Castlevania walthrough

in #happy7 years ago

Hello guys This walkthrough is based on the Warrior difficulty. Castlevania is the
best game.
CHAPTER I ~ Besieged Village ~
The game directs you to a nearby Health Font. These glowing green fountains
restore your health if you approach them and press the Right Trigger. You are
ordered to use the Health Font, even if you may not be low on health.

Once you restore any lost health, another Lesser Lycanthrope shows up. Defeat
him and pick up the Throwing Daggers he leaves behind. Each dagger pickup
contains five daggers. You can use these Silver Daggers by pressing B; one
direct hit will kill a Lesser Lycanthrope instantly.

Continue slaying more beasts. When the game orders you to grab one with the
Right Trigger, do so. When you grab an enemy, two rings appear onscreen. The
large, outer ring will begin to shrink and move into the smaller, inner ring.
When the large ring shrinks enough and meets with the inner ring, press any
button immediately to perform a successful grab attack. The game holds your
hand the first time, so it's no big deal.

Your Travel Book will open now that you have a a decent amount of Experience.
Use it to purchase the "Guillotine" attack (under "Advanced Moves"). Exit the
Travel Book and finish off the remaining enemies for a quick scene.

BOSS: Great Warg '-----------------------------------------------------------

The Great Warg is a much bigger foe than the Lesser Lycanthropes, and much
more powerful. He demonstrates this by leaping on top of Gabriel in an attempt
to gnaw his face off. It's tough to get him off, but repeatedly tap the A
button to kick the grizzly monster off of you.

The boss only has two attacks, and the game takes you through both of them in
an attempt to teach you how to dodge them. The Great Warg's basic claw slash
can be blocked by holding down the Left Trigger. Like in any battle, block
enemy attacks with the Left Trigger. However, his second attack is unblockable
and must be dodged: hold down the Left Trigger and move the Left Analog Stick
to either side to perform a dodge roll.

Now it's all about avoiding damage and attacking the monster. Keep the Left
Trigger held most of the time throughout the battle so you can block the Great
Warg's quick claw strikes. It may be a large beast, but he is quick for his
size. You know the unblockable attack is coming when a shimmer of light emits
from the Great Warg's mouth.

Block, dodge roll, and use X and Y to attack. The boss isn't that difficult at
all; plus, there is another Health Font you can use if you are in danger of
perishing. Once you have drained the Great Warg's health, follow the button
command in the cutscene that follows to put the beast down for good.

The level comes to a close after the cinema that follows the boss battle.
Nice, short tutorial level.

-~ Hunting Path ~-

The level begins on horseback, as Gabriel is being tailed by some Lesser
Lycanthropes riding Wargs. Press X and Y to attack the Wargs that run
alongside your steed. You can also dodge their attacks by holding the Left
Trigger and moving the Left Analog Stick.

Stick to attacking one Warg at a time, so pick a side and attack with your
weapon. Once you have damaged an enemy, you'll be able to hijack the Warg by
pressing the Right Trigger (Grand Theft Warg, baby!). Doing so disposes of the
rider and kills the Warg automatically.

If you are hit, you will enter another ring sequence where you have to time
your button press when the outer ring reaches the inner ring. If you mess up,
you will fall off your horse. Regardless, Gabriel will be knocked off his
horse sooner or later, as the level must continue on foot.

When you fall off your horse, you'll end up in a clearing. Lesser Lycanthropes
attack; the game teaches you at this time how to counterattack. Just before
you are struck with an enemy, block the attack. Timing this perfectly slows
down time for a second, allowing you to retaliate. Repeatedly tap X after a
perfect block to unleash a counterattack.

-~ Life Gem #1 ~-

In the clearing after the horseback sequence, walk south until you can go no
further. You will find the remains of a fallen soldier lying against a tree;
press the Right Trigger to examine his body and locate your first Life Gem.

Continue killing off Lesser Lycanthropes; they often drop Silver Daggers.
Eventually, your horse arrives again and the second horseback portion of the
level begins.

Nothing new here; use the same strategies as you did in the first horseback
riding part of the level. After killing a couple Wargs, you will be knocked
down to the ground. Either slay a few enemies or intentionally fall off your

Do away with the Goblins that enter the cave after you and exit with your
reward. Continue forward and you will find another bog on the left. Try going
through the water... you'll end up at the dinosaur skeleton that you saw on
the left path. Yay for merging forks!

There's no need to return here other than to prove that your paths merged.
From the land, continue forward and drop down a third ledge to reach a dead
end. For the record, taking the left path will bring you to this same area.
The two paths meet at this area.

Kill a Goblin with a grip attack and use the leftover grenade on the tree.
With the tree uprooted, kill a second Goblin using the same methods and toss
the grenade at the tree to knock it down.

Finish off the remaining foes and climb across the downed tree. At the island,
go to the left to find another dead body containing a scroll. Head back to the
island and wade through the water (while avoiding Naiads) to the other end.

The path to the mausoleum is inhabited by more Goblins. At the fork, go to the
right to find a Health Font that's guarded by a Goblin camp. After healing,
head back and go left to reach the mausoleum.

Walk to the side of the mausoleum and climb up the ledges to squeeze your way
inside. Approach the stand to obtain the Hook Tip. This relic gives the Combat
Cross the properties of a grappling hook.

