Chrono Trigger game guide part 3

in #happy7 years ago

Hi guys this game is very difficult
I think this game is likely final fantasy
series but more attractive .Confused
Quest and more thinks about so ...
The Main Quest is all you must do in order to win the game. Let's get started
shall we

walthrought part 3

Viper Manor ~~ Another World

Talk to the Porre guards, and they'll welcome Lynx right in. Once again,
whichever chests you opened will still be open, since time hasn't changed
THAT much. Enter the manor itself, and you'll see what's going on. Some Porre
guards and interrogating Riddel, and Norris (the other Norris) is opposed
to their plans but can't really talk. So Riddel's taken to the dungeon, and
Porre's ultimate superweapon, Grobyc (cyborg spelled backwards), steps out.
He's another person who's only interested in fighting.

Anyway... start by heading into the eastern hall, and enter the door on the
far right. Put Zoah in the front of your party and open it for his lv. 7
tech, which is Toss&Spike. Allocate it immediately, and though you can't get
it off... hey, who wants to? Now head into the western hall and enter the
door on the very far side, talking to the other Norris there. He too will

Go through the water, over to the upper side, and take a left upstairs and
up the ladder to get to the dungeon of Viper Manor. You can't get into the
prison because a Porre guard is in the way, but just head up and through the
door on the left to reach the beginning of these sewers again. Enter the
water through the very, very far upper right, and keep hugging up to reach a
walkway. YEAH WE OUTTA THE STORMY WATERS MAN! Not quite yet, though. Follow
this extensively long path to reach another virtual maze.

Start by heading to the upper left and following that path to the left, and
spin the wheel at the end to open a gate. Let's not fiddle with that quite
yet, though. Instead, go out through the upper right exit, and follow the
path to reach a valve. Tighten it, and then return to the previous room, and
now we can fiddle with the gate. =P Take the lower left path to enter the
water, and continue going to the right.

Head up the stairs and keep following the path down and to the right, then
finally up, to find a Nimble element. Gah, who cares about Nimble / Numble...
it's all in EagleEye / BatEye. Rant over. Head a bit down and enter the
water through the small passage around the corner, and follow over to the
left. Head up the ladder to fiddle with the valve, opening it this time. Now
a path is open to the right... 'cept you can't take it without being
attacked by the ugliest creature in the game. Hmmm... anger.

\ Boss: Roachester Party: Lynx, Zoah, Harle \
Attacks: HP - 1245 ||
- physical attack Innate - Blue ||
- JitterBug Difficulty - Easy ||
- BugKamikaze ||
This fight, to give it some credit, is not the easiest fight in the entire
game, like some people deem it. However, it's pretty close to that. First
of all, Roachester is hellishly slow, and second of all, its physical
attack is somewhere between 70-90 damage, JitterBug is about 100 damage to
the party, and BugKamikaze is about 100-110 damage. That's ALL that this
boss has to offer, so you have to seriously be lagging to get knocked out
by that before you can get rid of a miniscule 1245 HP.

And you even get a Star Level for that pitiful joke of a boss. Just head up
the ladder and move on, to find three ladders. Head up the one on the right,
and you'll end up right in Fargo's cell. Obviously he'll think you're Lynx,
but after Zoah explains it, the prison cell door is unlocked, and Fargo is
off to free the other prisoners. Make sure you use the Record of Fate on the
right, and then head into the room there, to find Riddel and Dark Orcha.
Let's get cookin', man! In the inverse, of course... oh, whatever.

\ Boss: Hell's Cook Party: Lynx, Zoah, Harle \
Attacks: HP - 2800 ||
- physical attack Innate - Red ||
- SpiceOfLife Difficulty - Easy ||
- Fireball ||
- FirePillar ||
Hell's Cook, or Dark Orcha, has quite a sum of attacks to inflict damage
upon your group with, plus a lot of HP, but he's really not that bad at
all. For one thing, he's just as slow as Roachester was, and what's more,
even FirePillar is only 150 damage or so, and not something that you need
to heavily concern yourself with. SpiceOfLife, which he'll use later in
the fight, will heal him for 50 HP or so, and isn't exactly some big
attack which will hurt you and your big bucks.

I find physical attacks to work better than most Elements here, although
if you have a Deluge handy on any character, that'll do some pretty
decent damage. But I'd stick more with stuff like GlideHook, Toss&Spike,
Gyronimo, and Lunairetic, plus Strengthen and such will help. Just heal
when necessary, it's really that simple.

Orcha will return to normal after that, with the soldiers running out,
saying that Lynx has gone mad. 'Course he's not THAT Lynx, but I digress.
Orcha wants to make it up to you, so he'll join you. And although he's
pretty decent, don't put him in your party yet. On the first floor, Norris
takes Riddel out of the premises, and you're free to distract the soldiers.
Head upstairs to fight two very weak Porre PVTs and a Porre SGT, and after
Level 1: Bushwhacker, GravityBlow, Fireball, AquaBeam, Uplift
Level 2: IceLance, MagmaBomb, AeroSaucer, ElectroJolt, Heal
Level 3: Bushbasher, Gravitonne, AquaBall, DragonRider, RecoverAll
Level 4: AeroBlaster, MeteorShower, HealAll, IceBlast, Strengthen
Level 5: Inferno, Inferno, AxialAxe
Level 6: FreeFall, HolyLight, ThundaStorm Trap*
Level 7: Tornado

  • If you don't have a ThundaStorm Trap, just put Tornado there and leave the
    Lv. 7 space empty since it'll be filled up pretty soon, trust me.

