Harry Potter Themes Based on Mental Illness??

in #harrypotter7 years ago

I recently had a VERY interesting therapy session. She was suggesting books to me and mentioned that her favorite book was "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." Why? Because she works in mental health and noticed something interesting about some of the dark creatures.

Who remembers Dementors?

Dementors symbolize depression. They come in and suck the happiness out of you. They drain you. They bring back terrible memories and make you weak. Ron comments in the movie when a Dementor is near that he feels as if "he could never be cheerful again."

Okay, so how do you fight off a Dementor?

The Patronus spell. How do you perform this spell? Imagine the happiest moments of your life. Remember all the love you share with friends and family. This makes the Dementors fade away, and it also helps Depression go away!

Then, what helps you heal after you've been "drained" by a Dementor? Chocolate!
Chocolate creates endorphins in your brain. This is true! Chocolate is what a lot of people crave when they're sad.

So, Dementors are like Depression. Here's the second one.

The Boggart!
This creature shape shifts into your worst fear when you stand in front of it.

This isn't really symbolic of a mental illness, just Fear.
I love the way J.K. Rowling shows us how to deal with fear. Imagine something funny. Your brain literally can't be afraid and laugh at the same time.

Ron puts roller-skates on his spider. Neville puts his grandmother's clothes on Snape. Lupin turns a full moon into a balloon.
How can YOU turn your fears into something funny?

That's all I've got for today.

Have fun battling your dark creatures, friends ;)


I like your post. Had the therapist made the connection or just you?

She made the connection, so I asked if I could share her thoughts :)