HappyChallenge: What goes around comes around

in #happychallenge7 years ago

HappyChallenge was born from our desire to help more people improve their lives and take advantage from brain plasticity when pointing each day happy moments.
To see more about why we've started this project and your advantages if joining please read HappyChallenge - What we propose and why you should join.
Long story short:

  1. Write your own post with your happy moments of the day, 80 words minimum and use #happychallenge as first hashtag.
  2. Comment to this post with a link to your post.
  3. Resteem this post.
  4. There will be 2 winners daily, sharing the payment this post will receive.
  • the user with the biggest number of upvotes on his post
  • a user chosen by me and @djvidov based on content and representative image attached.

happychallenge v02.png

Yesterday's Winners

They will share in 7 days the liquidity amount from HappyChallenge: Nothing compares with an afternoon nap.

What made me happy today?

I was telling you some days ago that I love to read. What I did not tell you is that there were some books I could not finished even if they were very good ones.
The first example I can think of is The Glass Bead Game of Hermann Hesse. I've had 2 tentatives to read it when everyone around me did but I just couldn't. Couple of years later I felt that is the moment for it and it became one of my favorites.
The same happened with My name is Red by Orhan Pamuk. I've bought it almost 10 years ago. I struggled 3 times in less than 1 year to read but I was not able to.
This weekend I've rediscovered it and now I don't feel any effort in understanding and appreciating it.

Next on my list of books/ authors I did not felt yet appealing is Murakami but I'll get there one day.
Happy me there are so many great books in this world...

I can't wait to read about all your happy moments. It is proved that when we surround ourselves with happy people our life improves so thank you in advance for making mine better.
Please share the link in a comment, starting now for 24 hours:)


Good time for reading in Constanta, too. Let it rain :)

Indeed, a lot of reading today all. Took 2 days off as I deserve it

I don't know if i qualify with my post or not but i really found the concept really interesting so i post as well one blog in happychallenge.
Here is my link:

I would say this is more than qualified:) thank you for sharing.

Really!!! Wow thanks a lot for adding me!

Welcome! the only thing you've missed, to resteem this post:) But I'm sure you'll do it from now

And I have a book which I can't finish.
But not for the same reason :)

What is your reason?

I don't know. The book's name is The seven habits of highly effective people.

I think this post have number 667 ! ;)


Follow :)

You are very right my friend, excellent post

Thank you for the appreciation. What is that you found excellent?