When you party is done being allocated, just head all the way through the
Isle of the Damned by heading down the bone bridge and then up to the next
area, and heading around and into the cave, to meet none other than our
good friends Solt and Peppor! Remember these guys? Now they aren't after
Serge or Lynx, they're after Karsh. And why is that? Because they think he
killed Sir Dario.

Enter a very long flashback with Karsh and Dario training, and then Riddel
comes along to give them and Glenn bellflowers. Yet Karsh can only stare, as
years later, Dario and Riddel are pledged to be married. Then later, in a
trip with Karsh, Dario, Solt, and Peppor, Karsh and Dario went ahead, and
they found the Masamune... yet Karsh struck Dario down with it, jealous of
his swordsmanship and how he won Riddel's heart. So Solt and Peppor want to
avenge Dario, although it technically wasn't Karsh's fault.

\ Boss: Solt / Peppor Party: Lynx, Fargo, Karsh \
Attacks (Solt): HP - 900 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- Strengthen Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- ThundaStorm ||
- Earthquake
Attacks (Peppor): HP - 1000 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- HiRes Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- Earthquake ||
- CrossCut
You've been waiting for it for a while, and now you get it: a serious
fight against Solt and Peppor that isn't painstakingly easy. This one IS
still easy, but not quite as much. For one thing, Solt's attacks will now
do up to 150 damage, plus they even use strong Elements. Not to mention
that Solt will use Strengthen on himself to boost his power, so people like
Karsh might quite easily be in trouble here.

Peppor has the potential of doing 250-300 damage at times, when he chains
6-7 attacks up. Of course, he's slow to begin with and won't be doing that
much, but you will have to look out for him. As for magic, Earthquake is
nothing; it might do 100 damage to Karsh, but only 50-60 to Lynx and Fargo.
However, Fargo may quite easily be in danger if he gets hit by CrossCut,
so watch out for that. Also, if you have a ThundaStorm trap, use it because
Solt WILL cast it. This fight really isn't as bad as I made it sound, but
just use RecoverAll, HealAll, and CureAll, and also Tornado, which is great.

After that battle, Karsh will learn his lv. 7 tech, Axiomatic, and Solt and
Peppor will come to an understand with him. He's clearly not an evil
person, so there's no reason to hold anything against him. They'll also
give him a Memento Pendant, which will be important later. Now that that's
done, head to Opassa Beach and to the Home World, and with this same party,
head to the yellow looking island to the north. You also might want to forge
some Stone Mails and a Stone Swallow with the Denadorites that Solt and
Peppor drop, using the Smith Spirit.

--- Earth Dragon Isle ~~ Home World ----------------------------

Not much going on here... pretty much everyone is bored because there's
absolutely nothing to see. Still, just head forward and you'll be stopped by
a guy warning you that there's nothing but quicksand up ahead. Haha... like
that'll stop anyone. Just walk forward, and then get sucked into a big pool
of quicksand. So funny. But anyway, this is the cave and real portion of
Earth Dragon Isle.

The sand here will pretty much walk you in one direction, but try to fall
over to the right. From there, take the lower path down past an enemy to
find a Mythril. Now take the ladder down to the right by going back up, and
there's nothing there but one big hole. Yeah, this place IS fairly
geological, underground and all that. Jump into that hole to find out that
it's a sand boil. The captain of the excavation here will be really
surprised that you're alive, when you jump out.

Since there's something blocking the way in here, the captain tells you to
come back later. That's easy, just leave the place and then immediately
come back, then jumping into the quicksand. And this, take the path on the
left down, and follow it all the way over to the left for another Mythril.
At the bottom, talk to the guy by the exit, and he'll tell you that the
enemies you'll see here are called Rockroaches, and he'll give you some
nice good Explosives. Burn, baby, burn. Have a blast with those.

Take the lower exit out, and when you come to a fork down there, head to the
left and follow that path to find a Denadorite... oooh. Now take the path on
the right and examine the Rockroach at the end. It doesn't move, so use the
Explosive on it, and BURN, BABY! DISCO INFENRO, YA MAMA! It'll fall down
below, into a hole. Just ignore that, and head back over to the left and down
the ladder. Talk to the researcher over there if you want, and he'll tell
you that you want to attack this next Rockroach when it's near the cliff.

As for the Rockroaches themselves, they're not that powerful, they just use
Trap elements and take a while to take down. But anyway, when you've finished
it off, push it into the hole down there, and now head down and over to the
far right for a Denadorite. Now head back over to the left and down the
ladder, to find a Rockroach to the right. And since it won't move, you gotta
beat it up. That's always the strategy, beat stuff up.

Also, did I mention that the Rockroaches drop Denadorites? Very useful,
that. After that, examine it and then push it into the sand boil, then head
up to the central sand boil. Jump in it to reach the upper regions of the
cavern, which is sweet. Just follow the path to the inner sanctum and such.
There's a Record of Fate there, which I HIGHLY suggest using. Examine the
sand, and after a while, the Earth Dragon will jump down. Say that you want
the Dragon God's blessing, and then confront its trials like a man, I say.

\ Boss: Earth Dragon Party: Lynx, Fargo, Karsh \
Attacks: HP - 3100 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- GiddyBreath Difficulty - Easy ||
- NaturalGas ||
- Catastrophe ||
There are three easy dragons, and three hard dragons, and the Earth
Dragon is the easiest of all six of them. So what better place to start
with than him? But anyway, the reason you wanted to save so much at the
entrance was in case you missed when stealing. Each dragon has a certain
elemental plate with them, and if you steal that, you can equip it on a
character and they'll absorb that element. EXTREMELY useful, and although
the Yellow Plate isn't the most crucial, you'll still want it in your
inventory just in case.

