11:11 Coach Daily Journal Excerpts
Tuesday February 20, 2018
Exclusive Prices - Must See

Exclusive Prices - Must See
Let Me Remember to Honor The Divine with Peace
One Day My Soul Just Opened Up ~ Iyanla Vanzant
and tranquility derived from
the awareness of peace.
Thought, word, and deed
produced in response to a desire
to create, promote, or maintain a state of peace.
Let me remember...
To have peace, I must be PEACEFUL.
I can choose PEACE in all situations.
Nothing in the world can disturb the PEACE I create within.
I welcome others to join me in PEACE.
I am so thankful and appreciative of the time I am able to remain peaceful and the times that I am not. It shows me exactly where in my core I need to work on at the root. Anything that can disturb my peace is getting way too much of my attention from me. Nevertheless, should it be difficult for me to remain peaceful in the future, I will remember the harmony that I desire and that only peace will get me there and help me to maintain it.~ The 11:11 Coach
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
It's Time For EFT for Wealth
Tap over your heart lightly and repeat the Affirmations Flashing in the Gif until you feel them. 17 seconds or more is perfect!
John Randolph Price
Specializing in assisting aspiring entrepreneurs integrate Health, Spirituality & Money for a Masterpiece of a Life!
Whole Life Spiritual & Beauty Coach, Crypto Mentor, Social Media and Online Business Building Coach
[email protected]
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Thanks so much for the love...done!