Hair Loss due to Lupus| Tue Sep 11 2018 02:56:01 GMT+0700 (Waktu Indonesia Barat)

in #health-status7 years ago

Someone asked me

I am a 22-year-old woman, suffering from lupus from August 2015. Taking drug therapy routinely and not being pregnant or breastfeeding. I am indeed from the first illness experiencing loss. But over time, loss is worse than usual. Every comb, shampoo, even sleep. I've read the causes of hair loss on some health sites from lupus is permanent. Can this loss be treated?

answer from me

From the information you convey, the presence of hair loss is one of the complaints that is often felt by patients with lupus. However, not all lupus patients experience hair loss and not all patients with lupus experience complaints of disruptive hair loss.

Some patients with concomitant complaints of skin hair often complain about this condition. This HAL occurs because of a discoid lession on the scalp of patients with lupus. And this condition can occur in the head area, lashes or other skin parts.

In patients who do not experience discoid lession, the possibility of hair growth can occur again. However, in lupus patients with discoid lesions, hair regrowth is a complicating factor.

The treatment that can be done is to control the lupus journey experienced, so that its progression can be controlled and is expected not to give a disturbing implication, either on the skin or in the patient's hair. So, you should not try using hair growth drugs without consulting your doctor.

To help control lupus and control hair loss, you can work on a number of conditions, such as reducing stress, avoiding physical fatigue, avoid sleeping late at night, getting healthy food, not changing hair treatments and exercising according to your ability.

Posted from myAirClinic Healthcare App. Download Android App on Google PLAYSTORE!