The Earth Dragon's attacks are not very damaging. I mean it, its physical
attacks do 140 damage at the VERY most, GiddyBreath is pitiful at about
30 damage to Karsh (about 10 damage to anyone else) and Sprain. As for
NaturalGas and the (extremely rare) Catastrophe, those are slightly more
powerful, but really won't hurt your party for more than 100 damage. Also,
it's VERY easy to change the whole field color here, since the Earth Dragon
generally just uses physical attacks. I managed FrogPrince here for nearly
500 damage, and plus it'll really help if you get the whole field green,
and then use Tornado.

And with that, you'll get the Yellow Relic. Feel free to save again at this
point, and you can always disassemble that Yellow Plate later if you don't
want it. ;) Do NOT do that now, though. Head back the way you can, jump
into the sand boil, and head back to the entrance and out of this place.
That's one out of six dragons (yeah this is turning into Fort Dragonia
episode two), and the next one in my book is the Water Dragon. There's
something to do first though.

VIIi. The Water Dragon

With that Earth Dragon successfully out of the way (and with a Yellow Plate, to
boot!), there's one thing that you may want to do, so that you can easily get
into Guldove for material trading, and also for fun with blue elementals... head
to Another Guldove.

--- Guldove ~~ Another World ----------------------------

The Porre officers are occupying this village, and having trouble because
Orlha (remember her, she's the bartender?), is putting up a huge resistance,
and everyone is scared to death of her because a woman should be more
"gentle and ladylike". Hahaha. Apparently news from Viper Manor doesn't
travel very fast, but the officers believe Lynx is on their side. Heh...
and with that, Orlha will put an end to you as well.

\ Boss: Orlha Party: Lynx, Fargo, Karsh \
Attacks: HP - 1800 ||
- Multipunch Innate - Blue ||
- Strengthen Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- Iceberg ||
A lot of people seem to think that this fight is really hard, and although
Orlha's Iceberg packs one nasty punch, this fight isn't really that bad at
all. The problem with it is that Orlha has very high evasion, so elements
work well here. With Inferno on as many characters as I had, this fight
won't last very long, and plus physical techs are extremely powerful here;
CannonBalls, DragonRider, Axiomatic... that kind of thing. This fight will
be over before it even began, as long as you can hit her to get your power
levels up.

With that, the Porre officers are about to take Orlha in, but Karsh and Fargo
don't let her, since they as "commanding officers" order them to report back
to headquarters while Lynx takes care of the village. Pretty smart. They
take Orlha to the clinic, and as proof that Lynx has the soul of Serge and
needs to change back, Orlha gives him a Sapphire Brooch to return to her
when he gets his body back. Now that you're done, exit and trade materials
with the guy at the entrance if you want, and then leave for Home Water
Dragon Isle.

--- Water Dragon Isle ~~ Home World ----------------------------

I recommend putting Zappa into the party, since my party for the dragon
battles is always Lynx, Fargo, and a character of the opposite element.
Your only choice is either Zappa or Orcha, and I personally prefer Zappa, so
head into Water Dragon Isle and get ready to kick some dragon. It's the
same place with no new stuff, so just head to the very end of the place,
fight the Sidesteppas, and continue to the Water Dragon's lair to confront
its trials.

\ Boss: Water Dragon Party: Lynx, Fargo, Zappa \
Attacks: HP - 2800 ||
- physical attack Innate - Blue ||
- TsunamiBeam Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- IceBreath ||
- Deluge ||
The Water Dragon is another one of the easy dragons (as you can guess,
the Earth, Water, and Green Dragons are the easy ones, and the Fire, Black,
and Sky Dragons are the hard ones). As for the dragon itself, its physical
attack is only between 90 and 170 damage or so, so don't worry about that.
TsunamiBeam will hit the party for about 70-80 damage, but Zappa harder so.
As for IceBreath, that's annoying at a little more than that. Deluge is
very weak, only doing about 40 damage to Lynx and Fargo, and 80 to Zappa.
It's not really something to worry about.

I would recommend physical attacks for a good portion of this fight, and
keeping the power levels high. While the Water Dragon isn't much stronger,
he's a lot faster than the Earth Dragon, and you'd be surprised how
quickly he can turn the whole field blue. So be ready to heal with stuff
like HealAll and CureAll when necessary, preferably HealAll because you
wouldn't want to help the cause of turning the field blue. And from there
on... this fight shouldn't be that bad.

Did I mention that after all of these fights, you'll get the 8/0 summon of
that element? So in the Water Dragon's case, BlueWhale. Anyway, after you
get the Blue Relic, leave to the Record of Fate. The next dragon of my
choice is the Green Dragon, so you have a choice of Norris, Viper, or Zoah.
I like to pick Viper here for some variety, plus he's the only one with a
free lv. 7 space. When you're ready...

VIIj. The Green Dragon

As per usual, there's something to do here before going on to Home Hydra
Marshes. Start by going to Another Hydra Marshes, and yes, my apologies for
making you go back and forth.

--- Hydra Marshes ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Yeah, the water's still poison, but just walk through and head to the
western side of the area. It'll only do 15-20 damage to your party anyway,
it's nothing really dangerous. As you head forward you'll find two goblins
harassing a Beeba. Choose to help out, and just knock the crap out of them.
I finished them both off in one character's turn anyway, so they can't be
that bad. The Beeba will give you an Ancient Fruit for helping it out, and
you can continue.

