Why After Sex Must Replace Underwear?| Sat Sep 22 2018 04:51:30 GMT+0700 (Waktu Indonesia Barat)
Sexual activities that are often carried out by couples are generally divided into three parts. First is heating or foreplay. At this stage the pair is still giving each other stimuli and not yet heading to the core phase. When doing foreplay, couples still often wear clothes.
Then the core activities are filled with vaginal, oral and anal sex for some people. Sex at this stage will give a sense of pleasure before finally getting a climax. After the climax, the pair enters the phase when named afterplay, one of which is changing underwear.
Why have to change underwear after sex?
Changing pants in post-sex may sound simple, but the effect is large enough for a partner's health. Panties used when doing foreplay usually contain bacteria so there is a possibility of attacking the genitals that have just been cleaned.
When doing foreplay, men often accidentally spill preejaculation fluid into underwear. In addition, when warming up the groin area will also sweat. The combination of these two things will make bacteria or germs from outside enter and eventually gather. If underwear is used again, the possibility of itching or infection will be large.
If you don't want to change your underwear because it's limited, avoid wearing it during sex. When foreplay try to be naked so that sex can be run more easily and quickly.
Don't wear underwear better
If you reason you don't have a lot of underwear so you still have to use the old one, it's better not to do it. Instead of wearing underwear worn during sex, it's better not to wear it at all. Use outer pants with soft material so as not to rub the genitals.
Why not wear underwear again after sex? Because genitals need rest. Sex is like an intense exercise. If you lift weights, your hands and feet certainly need to be relaxed for a while. Usually the use of pain relief ointments can be used.
With the same concept, the penis and vagina can also be relaxed. The easiest way to relax your genitals is to remove pressure. After sex, some genitals may be a bit bruised so that they need to be aerated first so that the healing can go well.
In addition to helping healing, wearing underwear also can raise the temperature of the genitals. Even though you have been wearing it all day while working. Give rest to the genitals to avoid injury and the chance of infection can decrease.
Another thing that must be considered after sex
In addition to changing underwear or not wearing it after sex, pay attention to afterplay activities below.
Do not go to sleep no matter what the condition. After sex, immediately move to dry the sweat. Clean the bath to remove the dirt. Discard all sweat and pubic fluid that is attached to the body. Men and women must do their genitals in detail. Clean with soap then rinse thoroughly. Wipe with a towel to dry and do not leave it in a wet condition. Always urinate after sex. By doing this the dirt in the genitals, especially the vagina can be removed. If it is difficult to urinate, try to drink 1-2 glasses of water. Drinking water also avoids dehydration. Eat something that can restore energy. You do not have to eat heavy, enough food that can block the stomach so that sleep can be sound.
That is the reason for changing underwear after sex. If you are alone, is a post-sex ritual mandatory?
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Pretty good one. Lol.
Buy I think it's a bit much to chew. The sleep that sweeps you off of your feet after sex leaves an awesome and reinvigorating feeling when you awake. Why should people trade that beauty sleep for a splash of water when they could do it a few hours later anyways. 😁
Tongue in cheek. I am not speaking from experience 😁😁