Drop down and use the Hook Tip on the glowing blue grip point on the ceiling.
Press the Right Trigger and climb up the side of the wall, then tap X or Y to
smash through the window. As Gabriel exits the mausoleum, a creature pounces
on him without hesitation!

So we'll just have to come back later (a lot later) in order to reach the
Brotherhood Ark. Bummer. Nevertheless, continue through the water and look to
the right of the large stone in the center of the area to find the fifth and
final Magical Rune.

Head towards the glowing green circle at the end of the path. It prevents you
from moving forward, but using Pan's Amulet on the shining carving. A fairy
appears and presents you with a puzzle: one of many in this game. Luckily,
this one isn't too mind-numbing. In fact, it's quite easy.

A five-slot belt appears above the fairy with symbols matching the ones of the
Magical Runes found on the right side of the screen. All you have to do is
match the order of the rune symbols on the belt to the ones on the amulet. The
order of the symbols above the fairy goes from left to right, so whichever
symbol that is at the top of the amulet must go on the leftmost side on the
belt. Press X to change the symbols on the belt so you get the correct order.

Completing the puzzle lowers the green force field, allowing you to continue
to Pan's Temple. Continue up the spiral pathway to reach the temple.

Puzzle time! Read the scroll for information on the puzzle. I would suggest
that you refrain from unlocking the solution in the scroll... because the
solution to the puzzle is right here in this guide. Why waste it when you
don't have to?

There are three sets of rings in the room, with Marie lying in the center of
the room. You must move the rings with either the Right Trigger (move
clockwise) or the Left Trigger (move counter-clockwise). Here's the solution
to the puzzle, in five easy steps:

-> move center ring clockwise
-> move center ring clockwise
-> move middle ring clockwise
-> move outer ring counter-clockwise
-> move outer ring counter-clockwise

Completing the puzzle without unlocking the solution nets you 200 EXP. Pan
allows you to enter the Oblivion Lake.

-~ Oblivion Lake ~-

A very drastic change of scenery from the last couple levels. Only proper for
the land of the dead to be a frozen wasteland. Walk through the passage and
past the dead trees towards the entrance to the lake. Side note: I love the
snow effects in this game! Sticking to the screen... awesome touch.

-~ Life Gem #7 ~-

There is a tall angelic statue near the entrance to the lake. Examine the
knight's corpse at the base of the statue for the gem.

Step out onto the frozen lake for a super-cool cinematic.

BOSS: Ice Titan '------------------------------------------------------------

This gargantuan foe towers over you, despite not even fully emerged from the
ice. Even though the Ice Titan's legs are stuck in the ice, he can still move
around the arena at surprising speeds. I am suddenly reminded of another video
game when I see this boss...

The boss has a total of three attacks. A simple punch may not seem like much,
but the sheer size of his hand means that you can get hurt even if it's not a
direct hit. The ensuing shockwave can knock you backwards.

That's his only close-range attack, but the Ice Titan has two attacks that he
will use at a distance. The Ice Titan can also stab the ice, resulting in a
large narrow shockwave that travels towards you. This stream of ice crystals
cannot be blocked, so you must dodge roll at the last minute. Sometimes, the
boss creates a blue symbol on the ground as another one appears under you. If
you don't move out of the way in time, you will be encased in an icy prison.
The only way to destroy the prison is to endure a punch from the boss.

The Ice Titan can only be brought down if you destroy the four runes covered
over his body. The first one is situated on the titan's left arm. In order to
get onto the arm, you must get the arm stuck in the ice.

Bait the boss into punching the lake surface. Pay attention to the shadow of
the colossus (obligatory reference) and dodge out of the way before being
squashed. The Ice Titan must punch the same area in order to break the surface
of the frozen lake. With his arm stuck in the ice, run up towards it and look
for a shining grip point. Use the Hook Tip to zip onto the side of the arm.

Once you are on the arm, the Ice Titan will frantically shake his arm. Hold
down the Right Trigger to keep your grip and avoid getting shaken off. Once he
stops, shimmy around the boss's arm and look for a break in the armor rings
along his arm. When you reach a break, jump up to the next ring. Make sure to
hold on tight whenever he starts shaking again.

You should reach the Titan's elbow; shimmy around until you find a blue rune.
Use X to stab the rune while gripping onto the armor when the boss writhes in
pain. Stab the rune ten times to break it.

The Ice Titan pulls his arm free and tries to swat you away with his right
hand. Follow the directions and dodge roll to the side to avoid getting
knocked off. If you fall off of the boss's arm, you must get him to punch the
ice again.

Okay, you have dodged the Ice Titan's hand. Good! Quickly use the Hook Tip to
zip onto his right hand, then wait for him to move his hand into the air. A
grip point appears on his chest (the entire chestpiece glows white), so
grapple onto the boss's chest. Hold on for dear life as you slowly move
towards the rune on your left.

This time, you aren't safe while targeting the second rune. Occasionally, the
Ice Titan will bring his left arm up and try and yank you off. When you see
his hand move up to his chest, jump to the side to avoid getting plucked off
and mercilessly thrown to the ground. Try not to get pulled off, because you
will seriously be injured and have to go through the entire process to get
back up to his chest.

After destroying down the second rune, the boss's chin begins to glow as he
leans forward. Grapple onto the chin to swing around onto the behemoth's back.
Drop down from the grooves in his back towards the rune and shimmy onto it. As
you attack the rune, the Ice Titan will reach back with his hand to try and
pull you off. Again, when you see his hand reach over his shoulder, jump to
either side.