Head forward, and up the ramp on the right, heading left for an ElectroJolt.
Are you friggin' KIDDING ME? Oh well. Continue to the next screen on the
right, and talk to the captain to get Safety Gear. Yay, now you can walk all
around the face with ease. Jump into the hole while you're at it, to see the
ghost of a Hi-Ho Dwarf. After some lamenting about the dead forest, a spawn
of the dead will come up to attack.

\ Boss: De-Hydrate Party: Lynx, Fargo, Viper \
Attacks: HP - 1001 ||
- GravityBlow Innate - Black ||
- Gravitonne Difficulty - Easy ||
- BlackHole ||
This fight is such a pathetic joke, I'm VERY hesitant to include it as a
boss battle. I'm talking easier than Guillot here, although it does use
BlackHole, which may be a couple instant deaths. As for its normal attacks,
they do 0 damage, GravityBlow is 0 damage, and Gravitonne is probably 0
damage too. And BlackHole is so rare that that's nothing to worry about.
Just finish this fight off in a couple hits; HolyLight might finish it off
in one.

There is no telling good from bad, right apart from wrong... you'll collect
a HydraShadow tech, which is the lv. 5 tech for a character you don't even
have yet! Oh well, preparation never hurts. Collect the Pendragon Sigil B,
and heal the Sprain that your party is probably under. And here would be,
generally, where you get the hell out of here and leave for Home Hydra

I will also note that if you STILL don't have Trap Elements, what with my
persistent nagging at trapping them from enemies, as well as my insistence
on you purchasing them way back at Marbule before you even went to Mount
freaking Pyre for the first time, that you get them now. Particularly
Carnivore, and any 6/2 elements that you don't have yet (personally I had
them all at this point but I'm in the minority here). Also, you might want to
stock up on Medicines, Antidotes, Braces, and Ointments. Moving on.

--- Hydra Marshes ~~ Home World ----------------------------

Head over to the same area you were at earlier in Another Hydra Marshes, and
you'll get attacked by a Beeba. So very easy... just beat him up before he
can call his friends, it's the same Beeba that you fought waaay back when you
were saving Kid. After that, he'll give you Ancient Fruit if you don't have
it, and tell you how to get to Gaea's Navel. So for that, head to the next
screen and to the far right, where a Beeba is standing, and select the Beeba
Flute from the items. Fly, fly away.

--- Gaea's Navel ~~ Home World ----------------------------

Some "Holy Ground" this place is. All the same, the music here is really
damn funky, so dig it while you can. You'll be hearing it a lot, I assure
you. Did I mention this place reminds me of 65,000,000 BC Chrono Trigger?
The similarities just get bigger when a girl named Leah, who resembles Ayla,
will come down and temporarily join you (she won't leave Gaea's Navel,
though). She's very strong, but I'd leave Viper in the party, at least for

The "master" of this place comes out when all the enemies are defeated, so
prepare to fight a lot of battles here. But anyway, take the path to the
far right up for a Denadorite, then back around over to the lower left and
up the ladder that Leah was at the top of at the scene, to get a Green
Brooch, but get attacked by a Pterodact. See what I said, 65,000,000 BC!
After that's gone, head to the left for a new screen. There's a Record of
Fate here too, which I would advise using.

Head up the vine there, and follow the branch path for a Denadorite. Another
Pterodact will attack you, but oh well, nothing better than beating up on
prehistoric creatures, right? Head all the way back down, and up the small
path on the left. To the right is another Denadorite, and if you climb down
the vine ladder on the lower left and follow the path to the far right,
you'll find yet another Denadorite! So this is the Stone Age, eh? Close
enough to 65,000,000 BC. ;]

Take the path to the left over to the next screen, and follow it all the way
left and up for another Denadorite. Then climb up the ladder and head to the
right, following the path through an enemy for YET ANOTHER Denadorite. And
as for the Pterodact which would obviously be here, just climb the vine at
the upper side and follow the path around for your seventh Denadorite here
so far. Nyuk nyuk nyuk. But anyway, that's all for treasure. The only thing
left to do is keep killing monsters, keep on stompin' 'em, in all three
screens. Eventually, in the first screen, the "master" appears.

\ Boss: Tyrano Party: Lynx, Fargo, Viper \
Attacks: HP - 1600 ||
- physical attack Innate - Red ||
- CrunchOut Difficulty - Easy ||
Another pathetic joke battle, the Tyrano (another prehistoric reference)
will have a Pterodact accompanying it, but it doesn't really matter, since
they're both weak, red elementals. As for Tyrano, I'm not even sure that
CrunchOut is his only tech, because he dies so fast it's impossible to
tell. Either way, none of his attacks will top 110-120 damage, and he's not
exactly very fast either. Deluge, Iceberg, CannonBalls, etc. from Fargo
will put both Tyrano and the overshadowed Pterodact out of their glory very

And the Green Dragon awakens, at that loud outcry. You'll be taken right to
his area, but I strongly suggest going back and saving, unless you want to
suffer through using Pillage and missing. Approach the Green Dragon, to

Leah will join your party after the Green Dragon gives you the Green Relic,
thinking that fighting monsters like that is fun. Oh you wish. Might want
to equip your new Carnivore elements while you're at it, and now that we're
done fiddling around in Gaea's Navel, call the Wingapede in the center of
the area, and return to Hydra Marshes, make your way out, and let's start the
"hard" dragons.

VIIk. The Fire Dragon

Here's where it all gets tough. But while it's on whomever's mind, wouldn't you
agree that now would be a perfect opportunity to pick up some Lv. 7 techs?
After all, it's only two more Star Levels, and several characters will already
get theirs, so you might as well have as many people as you can get theirs,
although Karsh and Zoah already have theirs.

