Effects and Uses of Little Known Drugs DRUG #5scopolamine/ floripondio

in #healt7 years ago (edited)


Known as "Burundanga" or "Devil's Drug", scopolamine is a highly toxic drug that is extracted from a plant in the Solanaceae family. It is one of the most commonly used drugs to commit robberies, kidnappings and violations with the consent of the victim because the substance is ground to a fine powder, which is diluted in drinks, cigarettes and once inhaled by the Victim, cancels the will of the victim.

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Scopolamine acts as a depressant in the nerve endings and brain, causing a person, without showing any psychotropic effect, to lose the ability to decide on their actions. The occasion is used by criminals to use the victim in their criminal purposes or to kidnap or rape her. After the effect of the drug, the victim has amnesia.

In addition to criminal purposes, scopolamine is also used in small amounts to prevent and treat dizziness, nausea, colitis and vomiting caused by road, airplane or boat trips. Its sedative action is used in the treatment of Parkinson's.

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Brugamsia flowers are eaten prepared in teas. Its effects begin between 15 and 30 minutes and last up to 72, although each time with less intensity. Scopolamine containing this plant is an anticholinergic agent that works by blocking cholinergic receptors in the brain. As a result the impulses from the nerve terminals are depressed or, if the dose has been elevated, they are stimulated and subsequently depressed.
The lethal dose of scopolamine is around 100 mg. The exact dosage that an infusion of floripondium may contain is not known. Normally a moderate dose is prepared with a flower; Two to three flowers would be a high dose, and larger amounts may be dangerous since the active dose of scopolamine is very close to its lethal dose.
Floripondium intoxication is very dangerous, causes vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias, severe tachycardia, fibrillation, respiratory failure, vascular collapse, seizures and in fatal cases coma and death. At any suspicion a gastric lavage should be applied and the patient should be treated with activated charcoal or with a cholinesterase inhibitor such as physostigmine, and should therefore be considered a medical emergency.
In case of malviaje it is necessary to reassure the person, although it is unlikely to be able to establish a coherent communication with her. It is best to take care of it so that it does not get hurt while the effect lasts and request medical attention if there is any other distinct physical symptom

All parts of Floripondio are toxic. It is said that you sleep well when you put the flowers down or next to your pillow. Some South American and South African Datura species provide very important substances for the pharmaceutical industry. They contain mostly alkaloids used as antiasthmatics.

The safest way to use it is to drink tea



You must pick the ripe flowers, those that are already falling, not the green ones. Only flowers, no stems, no branches, no leaves. The flowers can be red, yellow, white, purple, the same color.
You take them to the house and you wash them well.
Then you take 1, 2 or 3 flowers (depending on the degree of hallucinations you want to have). If it is the first time I recommend you start with 1 flower.
Chop them well and put them in a pot with 500 ml or 1/2 lt of water. (If you are going to do it for more people you have to put more flowers and more water obviously).
You have to put it on the fire and wait until it boils. Continue stirring for 3 to 5 min. And then remove from the fire.
Do not be afraid if it smells bad, it is so.
Then you have to strain the flowers and leave only the liquid.
Wait for it to cool (it gets better if it is cooled)
Then you have to mix the liquid with juice powder as the taste is only very bad, almost inedible.


Hallucinations are very real so you have to remove everything with what you can do damage, such as knives, sharp or pointed things, etc.
After a few minutes (such as 10 or 15) dizziness, visual problems, and thirst begin, the skin becomes flushed.
Then you begin to see things or hear things that are not real. The good thing is that if you start with a low dose, you have notion of this, unlike if you take 3 leaves altiro. You should not put more than 3 leaves if you do not go to the hospital or the cemetery.