Destroying the third rune breaks off a piece of his neck. Climb up onto his
neck, then use the Hook Tip on the grip point that appears on the back of the
boss's head.

Naturally, the Ice Titan shakes a lot more now that he's nearing death. Shimmy
over to the right side of his head and target the rune where his ear should
be. You'll have to grip more often than before, and you will also have to
avoid when the boss scraches his head. When you see his hand move up to his
face, jump to the back of his head. Endure his thrashes and hit the fourth
rune ten times to end the fight.

All that effort, and we didn't even kill the Ice Titan! The mysterious person
(Zobek) that appears topples the Titan and gives Gabriel the Light Gem
Medallion. Now you can use Light Magic!


-~ Enchanted Forest ~-

You begin your journey with a descent alongside a tall waterfall. Walk to the
edge of the cliff and drop down onto the side, then fall to the ledge below.
Drop onto the next ledge and note that a grip point appears where you are
holding onto. Let go, then immediately grapple to the grip point so you don't
fall to your death.

Rappel down the side of the waterfall to find another grip point nearby.
Grapple over to it and let go onto the platform. Take the scrool from the
knight's corpse and go to the right, jumping across the gap to the other side
of the waterfall. Hop down the ledge to the bottom of the waterfall.

    When you gain the use of Shadow Magic, return to the bottom of the waterfall
    and drop down into the stream. Walk behind the waterfall to enter a small
    cave; use Shadow Magic on the shining object on the wall to reveal another
    Brotherhood Ark containing a Dagger Upgrade +5.

Follow the stream to find a Lesser Lycanthrope. Defeat the monster for it to
drop Neutral Elemental Orbs. When absorbed (press the Left Analog Stick), they
increase your Light Magic Container (at the southwest corner of the screen).

Use your Light Magic power by pressing the Left Bumper. Attacking enemies
while Light Magic is enabled will replenish your health, though it depletes
your Light Magic Container. In order to fill it up, find Neutral Elemental
Orbs; they only appear when you defeat an enemy with your magic turned OFF.

Fall down to the lower level to find a Neutral Elemental Energy Statue. These
are used to easily fill your Light Magic Container; do so by pressing the Left
Analog Stick. Jump over the log and start walking down the road. Lesser
Lycanthropes meet up with you along the way, so try using your Light Magic to
dispose of them.

Head down the road to reach a fork. You can go one of two ways: left or right.
Ugh, I hate when you are presented with multiple paths in video games. It's
fine if you're playing, but totally uncool if you're a FAQ writer...

There really isn't much on the left path aside from some Goblins and a bag
containing 10 Silver Daggers. I suggest going to the right.

To the right it is. Drop down into the pit, then climb up the other side.
There is a dead tree on the other side of a gap here. Use your Hook Tip to
grapple onto it, then repeatedly tap A to uproot the tree, creating a grip
point. Before you use it, drop down below into the stream and defeat the wave
of Goblins.

-~ Light Gem #1 ~-

Here on the right path, drop down from the dead tree after you have uprooted
it and created a grip point. Defeat the Goblins, then search the dead man's
body for a Light Gem. Collect five to increase your Light Magic Container.

Grapple up to the tree branch, then swing over to the next grip point. Climb
up the side of the wall and jump up the step, then walk forward. Go across the
bridge on your left; this is where the two paths meet.

You should be at the arched bridge. Walk forward and use your Hook Tip to grab
onto the grip point at the top of the wall. Climb up and press X when up
against the stone circle to smash right through it.

Pick up the Focus Scroll from the fallen knight. You now have access to the
Focus Bar, which is at the bottom of the screen. Fill it up by fighting
enemies and using various combos without being hit.

Test out this new technique on the Warg that shows up. Frequently use dodge
rolls and attack the enemy until the Focus Bar is completely filled. Once this
happens, every hit you land will cause Neutral Elemental Orbs to appear. It's
a great trick for skilled players that are lacking magic.

Once the Warg is defeated, Goblins show up as well. In order to escape the
courtyard, you must find a way to destroy the glowing stone door. The only way
to break it down is to use a Goblin's grenade. Wait for one to throw a
grenade, then avoid it and pick it up to automatically chuck it at the door.

Hit the door twice to destroy it, then take down the remaining enemies before
moving on. Go forward to reach a gigantic tree stump. Slay the Lesser
Lycanthropes and walk around to the right to find a scroll. Walk around to the
left to reach a wall you can climb across.

Climb up the ledge, then use your Hook Tip when a grip point at the top of the
structure appears. Climb up to the grip point, then shimmy around the side of
the tower. Zip over to the next grip point at the end of a beam; swing across
the room and let go to reach a ledge on the opposite end. From here, use a
grip point on a tree branch to swing over to the large tree stump. Swing and
jump into the tree stump to end the level.

-~ Underground Caves ~-

So you've landed inside of a gigantic hollow tree stump. Now what? Sneak
through the crease and creep through the narrow cave. Drop off of the edge and
shimmey to the left. When you can go no further, press A to jump to the
opposite ledge and pull yourself up.

A Giant Spider sneaks up behind Gabriel and pounces on him. Press the
designated button to free yourself and begin the fight. The Giant Spider is a
big, nasty foe and takes a lot of effort to be brought down. Most of the
attacks the spider uses are fairly easy to avoid. It can lunge at you with its
fangs or shoot webbing at you. If you are encased in the spider's web, tap A
to free yourself.