Norris - enter Viper Manor with Norris in your party, and talk to Another
Norris with Home Norris. TopShot is your reward... although Norris
doesn't even have a Lv. 7 space yet. =P

Orcha - head to Home Arni Village with Orcha leading your party, and enter
        the resturant. Talk to Orcha's brother behind the counter for an
        "experiment"... and the tech.

Janice - that is, of course, assuming that you HAVE her... head to the Bend
of Time, which is the island southeast of the continent, with
Janice at the front of your party, and talk to the monster there.

You'll get much more of them besides those three later, don't worry. In the
meantime, head to Another Mount Pyre.

--- Mount Pyre ~~ Another World ----------------------------

This place has changed a little bit, in that the entrance to Fort Dragonia
has been blocked off. But anyway, I know that I usually recommend Lynx,
Fargo, and a character of the opposite innate to the dragon, but you already
have Fargo, plus you don't have enough blue elements to distribute between
Fargo and Marcy, so I'd just bring Starky here, since you'll be using him
for the Black Dragon anyway. So Starky's just a lucky guy.

The path to the Fire Dragon is different than the one to Fort Dragonia...
head to the second screen and to the right, and from there, take the left
slide down, and the passage to the right. Continue up, and you'll reach a
new screen, with a lava fall. Ouch... still, you can walk it up to get a
Pendragon Sigil A and a Poultice Cap by following the path. But supposing
you're done there, head back down to the normal path. In the next screen,
talk to the small Fire Dragon, aaandd...

\ Boss: Fire Dragon Party: Lynx, Fargo, Starky \
Attacks: HP - 3400 ||
- physical attack - Inferno Innate - Red ||
- FireBreath - Strengthen Difficulty - Medium ||
- FieryBreath ||
This fight will start off against that measly little dragon whom you met
on your first way through Mount Pyre, who was somewhat hard but not really
much of a Dragon God. Yep, it's the same dragon, and this time around, it's
pathetic. Do NOT start stealing the Red Plate yet, though... hit it with
physical attacks, not bothering with elements, and charge your power levels
up full way. And soon enough, it'll ascend, grow much bigger muscles, and
look at least semi-Dragon Godly.

And NOW you can steal the Red Plate, but I'll let you know that this fight
is definitely one of the harder Dragon God battles. Why? Two words:
FireBreath. This tech will do 220 damage to your whole party, and it's
not like that's all. The Fire Dragon has Inferno for about 130 damage, and
Strengthen + physical attacks, which can really add up on one character.
So make healing absolutely essential, being ready to heal at any point, and
meanwhile, elements work well in this fight. If you have WeakMinded on any
one character, this would be a good battle to use it.

That makes another dragon beaten, and the Red Relic is now in your hands. So
at this point, feel free to get the hell out of here, and prepare for my
personal favorite event in the entire game: saving Marbule from the
Lagoonates, in the Home World, which falls directly into defeating the Black

VIIl. The Black Dragon

Return to the Home World, and prepare for one of the more entertaining things to
do in the entire game, coupled with absolutely godlike music to accompany it
(and in battles too, no less!). Prepare for this accord, with Starky still in
your party, and leave for the S.S. Zelbess.

--- S.S. Zelbess ~~ Home World ----------------------------

Head all the way up to Fargo's room, which is pretty much inside the ship,
and in the room to the upper left. Inside, talk with Fargo with Another Fargo
in your party, and Home Fargo will pretty much get dissed. Then Another Fargo
walks up to the mic and says that the Zelbess's new name is the Invincible,
and that Marbule is about to be taken back to the beautiful world it used to
be. SWEET!

And before Nikki performs the song in Marbule, you get to watch an opera.
Heh... I'm not gonna describe the whole thing in detail, but basically Nikki
is a mariner, lost and alone, betrayed by his friends, and gets rescued by
Miki, who's a fairy or something or other here. And in return, she wants
music. Nikki is taught to perform by the fairies, and can eventually convey
emotion with it. Winning Miki with it, they babble and then join hands.
Yeah, that's an opera all right.

With the opera done, Home Fargo seems to be watching this and coming to his
senses at least to some extent. And meanwhile, Lynx and crew head down to
the boat, and Another Fargo thinks of what the other one said, and to protect
Zelbess, unleashes his lv. 7 tech, Invincible. And thus the godly music plays
to take you all the way through Marbule with it. Just hop on the boat, and
let's ROCK ON!

--- Marbule ~~ Home World ----------------------------

The Great Explorer Toma and Ash are both petrified of the Lagoonates, which
have pretty much multiplied. Plus if this is the dream... the dreamer must
be much worse (hey, it's the Black Dragon, 'course that's bad). Anyway, to
clear this island out, you've got to take out ALL of the Lagoonates. And
trust me, that's not hard, because this remixed Marbule theme plays in both
the field and battles, which is really damn sweet.

Second of all, the Lagoonates might have really been something when Sprigg
Doppelganged into them, but as enemies they're pansies. Just use Inferno on
them for about 300+ damage, and you'll be done with that really fast. If
they use a Trap element, however, for god's sake DON'T use Inferno, because
that's just plain stupid. There are also a couple Lagoonates in the Black
Dragon cave, too, so make sure you do that. Once they're all gone, you'll
hear a roar in the distance... now go to Another Marbule.

