How to Maintain Kidney Health in Pregnant Women| Sat Sep 08 2018 17:41:15 GMT+0700 (Waktu Indonesia Barat)

in #health-status7 years ago

Pregnant women have a risky body. This condition can occur because blood circulation in women rises until significant hormonal changes occur. Hormonal changes can cause infection in the vagina because the pH changes, besides, there is a possibility of an increase in blood pressure which is quite dangerous.

In addition to the two conditions above, women who are pregnant are also at risk of developing kidney problems. This disorder can occur because there is a severe infection or complications of other diseases such as diabetes. Disorders of the kidneys can affect women and babies in their wombs.

Well, so that the condition of the baby and mother continue to improve, it's good for women to maintain their kidney health. They can do a number of things below.

The body must be hydrated every day

One of the causes of kidney disorders is a urinary tract infection. Pregnant women are very susceptible to infection because of changes in pH in the vagina and lack of water intake. Even if women have taken care of sanitation from the vagina so that they are not dirty, keep full water intake.

Eating 8 glasses of water every day will relieve the work of the kidneys. Urine released also does not become yellow and rather thick because water supply is met. Pregnant women are advised to drink in the morning of two glasses, before going to bed two glasses and the rest during the day and evening.

Improve diet

Most kidney problems are caused by blood pressure disorders even though the infection also contributes. So that the condition of blood pressure that is owned by women is stable, it's good to keep eating patterns every day. Avoid foods that easily increase blood pressure such as red meat, fatty foods, and excessive sweet foods.

Expand fruit and vegetables every day. Fill protein from fish or meat that does not contain fat. As much as possible, measuring the food that enters the body's nutritional roots is right and not excessive. If you overdo it can also cause the fetus in the uterus to be overweight.

Don't smoke and consume alcohol

Cigarettes and alcohol are things that must be avoided or stopped while pregnant. The content of free radicals in cigarettes can cause blood to be contaminated so that the possibility of a kidney having a large disturbance. In addition, cigarettes can also have a direct impact on the fetus.

Besides cigarettes that can trigger cancer in the lungs or kidneys, alcohol is also not recommended. Stop all forms of food and beverages containing alcohol. The condition of the fetus can be disrupted if the woman continues to do so.

Light exercise

When pregnant does not mean you can be lazy every day. When you are free, do a little exercise at least walk for a few minutes. Walking will facilitate the flow in the body. The foot area also becomes stronger often by enlarging the fetus.

Remember, exercise is relaxed and not excessive. If excessive, it is bad for the body, especially the fetus in the uterus.

Do not take chemical drugs often

When pregnant, anything that enters a woman's body will affect fetal health. If food and beverages are full of nutrition, there is a possibility that the baby will be born in a healthy condition. However, if during pregnancy there is a disruption so women have to consume lots of chemical drugs, the possibility of fetal and kidney disorders can be large.

Here are a few reviews about how to maintain kidney health for women who are pregnant. Hopefully the above review can be used as a reference.

Hello, Healthy Friend!

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