Avoid getting poisoned by the Giant Spider's fangs. If you aren't so lucky,
then activate your Light Magic to cure yourself. You can even use your Light
Magic in order to damage the spider more than normal.

With the Giant Spider exterminated, walk ahead and use your Hook Tip to climb
to the top of the pit. Use your Hook Tip once more to escape the first cave.
Dropping down to the ground triggers a pack of Lesser Lycanthropes and a Giant
Spider to follow suit. The wolves often drop Silver Daggers, so use the ones
you have on the various monsters.

Jump up the ledges on the right and go through the tunnel. Fall off the edge
and hang on, then drop downwards and use the Hook Tip to secure your fall so
you don't plummet down the hole below. You should grab onto the ledge just
below you. From here, shift over to the right and pull yourself up. Balance
along the webbing bridge and grab the scroll from the corpse ahead.

In the large room ahead, you are forced to make a decision regarding the
direction your journey will continue. Right or left? It's up to you...

Actually, it really doesn't matter since you have to go down both roads sooner
or later. Lets go left first.

Cross the webbing bridge and continue through the tunnel to reach a room with
a large totem pole in the center. The glow on the totem pole indicates that it
is an important structure, but we cannot tinker with it yet. Move past it to
the left (note: a second path in this room takes you back to where you fought
the Lesser Lycanthropes and Giant Spider).

Proceed down the next tunnel to reach a clearing and a giant stone door. If
there are no enemies present, then continue past the door for a lil' while
before backtracking. You should find several Goblins in front of the door, for
their grenades are needed in order to blow it down.

Two grenade shots are needed in order to destroy the door. Defeat the last few
Goblins and head through. Pilfer the dead body for a Runic Stone Key and
return to the path. Follow the path to the left and heal at the Health Font
before crossing another web bridge.

You should eventually reach the mausoleum entrance. The main door is locked
and two keys are needed in order to open it. We have one of them, so approach
one of the locks and insert the Runic Stone Key. Go back over the web bridge
and head to the right. Climb up the steps and swing across the gap; this is
the tunnel that leads to the totem pole room, so walking straight ahead will
bring you back to the forked area.

We're done with the left path, so go right this time. Maneuver across the
webbing and slay the Giant Spider ahead. With him out of the way, climb along
the far wall using the ledges and enter the passage. Swing across the gap to
land on a platform overlooking the mausoleum entrance. Take the second Runic
Stone Key from the knight and fall down, using the second key to open the door.

Inside, Gabriel stumbles upon the second relic: the Spiked Chain. Not only can
you use the spiked chain to cut through obstacles, but you can choke the life
out of enemies and tame them like a weird circus ringleader.

You can use the Spiked Chain on the totem pole beyond the alter, but before
you should really spend some time locating a Light Gem. Exit the mausoleum and
take the right exit in order to return to the totem pole room. Now you can
destroy it using the Spiked Chain.

-~ Light Gem #2 ~-

Make sure to return to the totem pole room after obtaining the Spiked Chain.
Don't exit the level just yet! Destroy the totem pole with your Spiked Chain
and walk forward to find a dead end and a dead body (hardy har har). Inspect
the corpse to find your second Light Gem.

Return to the mausoleum and break the totem pole if you haven't already, then
Hook Tip your way to freedom.

-~ Labyrinth Entrance ~-

Drop down to the courtyard and inspect the sturdy door. Even Goblin grenades
can't knock this bad boy down. Luckily for you, an alternate method storms
onto the vicinity. First off, defeat the Goblins on foot before you focus on
the Warthog. Attacking the Warthog enough will stun it, allowing you to jump
on its back and ride it.

After you've had enough fun trampling Goblins to death, run back in order to
get a bit of a head start before charging headfirst at the door. Two
successful blows will open the door. Now that the Warthog has been put to use,
press the Left and Right Trigger to strangle it to death. Classy.

There is a fallen knight to the right of where you burst through the door, so
you should check his body for a scroll (if you're interested in light
reading). Otherwise, go to the left to find a ledge you can climb up on. Use a
combination of the Hook Tip and your amazing parkour skills to scale the side
of the building.

You'll have to carefully balance your way across the support beams ahead and
judging by the ground below, you don't want to fall here. After crossing the
first set of beams, you will reach a platform.

-~ Light Gem #3 ~-

After crossing the first set of beams inside the labyrinth, walk to the right
of the next beam to find a hidden staircase. Follow it to another corpse and
a Light Gem.

Return to the surface and cross the beam; pick up another scroll from the
knight's body. To the left, jump onto the large pillar and shimmy around to
the other side. Climb along the wooden beam and drop down once there's solid
ground underneath you.

Drop off of the ledge as a grip point appears above you. Grapple to it, then
press X or Y to kick off of the wall. In midair, press A to jump across the
ledge and down to the ground. You will eventually be led to a locked gate and
a lever directly in front.

In order to open the gate, simply grab on and turn it with the Left Analog
Stick. To make things difficult, the game spawns waves of Lesser Lycanthropes
to halt your progress. You can't really multitask in a situation like this, so
make the monsters your first priority. There are gaps of time between each
wave of Lycanthropes, so use this time to open the gate.