--- Marbule ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Talk around to people if you want, they'll tell you that the Black Dragon
has awakened. If you STILL don't have those traps, might as well get them
now, since the Black Dragon uses FreeFall. When you're ready, head to its
cavern, and it'll use you as its exercise to return to its energy after that
long sleep.

\ Boss: Black Dragon Party: Lynx, Fargo, Starky \
Attacks: HP - 3900 ||
- physical attack - SealAll Innate - Black ||
- DarkBreath - FreeFall Difficulty - Medium ||
- GravityBomb - AntiWhite ||
Now HERE is a decent powered boss who's relatively difficult, but quite
winnable with a correct strategy! A perfect boss, the Black Dragon is a
fairly good opponent, but the very first thing you want to do is steal the
Black Plate, cuz that's by far the most important one of all six of them.
And also, I'd recommend setting a FreeFall Trap, because that spell will
end up coming up sooner or later. As for BlackHole, I've never seen him
use it, but if he does, please verify that via email. Thanks!

Anyway, the Black Dragon's physical attacks are relatively powerful,
DarkBreath is about 100 damage to Lynx and Fargo, moreso to Starky, but
GravityBomb will be the major killer, dropping your HP by a certain
percentage that I'm not sure of (about a third or so), but trust me that
it can very easily hurt. And the Black Dragon ALSO uses AntiWhite, so I'd
advise you get in UltraNova and HolyLight as quickly as possible, and if
you have more time, get in Starky's techs, too.

You might want to have your HP as high as possible at all times, because
the Black Dragon uses SealAll at some point, yet he can still use
GravityBomb and physical attacks, which can be more than 150-160 damage.
About three turns of not being able to heal will REALLY hurt, trust me.
So finish this fight quickly, which is a difficult task because of the
dragon's high HP, and watch out for FreeFall, which can very easily hurt.
And PILLAGE THE BLACK PLATE! I can't stress that enough.

Now that that fight's over, you'll get the Black Relic (plus the GrimReaper
summon), and the world's all peachy. Or whatever. Leave this place, and now
it's time for the shortest section of all the dragons: the one with the
Sky Dragon.

VIIm. The Sky Dragon

There's not much to do between the Black Dragon and the Sky Dragon... you've
ALMOST got into the Sea of Eden to stop Serge, but not quite. Only one more
dragon, which I would definitely recommend UltraNova traps against. And on a
side note, you may have noticed that some people got their lv. 7 techs, Lynx
especially. His ForeverZero tech will be especially useful against the Sky
Dragon, as will Grobyc, who hasn't got it yet, but I'd bring him in, simply
because he kicks ass. When you're ready... to Another Sky Dragon Isle.

--- Sky Dragon Isle ~~ Another World ----------------------------

You know this place well enough by now to not have to have my guidance
through it... still, just head up the stairs twice, and you'll come face
to face with the Sky Dragon. Now you'll REALLY be tested on your worthiness
of entering the Sea of Eden!

\ Boss: Sky Dragon Party: Lynx, Fargo, Grobyc \
Attacks: HP - 3800 ||
- physical attack - NullState Innate - White ||
- WhiteBreath - Magnify Difficulty - Semi-Hard ||
- HolyBreath - UltraNova ||
- HolyHealing
This fight is... eh, not the hardest fight in the game, but one that can
possibly give you a run for your money. It's my choice as the hardest
fight of the six dragons, but still, if you beat Miguel, this fight is
nothing, especially with two black elementals. So just think of this as a
similar challenge: you're fighting it with Lynx and Grobyc, you need to win
and stay alive and such. And as per usual, steal the White Plate before
doing anything.

The physical attacks, as usual, can do as little as 100 damage to as much
as 220. WhiteBreath is a joke, it'll only do about 30-40 damage at the
very most. And as for NullState, that'll just increase the Sky Dragon's
magical defense. It starts getting bad when he uses Magnify, though, and
that'll increase the damage of elements by 1.5x. It works in your
advantage, though, but when he uses HolyBreath, expect about 350 damage on
your party. That is one seriously powerful attack, and UltraNova is about
400-450 damage to Lynx and Grobyc. That will ALMOST, if not outright,
kill one of them at full HP.

So as opposed to Garai and Miguel, this boss's stronger attacks hit whole
parties. Use StrongMinded if you want, but I doubt that you'll need it.
All I can say is that you need to use a damn UltraNova trap unless you
want to be devastated. And as for attacking, ForeverZero does about 300
damage, so that's definitely recommended. The usual is still great, such as
BlackHole and FreeFall, but you need to watch out for this stuff, and be
ready to cast CureAll. The Sky Dragon also uses HolyHealing, which is a
nuisance healing 500+ HP, so... bah.

With that fight finished, head to Another Guldove, into the shrine, and give
Direa the Tear of Hate. He'll then tell you to go to the alternate world and
seek assistance from the other shaman, so head for Home Guldove, where a
guard won't let Lynx into the shrine because he's "foreign". Geez, now that
is racist. Oh well, Steena will let them in, so enter and talk to her. She'll
give you the Dragon Tear, AND join your party. =) Now you can get your body
back, at long last! There is one meager thing to do first, however...

VIIn. Freeing a Dark Soul

You have to be either extremely brave, extremely foolish, or have the Black
Plate to be attempting this side quest, because you're about to fight the
hardest boss in the game. You COULD do it with Serge, but since this boss is
black elemental, he'll just be decimated within minutes. It's slightly easier
to do with Lynx, but don't think this'll be an easily winnable fight by any
means. Plus, you have to have Riddel in your party, who isn't a bad character
as far as magic skills go, but is white elemental. But supposing you're ready to
at least try...

