diet in your diet on a daily basis.

Green Tea

Green Tea, which has become so famous these days as it has high content of anti-oxidants, is a great drink to increase your productivity. Many researchers have asserted that having green tea on a daily basis increase your memory power, attention while reducing anxiety. I consume two cups of green tea every day. It helps me to stay focused and complete my work in very less time. Apart from these advantages of the tea, there are numerous benefits if it’s consumed according to daily recommendations.

Vibrant colored vegetables

Vegetables with bright colors are considered as super foods for brain productivity. For example, beetroots contain a massive amount of nitrites, which stimulates your brain function and productivity. Consuming high nitrite juice every single day increase blood flow to brain, which results in more attention. Not only this juices like beetroot juice increase your productivity level, it also controls ageing, increases stamina, and helps control blood pressure.

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To increase memory and thereby enhance your productivity, berries help in long run. Being rich in antioxidants, it is a great food to spur your productivity at your workplace. People say the darker the berry is, the higher the benefits such as anti-oxidants. I include berries in my oatmeal every day as a breakfast or with any smoothies.


Nuts are always a better choice to eat as snacks. They are packed with different types of nutrients and minerals. These amazing items can boost your brain with their amazing benefits such as vitamin E. There is an evidence that consuming a right amount of almonds is linked to increasing a certain type of neurotransmitter which is essential to increase learning and memory power.


Since it contains a significant amount of monounsaturated fats, it helps to protect your brain cells immensely. Therefore, this helps to stimulate information carrying nerves and thereby helps to increase blood flow. Consumption of avocados is the best way to increase your overall health.


I read somewhere that dried fruits also help with increasing productivity, concentration and memory. Where were your tips when I was in the middle of my exams? Good to know for my future ones :D Thanks, great post! Keep it up

hahah yeah I needed this last semester when finals ripped me a new one lmao

Well, at least I had coffee...lots of it haha

yeah same lol "i'll take two extra shots of espresso pls... oh make that 3.." hahaha


@afrciaunited, thanks for this great piece.

i was of the opinion that you don't need to be productive but i had to make some adjustments in my mind when i got to this statement you made; Productivity is also influenced by certain other items such as your lifestyle particular in healthy eating".

Great and useful post...Taking our nutrition seriously is very important... thanks for sharing ^_^

@afrciaunited, thank you for this post but i would like to know if these foods are to be taken together at the same time or wat best way can it be taken while the purpose isn't defeated

Great info, I didn't know about the avocado. I wanna ask, does the use of coffee helps in productivity?

Use Etherium gold focused brain instead of coffee. It works 20 times better.

Sorry, which is that? Do you mind explaining a bit or at least a link to where I can gets more info. Thanks

Google Etherium Gold. It works very well. Of course there are a lot of critics but you be the judge.

coffee gives you a nice 'buzz' haha but in terms of health there are plenty of other options out there that would be a better alternative. But, personally, I love my daily cup of java, especially when I am studying for school, it seems to give me that extra energy boost that I need to get over the hump.


Okay, thank you. I'll dig out more about this.

you bet! Green tea is always a healthy alternative, as @africaunited mentions above with some of the benefits that green tea provides. Wishing you all the best

Regards from @conradsuperb

Not surprisingly it depends! I just learned about this the other day, so I'm excited to share- and interestingly it makes a stronger argument for tea for some people.

There are slow metabolizers of caffeine and fast metabloizers of caffeine.

Caffeine in and of its self is a stimulant, looking at just mental properties yes it improves mental performance, namely alertness (related to productivity, concentration etc). However consider there is a body attached to the brain, when caffeine intake is too much people get jittery and loose focus. For some people, believe it or not, caffeine gives a really brief burst of energy then makes you tired . The difference in the two is how they metabolize.

Both fast and slow metabolizers absorb at the same rate theoretically. So you get this response of caffine blocking adenosine from binding receptors (adenosine binding receptors makes you tired). If that's blocked you get wakefulness. The body responds by creating more adenosine receptors to reach a homeostatic balance.

In fast metablizers you are very rapidly left with an excess number of adenosine receptors and the caffine is not there to block any of them, leaving you with a net increase of adenosine receptors, more places for the molecule to bind so you get more tired.

In slow metabloizers you taper off the amount of caffeine slowly so the body has more time to adapt homeostatically. Thus you don't feel tired, but more awake.

The interesting thing is if you have tea, green tea especially there is theanine in it. This actually allows people to slow the rate of absorption of caffine. So for fast metabloizers it is like a front end modification that somewhat allows you to mimic the homeostasis slow metabolizers feel. Your peak levels don't get as high, so you don't get such a robust response, but you are continuing to absorb caffeine.

For a lot of fast metabolizers this really increases ones concentration and thus productivity.

In fact caffeine plus theanine is one suggested treatment for ADHD.

This is deep. Thanks @grandmasbasment. I wanna know, the property of slow metabolism or fast metabolism is it a natural gift? Like do people come born with it?

Its a good information. The foods you mentioned in the post have greater health benefits. Thanks for sharing.

I start my day with superfood powder mixed with preworkout powder, gets me fired up!

I did not know that food helps in bringing productivity

I wouldn't be productive at all if I would have these great foods close to my desk:)

man I love to see this!! I have been drinking/eating all of these foods lately in my diet, yet I haven't seen the productivity boosted.. maybe because I am in my last year of undergrad and senioritis is kicking in lol nonetheless awesome post here @africaunited !!

Very Good post dear

This is an important notifications that can help us healthwisely. Thanks for this health educative post