On the other side, walk forward and across the bridge into a dimly-lit
passage. Go to the right to find 10 Silver Daggers. To the left is the way to
go; the jump across the pit here is tricky, so it may take a couple of tries.
I had trouble on it, at least.

    Inside this passage, you may have noticed a portion of the wall that is
    significantly weakened. It can be destroyed, though you currently do not
    have the right tools. Return here once you have Shadow Magic and Cyclone
    Boots; break down the wall to find a Brotherhood Ark containing a Fairy
    Upgrade +2.

You should end up in a large arena populated by pesky Goblins. They shouldn't
give you much trouble, although the enemy that follows may give you some

A Greater Lycanthrope drop down and scares off the remaining Goblins. This guy
is very strong and very fast, so stay on your toes and dodge frequently. You
can also use Light Magic to make things easier on yourself. The Greater
Lycanthrope has a few swipe attacks, a jumping slash, and a fist pound attack;
all can be avoided with a simple dodge roll except for the last (you'll need a
few rolls to avoid the shockwave).

Slay the Greater Lycanthrope by completing a ring sequence and a few button
presses. When the coast is clear, take the wooden stick on the ground and walk
over to the bull head statue. Stand on the right side of the statue and press
the Right Trigger again to insert it in the side of the statue. Having
successfully build a lever, spin it a bit to open the door and get outta here.

-~ Waterfalls of Agharta ~-

My oh my, what a drop. There's a scroll behind you if you'd like one. Go down
the trail and hop over the gap to trigger a battle with a Giant Spider. This
time, you won't be killing the annoying arachnid: once you have weakened the
Giant Spider, press the Right Trigger to mount it.

Approach the glowing tree and press Y to have the spider use its webbing on
it. Press A to uproot the tree a bit, creating a grip point. Unfortunately, we
no longer need the spider's assistance, so you can go ahead and strangle it by
pressing the Left and Right Triggers. Aww, we couldn't even walk around and
kill stuff with it!

-~ Light Gem #4 ~-

Your Giant Spider mount automatically drops a Light Gem once you kill it, so
you cannot really miss this one.

Swing across the downed tree and walk around the perimeter of the area. Shimmy
across the ledges to reach another grip point. Swing up to the grip point to
find a Greater Lycanthrope lurking around. Finish him off and you'll find yet
another grip point above his little cave home. Climb up to the grip point and
jump off onto the platform to your left.

A quick scene displays the surrounding area. Walk forward to be ambushed by
more Lycanthropes; Greater and Lesser Lycanthropes together. Focus on the
weaker onces first, since they often drop Silver Daggers. I just spammed
daggers on the Greater Lycanthrope like a boss, although this method may not
be available to all players. Alternatives would be to use Light Magic or just
regular combos.

At the end of the road is a large statue head that can be destroyed using your
Spike Chain. Walk across the ruined remains and swing over to a nearby wall,
where you can rappel down to the ground. Jump up the ledge and you should spot
a grip point in the distance if you look off to the right. Stand on the edge
of the platform and use your Hook Tip to reach it.

Oh ho ho, Small Trolls are so funny... and useless! Cave Trolls, however, are
the exact opposite. You are forced into a battle with a Cave Troll and a horde
of Small Trolls. The Cave Troll is where the challenge is at, since he's
basically a replica of the Swamp Troll boss we fought earlier in the game.
Take him very seriously, because he can kill you in a jiffy. The Small Trolls
are basically used as fodder and a source for Neutral Elemental Orbs.

Try to focus on the Cave Troll while avoiding his shockwave attack and the
minions. Once you have stunned the Troll, hop on his back and knock around the
Small Trolls for a bit. Then, direct your attention to the glowing boulder on
the side of the arena.

Strangle the Cave Troll now that you have opened the path up for you to
continue. Swing across the gap and use the Health Font near the entrance to
the pair of caves.

-~ Light Gem #5 ~-

When you reach a fork, enter the cave on the right. It seemingly leads to a
dead end, however going behind the waterfall will lead you to another downed
knight and a Light Gem.

Backtrack a bit and take the left tunnel this time. Step inside to find a
totem pole blocking your path; take it down using the Spiked Chain. Another
Greater Lycanthrope/Lesser Lycanthrope combo is waiting for you on the other
end. Finish them off.

Walk to the back wall to find a shiny ledge you can grab onto. Jump across the
waterfall to the other side of the pillar and drop down. Go 'round the corner
and use your Hook Tip to reach the grip point high up on the mountain wall. Up
ahead, a Giant Spider totally screws you over by breaking a bridge in front of
you. What a jerk.

Repay the favor by damaging and then mounting the Giant Spider. Press Y near
the broken bridge to create a webbing bridge of your own. Kill off the spider,
then cross the web bridge. Not quite as sturdy, but it'll do.

Refill your Light Magic Container over at the Neutral Elemental Energy Statue.
Enter the mausoleum to find the Shadow Magic Medallion. Like Light Magic, you
can now use Shadow Magic. Shadow Magic is basically the polar opposite of
Light Magic; even in button commands. Activate it with the Right Bumper and
absorb Neutral Elemental Orbs by pressing the Right Analog Stick. You have a
separate container for your Shadow Magic.

Head back outside and stock up on Neutral Elemental Orbs (you can press down
on the Left and Right Analog Sticks to absorb orbs for both Light and Shadow
Magic simultaneously). Once the containers are filled, go back into the
mausoleum and approach the shiny thing near the locked gate.