--- Forbidden Island ~~ Home World ----------------------------

To access this place, head to the current between Hermit's Hideaway and the
main continent. Go through it, and just a little bit to the left, or in
other words, to the far northeast of the continent, is a small island with
light flashing from it. Dock there and enter... there's a good reason why
this place is called Forbidden Island. Enter the house over to the left,
with Riddel still in your party, and speak with the man who's seated there.

This is none other than Dario! Nope, unlike Karsh and the others, he didn't
die in this world. Speak to him, and you'll see his memory has been
completely wiped out. Karsh and Radius will come in, recalling this, but then
Karsh reveals what really happened in the Isle of the Damned. Dario grabbed
the Masamune, not knowing what would happen to him, and then became
possessed by it. After knocking Karsh down, he begged Karsh to kill him, but
of course he wouldn't... until the ghost of Garai called out to feast on
Riddel's blood. Then Karsh got so pissed off he murdered Dario right there.

And after that, Lynx (the evil Lynx) came around and asked Karsh if he was
willing to tell Riddel that he killed Dario, because he was possessed by
the Masamune. So they made up the story that Dario died fighting demons...
and Lynx picked up the Masamune. Perhaps that's why he's evil today? Okay,
back to reality. Dario walks forward, chasing everyone out, and Lynx/Riddel
are forced to fight Dario in battle. Plus the sad music that played against
Miguel plays here... is this a megaboss theme now, or something?

\ Boss: Dario Party: Lynx, Fargo, Riddel \
Attacks: HP - 3500 ||
- physical attack - Weaken Innate - Black ||
- Dash&Gash - LoRes Difficulty - Very Hard ||
- SonicSword - BatEye ||
- ConductaRod - RecoverAll ||
- Numble - FreeFall ||
- FirePillar - IceBlast ||
This is no ordinary battle. This is a fight that requires preparation, and
which cannot be easily won by just anyone. And if you're going to use the
Black Plate for this battle, equip it on Riddel, and pretty much every
single thing that Dario uses will heal her. Especially ConductaRod, which
is his most powerful (counter)attack... so, if you're using that, I have
no need to give a strategy.

But anyway, the very first thing you want to know here is that this fight
is hard. Second of all, Dario counterattacks elements. He counters red
elements with Numble, blue elements with Weaken, yellow elements with
BatEye, green elements with LoRes, black elements with RecoverAll, and
white elements with the murderous ConductaRod. First of all, his normal
attacks are physical attacks which are 150-200 damage or so, Dash&Gash,
which is 300 damage to Lynx (that's right, to LYNX), and more so to Fargo
and especially Riddel. SonicSword is a joke, nothing to worry about, and
ConductaRod is about 350-400 damage to one character, and about 700 damage

Of course, with these kinds of restrictions on everything, you'll have to
resort to physical attacks for the whole battle. And that's kind of
difficult, because 3500 HP isn't easily defeated without elements. If
Dario's critical and you're sure it'll kill him, though, you can always
have Riddel use UltraNova if it's in a Lv. 7 space, and deal 500 damage or
so, but all the same, Riddel has no hope in hell of surviving ConductaRod.
But anyway, you'll probably have to use elements at some point or another,
so which counterattack is the least deadly? Numble, obviously.

I'd recommend allocating as much of your Element Grids as possible with
red elements and healing elements. I might be mistaken, but I think if
Dario is constantly counterattacking with Numble, it'll slow him down.
There's not too much that can come out of a boss who just uses Numble
over and over, so keep using red elements, even if they're not the most
powerful things in the world. If you feel really, really confident, you
can try and conclude the fight with UltraNova, but that might not be the
best strategy. But once again, this fight is hard as hell normally, and
almost impossible if you're fighting it the way you would fight a normal
black elemental, so don't be too upset if you can't win. You can always
resort to the Black Plate, but hey, that's dirt cheap.

Short strategy: physical attacks work well, don't use white elements
unless they'll finish him off, red elements and curative elements work
very well.

And after that fight is over, the birds will return to the area, Dario will
come to his senses, and our favorite Chrono Trigger characters, Masa, Mune,
and Doreen will have no idea what they've been doing, and will restore the
Masamune to its rightful good. So now Lynx's Sea Swallow will turn into his
ultimate weapon, the Mastermune, and at Viper Manor, the 4 Devas will
reunite, and Riddel will receive her Lv. 7 tech skill... awesome. But now,
I think it's FINALLY time to settle the score with Serge, right?

VIIo. The Reversal At Last

It's at last time to end this crap, right here... wouldn't you agree? Also,
Fargo's been in your party for way too long, so screw him, kick him out. I
like a party of Lynx, Karsh, and Steena for going into Fort Dragonia to settle
the score at last, but that's just me.

