Hawk Network – Distributed Intelligent IoT Technology Ecosystem

in #hawk6 years ago


It is not easy to envisage how our world will look like if human as a whole don't have interest in getting better and getting more innovating in bringing new ideas to reality. It is something of interest to know what we are going to value and how are we going to spend our leisure time. These and many other unanswered questions are what many thinks about. But luckily, these line of thoughts only happen in our subconsciousness and does not correlate with the reality on ground as we can all see that there has never been any time when our society is stagnant and every time comes with a new innovations, bringing another breakthrough in one field or the other.

In this writeup of mine, my focus will be about an innovative industry, their intentions & roles with focus on enhancing the quality of many services in various aspects of our daily living. This industry main focus is on IoT and sensors industry and also the well spring data that flow through this sensors. To many, the idea of combining IoT is not new to many but many still don't understand the concept of internet of things (IoT). For those who are just getting to hear it for the first time or those that don't know the basics meaning of it, I will explain it here. IoT sensor is a gadget which compile information about the state of different kinds of things, sending the signals received to the device used for accumulation. The word sensor was first came to limelight in 1999 at the time when people see the reason for the present of sensors in modern day living.

As for now in this 21st century, IoT sensors devices are part of our daily living. These kind of devices are in smart homes, smart devices, water conservation, automotive industry, agriculture industry and many others. We meet devices like this everyday, it can be found before entering the gate of any hypermarket, banks in any country where the gate or door built with IoT sensors send the received the signal to the sliding door or gate which processed the signals and take the necessary action.


But even as there are numerous benefits in IoT sensor devices, most of the current sensor devices are built with out of date system which are used to collect and processed the data received which might distort the data received which could lead to serious issues in the near future. The reason for this is because accuracy and security of this data is very important in this current age. Furthermore, as the inflow of data continues to increase, the need for a responsible and secured transmission of the data increases and since the storage of this data is in centralized platform which is prone to all kinds of failures and anomalies which will include data leakage, the advancement of the environment, it became a serious issue on how to do this in a competent way so that as the use of IoT sensors increases, it will be securely processed without losing the speed of the transmission as well as some important parameters. This needs is the reason for the development of a new blockchain project that focuses on IoT sensors.

The Project & its Features

As you all know that my writing focus everytime is about blockchain projects, so this one that am writing about is no exception to this and it is a blockchain project on which platform there will be combination of millions of IoT sensors of which the environment will be called Hawk Network. It is something worthy to note that this platform will take a structural control of all data compiled by these IoT sensors thereby eliminating leakages & distortion of IoT sensored data. For this to happen, experts in Hawk Network has devised a process and model that can be used to calculate and structure this huge flow of data and an algorithm for processing and storing it. Furthermore, for them to tackle all layer of processes, they developed a unique hardware and many technological means which help them to come up with high capacity Hawk Network for high performance production and ecological processes. All these together create a new global and decentralized network of the IoT.

Those that founded this high capacity IoT sensors environment are two well established companies which are : Canadian UB.GROUP and the blockchain platform Klaytn which is a Korean company called Kakao. The productive partnerships of these two established giants means a well calculated union of developments and also the combination of experience and expertise in many fields. A close look at the two companies will let us see that both companies already have a working model with millions of available audience that can make use of it globally. So, the combined effort of creating Hawk Network is not a pipe dream but quite a possible solution to existing known issues which will bring the world internet of things to a new level of innovation and applications.


To me, the main benefits of making use of an existing infrastructure to process data from IoT sensors within a decentralized ecosystem of the Hawk Network is a high speed data transfer which comply with absolute security and zero distortion in all stages of transmission and storage of data received from these IoT sensors. For them to achieve such high performance within the network, it will only be possible by the combination of high innovative encryption built with digital identifiers and other intelligent terminals which comes together to create a new, non-distortable network known as Hawk Network.

Even more, Hawk Network are equipped with a very indepth technical basis for all its features and other processes that are related to it which are all equipped with an innovative structure of features, benefits and functionalities. In order to talk about all this within this writeup, I don't think there's need for it because there's a technical paper for this which anyone can check out.

Hawk Token

Hawk token is the internal token that power the operation of Hawk Network blockchain ecosystem. This token will be use by users to buy assets from suppliers and also use to make notable contributions the whole ecosystem of Hawk Network. A close look at the technical part of the project reveal to us that the total supply of the token is 20, 000, 000, 000 and also it is an ERC20 compliant token on Ethereum blockchain platform.

Final Notes

In order to bring this to an end, I will like to say again that this Hawk Network is highly innovative. This innovation can be traced to all levels of its creation and infrastructure of the entire ecosystem of Hawk Network ecosystem. Am happy to be part of those promoting an innovative project like this which is being run by two well established companies from Canada and South Korea.

Useful Links
WEBSITE: https://hawk.cool
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/HawkGlobalGroup
WHITEPAPER: https://hawk.cool/HAWK%20WP-EN0622.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5175545.msg52160373#msg52160373/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/hawk.hkc
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/hawk_HKC
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@heiyingqishihawk
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hawk-hkc-1533a7176/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/hawk_hkc/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLG-QRdNnTtefgU_LvSA3aA?view_as=subscriber
GITHUB: https://github.com/hawk-network/hawk-fullnode

Written by Morrin