Activate your Shadow Magic, then press the Right Trigger near the switch on
the wall to open the gate. Walk down the slope to encounter a handful of
Lesser Lycanthropes.

You can now toy with both Light and Shadow Magic in battles; use Light Magic
to regain health and Shadow Magic to deal more damage. These baddies aren't
the best test subjects since they are painfully weak, but soon you will be
able to implement both types of magic into your battle strategies like a pro.

You must scale the wall in order to complete this level. A couple of the grip
points force you to be a bit creative, such as moving back and forth while
rappeling up a wall and so forth. It isn't all that tough, and the level's end
is just at the end of the series of ledges and grip points.

-~ Agharta ~-

Ha ha, you got beat by a girl! That kinda reminded me of Anima from Final
Fantasy X. Anyways, the interesting part is over and you are unable to follow
the strange girl. Instead, jump off the broken bridge and swing over to the
other side.

You can go to the right or left here; both paths take you to the same area.
You'll likely fight some Small Trolls along the way. When you reach the lower
area, defeat the Lesser Lycanthropes and go east.

-~ Shadow Gem #1 ~-

After the battle with the Lesser Lycanthropes, go east to find a staircase
leading up to a hole in a wall. Just before the staircase is a path branching
off to the left. Follow it to a dead end, where you can take the Shadow Gem
from the knight's body.

Head up the stairs and squeeze through the opening in the wall. There is a
glowing statue here that you cannot tamper with just yet. Finish off the
enemies and go forward to reach a broken bridge. However, the gap is too large
for you to cross by jumping, so don't even try it. Time to backtrack a bit.

    When you receive the Dark Gauntlets at the end of Chapter II, return to this
    spot: you will be able to push the statue aside to find another Dagger
    Upgrade +5.

Return to the previous area (past where you found the Shadow Gem). Walk south
and go up the steps. Continue along the road, hugging the southern end of the
area (towards the screen) until you reach an opening. Continue south and you
should reach a grip point. Use your Hook Tip to swing over a high wall to a
new area.

If you notice, the area north of here is the spot we were just at; the one
with the glowing immovable pillar. The two areas are separated by another
broken bridge. Inspect the bridge to trigger the appearance of a Warg. Like
similar monsters, you will be able to mount the Warg once you have damaged it

You can use the Warg to jump across the destroyed bridge to the northern area.
From here, run forward to the first broken bridge we found. Leap across and
kill the Warg, then hurdle over the ledge.

Troll time! More Small Trolls accompanying one large Cave Troll. Focus on the
big guy and mount him when you get the chance. Wipe out the other Trolls and
run down the ramp on the left to reach a circular arena. Smash the Lesser
Lycanthropes and turn your attention to the metal gate; knock it down using
your Cave Troll mount before killing him off.

The gate is open and our path is cleared, but we still have an important item
to pick up. Run back through the open gate and jump out of the arena.

-~ Life Gem #8 ~-

From the area where you mounted the Cave Troll, go north and up the stairs.
Follow the narrow trail to what appears to be a dead end. However, slowly
walk to the north and you should drop down into a small chamber. Here you can
find a Health Font, but more importantly, a Life Gem.

Use the Health Font if necessary, then return to the gate that we smashed
apart. If you want some Silver Daggers go west, but otherwise head east and
climb up the ledge. Approaching the bridge makes another Warg appear... you
know what you must do.

Mount the thing and leap across the bridge. Even though there are more gaps to
cross, dismount it. We must go on foot in order to obtain yet another

-~ Shadow Gem #2 ~-

Jump over the first ruined bridge using the Warg. There are about three more
that we must cross, but kill the Warg and walk forward a bit. Just before the
second bridge is a small nook containing a corpse. Proceed into the corner
and search the body for a Shadow Gem.

We need to get another Warg. Run back to the broken bridge. Obviously we
cannot jump across since we needed assistance getting to this side in the
first place. There is a grip point on the side of the walkway that you're
on... drop off the edge and fall to a platform below. Use another grip point
in the distance to swing over to return to the metal gate we opened a few
minutes back. From here, climb back up to find another Warg. Rinse and repeat.

Once you are riding another Warg and have jumped across the bridge, leap over
the remaining bridges and use the Warg to climb up the shiny vines creeping up
along the wall.

After the scene, strangle the Warg and drop down from the ledge. As you let go
entirely, grapple up to the grip point to begin your descent. This action
automatically completes the level.

-~ Dark Dungeon ~-

You're still hanging from the grip point as you begin the level, so start
sliding on down. Jump over to the shiny ledge on the left and begin shifting
over and drop down one ledge. Leap across the waterfall to the other side;
swing over to the first grapple point, then grapple to the second one mid-

On the opposite side of the shaft, shimmy to the right and grab onto the grip
point. Rappel down and when you have a nearby platform in sight, push off of
the wall with X or Y before completing your jump. Run forward and jump onto
the wall, then continue to the left. There should be a grip point here.

-~ Light Gem #6 ~-

From the grip point, rappel down but do not drop to the ground below. Proceed
to the very bottom of your chain and do a push-off jump to reach a ledge
concealed behind a waterfall. Grapple to the next grip point and so on until
you are against another wall. It appears that you are stuck with nowhere to
go, but if you run along the wall to the left you can jump onto a hidden
platform where the Light Gem awaits.

