Happy Birthday to Momma @ 52

in #happybirthday10 months ago

Some people believe that some days are special, others believe everyday is the same.
I fall on the later.


Notwithstanding, I celebrate with those who hold most days to be special and it is with such that I celebrate the best woman in the world today.

Yes you heard that right, she is my mommy. The best there is and the best that will be.

Letter to Momma

Heavens blessed me with you and if I was to be reincarnated a thousand times, God knows I'll still ask to be your son.
I love you so much and it pains me everyday that I am not able to take care of you the way I want.
You have worked so hard and are still working so hard to take care of me and my siblings.
I do not know how you do it sometimes, most times when there is no hope you make a way as if you were some god.


I remember how you were always a shield I could run to, you are like a mother hen under whose wings I could run to whenever dad started maltreating me.

On this special day of yours I pray for good health, I do not wish any sickness to befall you because there is so much I want to do for you momma.

I pray that you live long so that you can see your grand children and instil in them godly attributes you possess.

Finally I pray that God blessed me so as to being able to take care of you in old age.


Happy Birthday Mommy
I love you


Happy birthday🥳 to my mother in-law
Wishing you long life and prosperity♥️♥️