--- Mount Pyre ~~ Home World ----------------------------

HOWEVER! Before you go into Mount Pyre, about to settle it with Serge, how
about an element recommendation? Heh heh heh, don't you just love doing

   Level 1: GravityBlow, Fireball, AquaBeam, Revive, Bushwhacker,
            PhotonRay, Cure, Uplift
   Level 2: IceLance, MagmaBomb, ElectroJolt, AeroSaucer, Meteorite, Heal,
            HellSoul, TurnWhite
   Level 3: FirePillar, CurePlus, Gravitonne, RecoverAll, GlideHook,
            Upheaval, Bushbasher
   Level 4: MeteorShower, ElectroBolt, IceBlast, HellBound, AeroBlaster,
   Level 5: Weaken, HealAll, Inferno, FeralCats, Carnivore
   Level 6: ThundaStorm (Trap), FreeFall, Inferno
   Level 7: BlackHole, ForeverZero

   Level 1: Bushwhacker, Revive, Uplift, AquaBeam, PhotonRay
   Level 2: AeroSaucer, ElectroJolt, MagmaBomb, IceLance, Heal
   Level 3: Bushbasher, AquaBall, Gravitonne, DragonRider, FirePillar
   Level 4: AeroBlaster, ElectroBolt, MagmaBurst, HealAll, Strengthen
   Level 5: Deluge, FreeFall, AxialAxe, Inferno
   Level 6: Carnivore, Volcano (Trap), FreeFall
   Level 7: Tornado, Axiomatic

   Level 1: PhotonRay, GravityBlow, AquaBeam, Uplift, Cure, Fireball,
   Level 2: IceLance, MagmaBomb, AeroSaucer, ElectroJolt, Heal, Meteorite
   Level 3: RecoverAll, FirePillar, PhotonBeam, DireaShadow, AquaBall
   Level 4: MeteorShower, IceBlast, MagmaBurst, ElectroBolt, AeroBlaster
   Level 5: MeteorShower, Inferno, HydraShadow, Inferno
   Level 6: HolyLight, BlackHole (Trap), UltraNova
   Level 7: Earthquake, UltraNova

The boss you're soon to face uses a lot of elements, Volcano being one of
them, and BlackHole / ThundaStorm being very likely candidates, so you'll
want the trap elements. But anyway, once you're into Mount Pyre... bah, you
know this place backwards and forwards, right? Head two screens up then
take a right, collect the Denadorite and the Mythril, then return to the
path, up two ladders, and then just head straight into Fort Dragonia.

--- Fort Dragonia ~~ Home World ----------------------------

Step in, and Lynx will use the Dragon Tear right at the entrance, to open
up the fort completely. So NO, you don't have to do any of the puzzles
here! However... there are completely new treasures here, some of them of
very great value. So what fun is it just to sit around here and move on,
leaving treasures behind? Let's start by going into the red room. As you
can see, the place is virtually the same as in Another World, so you won't
be getting lost or anything.

Inside the red room, examine the gargoyle and point it to the west, so that
you fall into that ledge with all the juicy treasures on it. From right to
left, it's two Nostrums, a Denadorite, and a Volcano element! Not bad. But
anyhow, that's it for the red room. Head to the left and take the path to
the ladder, and then return to the main chamber... and now for the green
room, which is actually one of the most annoying to collect all of these in,

Follow the path all the way to the second screen of the green room, go down
the stairs, and then around to the left for a Denadorite and a Nostrum. And
now head down and take the other path all the way to the lower left for
another Nostrum. Now back on the first screen, take the first stairs to the
left (not both of them) and follow the path up and to the right. When you
reach the fork, first head down to find a Tornado element (awesome), and
then up to reach another fork. Terrific!

Just head down for a Denadorite, and then up to follow the path way back
to the entrance, using the stairs there, which have already (kindly) been
placed there. Well, that's it for the green room. And as for the blue room,
which is deceptively short... open the left path to the upper left and the
right path to the right, and enter the room there for an Iceberg element.
And as for the room on the left, it's just two Cybots, who cares. On to the
yellow room.

Make the order Karsh, Steena, and Lynx for a Denadorite, and Steena, Lynx,
and Karsh for a ThundaStorm. That's pretty much it for this place, so let's
just get the hell OUT of this room. Leave for the main chamber, save, and
make sure that you're ready to cast those traps, and enter the white room
(in the center of the chamber). And exactly where SunOfAGun fought you in
the other world, Serge will fight you here. Magnificent, I say.

\ Boss: Dark Serge Party: Lynx, Karsh, Steena \
Attacks: HP - 3000 ||
- physical attack - BlackHole Innate - Black ||
- FeralCats - Iceberg Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- ForeverZero - ThundaStorm ||
- NinetyNine - Tornado ||
- Vigora - Inferno ||
- Volcano - Carnivore ||
This fight isn't the hardest in the game, and Serge isn't quite as tough
as he should have been, in my opinion. Also, I find it odd that the evil
Lynx can manipulate this body much better than the good Serge can use
Lynx's, since Serge uses FeralCats and ForeverZero. But anyway, Serge has
a pattern, and it's one that can be manipulated to gain some elements. It
goes as such: physical attack, FeralCats, physical attack, Volcano,
physical attack, ForeverZero, either BlackHole or Iceberg, physical
attack, either ThundaStorm or Tornado, physical attack, NinetyNine +
Vigora, blah blah blah, then either Inferno or Carnivore.

Steena is in a lot of danger here, as Serge's physical attacks can do
perhaps 200-270 damage to her, and don't even get me started on when he
uses NinetyNine and Vigora; she has absolutely no chance of surviving
through that. As for his spells, they're all quite powerful, and BlackHole
will DEFINITELY knock Steena out. In fact, it has a chance of instant
death on everyone, so that is one spell you need to look out for. Also,
FeralCats can be about 180 or so damage to everyone, with ForeverZero at
about 240 or so. Double those on Steena, and you won't be making it
through this fight easily.

Yeah, did I mention you get your Lv. 8 spaces too? Fill those up with the
appropriate elemental summon, and if you get to use those in battle, enter
total ownage. Also, you get all your original characters back... except for
Kid. Ah well, we can do without her for now... Karsh and Grobyc own pretty
much everyone anyway. When you're done dawdling around, it's time to get the
show on the road,

This is the not ended I try to another way
Thanks you all of my friend
HFS image


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