To return to the normal path, use the nearby grip point to land on the ground.
Run through the hole in the wall to reach a damp and dreary area. Pick up the
nearby scroll and ascend the stairs for a scene with the mystery girl.

In order to follow the girl, you must activate the bridge using two keys. We
obviously have none in our possesion, so it's time to go searching. Follow the
light show to the left to encounter a new foe. Gremlins are pesky little foes,
but are pretty easy to defeat. The first Stone Rune is just past the first
batch of Gremlins.

-~ Shadow Gem #3 ~-

Before scampering back with the first Stone Rune in hand, look behind the
pile of rocks behind the dead knight to find yet another dead knight! This
one is holding onto a Shadow Gem.

There are some more Gremllins lurking around that you must deal with, so do
what you have to do. Double back to the bridge and insert the first key. Doing
so raises half of the bridge and gives you access to another portion of the

Jump down on the ledge below the bridge and enter the cavern. A metal gate
blocks your way, but fortunately a Giant Spider arrives. Why is that a good
thing, you say? Well, mounting the spider and pressing Y will pull the gate
open for you.

Once you have completed this task, execute the spider and proceed through the
gate. Heal up at the Health Font and take the second Stone Rune. A group of
Gremlins stands in your way before you can place the Stone Rune in the keyhole.

Now that the bridge is fully operating, move across. Leap onto the horizontal
vine and climb up to the grip point using your Hook Tip.

-~ Shadow Gem #4 ~-

It's time to begin your ascent out of this dungeon. Grapple up to the ledge
above and move to the left. The camera changes position and reveals another
ledge across from you that you can leap onto. Do not jump across. If you look
below you, you should see in the corner of the screen a small glow. Leap to
the left so you are above the knight and drop down to claim your prize.

Return to the ledge and jump across this time. Grapple up to the grip point to
find a Neutral Elemental Energy Statue. Stock up and swing over to the
platform. The number of Gremlins here is substantially higher than we have
seen previously, so be on your guard. You should have sufficient magic so you
can choose between using Light or Shadow Magic against these chumps.

The Gremlins won't stop, but your little scuffle will be interrupted by an
intimidating foe. It's only a cutscene, so no fighting this dude. At least not
right now...

-~ Sanctuary Entrance ~-

You must find and collect four crystal shards in order to form a Dark Crystal
and get the heck outta here. To start things off, turn around and go south,
then up the stairs on the left. A few Lesser Lycanthropes jump you along the
way, but they should be no problem. Continue along and pluck the scroll from
the deceased knight in the corner before leaping up to the ledge above.

Run to the left and grapple to the opposite end before the ground collapses
from underneath you. Here, slay some more Lesser Lycanthropes. The first
crystal shard is actually tricky to find and I managed to stumble upon it. In
this small wooded area where you faced off against the monsters, walk south
and go behind the wall to find a strange purple glow. Inspect it to obtain the
first crystal shard.

Head northeast and through the next passage to find a grip point you can use
to reach the platform above.

-~ Light Gem #7 ~-

After collecting the first crystal shard, proceed down the hallway and use
your Hook Tip on the grip point at the end. Climb out of the hole in the
ceiling and instead of going north (where you are supposed to go), turn back
around and take a few steps south to locate the Light Gem.

Descend the stairs and do battle with the Lesser Lycanthropes here. A large
gap ahead blocks your progress, but you can climb along the wall to reach the
other end. Here you will find a Health Font, the second crystal shard, and of
course, more Lycans.

Defeat the enemies and take what you need and start to double back. FYI, we
cannot open the gate on the far right end of the room just yet; we need
another weapon upgrade that'll be found later in the game.

    Return to this spot once you get the Stake upgrade and use it to crank the
    wheel open. This raises the gate, giving you access to a Dagger Upgrade +5
    on the other side.

-~ Shadow Gem #5 ~-

Climb alongside the wall to cross back to the other end of the gap. Instead
of going to the other side, first try climbing UP the wall; you should be
able to find some ledges that leads to a small room containing a dead body
and a Shadow Gem.

Collect the Silver Daggers from the bag next to the dead knight, then climb
back down to the wall and continue across. We aren't backtracking to the level
entrance just yet. First, go around the corner; we cannot return to the
platform above since it's too high up.

First, jump up the first couple ledges to find a grip point, so grapple up to
it. Proceeding along the ledge to the right will bring you back to the upper
platform, but we don't want to backtrack just yet.

Do not climb all the way onto the grip point; stay dangling on your chain a
bit. Hopefully the camera changes here, because it reveals a grip point
opposite of where you're hanging. If you cannot see it, push off the wall and
jump, then press the Right Trigger to grab onto it. From here, run along the
wall to the right and leap onto the shining ledge.

Shimmy to the right and fall down onto the broken pillar below you, then leap
to the balcony. No time to waste here! Quickly run along the balcony as it
starts to fall apart; jump over the gap, then onto another ledge. Hop across
the pit to the opposite wall and continue your platforming adventures as you
shimmy over to solid ground. Phew!

In the courtyard below, a Greater Lycanthrope attacks. That doesn't seem too
bad, right? Well... two more join the party. To survive the assault, use Light
Magic to keep your health in check or Shadow Magic to speed up the fight.
Regardless, make sure to focus on one at a time. They should give up plenty of
Neutral Elemental Orbs to keep your magic in check.

There is a low wall in the northwest corner of the courtyard that you can use
to reach the upper balcony. Run to the other end and climb out of the
courtyard. Ooh, pretty waterfalls. Right after doing so, walk south towards
the screen to locate crystal shard number three.

Run forward onto a high ledge. Use the Health Font before jumping down to the
room below. Here you will find the final crystal shard in the corner.

Now that you have a Dark Crystal, you are able to use its hidden ability by
holding down B. Doing so summons a demon that attacks all foes onscreen, but
will shatter the crystal. I recommend that you avoid using this power, because
you will have to go through the entire level collecting crystal shards. It
would be a total waste of time and effort.

The fourth shard was a bit easy to find. There must be a catch, right? Well, a
Cave Troll strolls out of his cage and into the room. Defeat him using normal
methods and avoid the cheap way out by using the Dark Crystal. Mount the Troll
and use him to smash the glowing pillar. Kill him afterwards and jump through
the hole to return to the beginning of the level.

Place the Dark Crystal inside the glowing statue to create a beam of light
that opens a nearby door. Remove the crystal from the statue before proceeding
through the door. The beam of light dissipates, but it doesn't matter since we
already have the door opened.

You ready for a puzzle? And by "puzzle" I mean "a simple mind game that
probably couldn't phase anyone"? There are three statues here and one locked
door. You must rotate the statues in a certain pattern so that the beam of
light hits the door at the northern end of the room and opens it. I'll provide
a cheap little diagram anyways.

|               D               |
|               |               |
| S1-------------------------S2 |    D - Door
|               |          ,-'  |    S1 - First Statue
|               |       ,-'     |    S2 - Second Statue
|               |    ,-'        |    S3 - Third Statue
|               | ,-'           |
|               S3              |
|                               |

Simple enough; you can figure it out easily without the use of this. Place the
Dark Crystal in the first statue (S1) and rotate it so that the beam of light
is hitting the second statue. Rotate that one so the beam of light travels
diagonally towards the third one. One last rotation of the third statue should
cause the beam of light to shoot towards the door and open it up. Now head on
through the complete the level.

-~ Sanctuary of Titans ~-

You know, this is one part of the game that annoyed me. I would have loved to
see more Titan battles. Now I can live with only two; that's fine with me. The
real problem is that they both occur at the early portions of the game - and
consecutively! Should have spread them out if possible. >:(

And just like the snow earlier in the game, the rain hits the screen and
slides down. Very sleek...

-~ Shadow Gem #6 ~-

At some point during this boss battle, make sure to search the far left side
of the arena for a dead knight. Inspect his body to claim your prize. It's a
little hard to find since the camera stays locked on the boss, so try hugging
the wall/screen when you are on the western end of the arena.

BOSS: Stone Idol Titan '-----------------------------------------------------

Another Titan! This one is a lot bigger than the Ice Titan, mainly because
this one isn't half-submerged in a frozen lake. The boss only has three
attacks; the first is used every time she takes a step. She is such a large
specimen that every step she takes creates a minor shockwave that you must
jump over in order to avoid taking minor damage.

The second only happens if you get too close to the boss. The ring of stones
surrounding her head will catch on fire and begin to drop to the ground like a
meteor storm. Make sure to back away from the Stone Idol Titan and avoid any
shadows nearby.

The Stone Idol Titan's third attack is also a method of attacking yourself.
Every so often, she will throw a single flaming rock at you. They may look
like pebbles in comparison to the boss, but they are pretty large boulders
once they come hurtling towards your tiny frame. Perform several dodge rolls
as it comes flying towards your face to avoid it.

In fact, we don't want to avoid these meteors: we must use them to damage the
boss. Once the boss throws a rock at you, press the Right Trigger at the last
minute to catch the rock in midair with your Combat Cross. As the picture
indicates, rotate the Left Analog Stick counterclockwise to send the rock back
at its sender.

Landing a direct hit is tough, since you have to time the speed of your
rotations perfectly. It's all about trial and error. The good news is that if
you stay far away from the Stone Idol Titan, she will only use this attack, so
you will get plenty of more tries.

The Stone Idol Titan will tumble to the ground after you hit her with the
boulder. Run up to her left leg and use your Hook Tip on the shiny portion of
her leg. Begin climbing up her quad, using the grooves on her leg to keep your
balance. Whenever the boss begins to shake her leg, hold the Right Trigger to
stay on the boss.

When you get all the way to the top of her leg, grapple over to her right leg.
Now you must climb down the boss's leg towards her knee. Take pit stops
whenever the Stone Idol Titan tries to knock you off; you should eventually
reach the first rune located on her kneecap. Stab it ten times to destroy it.

As soon as you break the rune, drop down a few times to her ankle. The boss
uses her hand to try and scratch you off, but you should be in the clear if
you got off her kneecap. With her hand in position, grapple onto it. If you do
not move in time and are swiped to the ground, you must throw a boulder at
her. This time, though, you can jump right on her wrist.

Time to climb up the Stone Idol Titan's arm. Make your journey up the Titan's
left arm and to her elbow. Again, she will try and shake you off periodically
throughout all of this, so make sure to hold the Right Trigger when necessary
to stay on.

Hold on! Claudia will distract the boss while you reach her left elbow. Make
your way up to the elbow if you haven't already. When the Stone Idol Titan
ignores Claudia and directs your attention to you, she will flail her arm
without stopping. Hang on and wait for Claudia to gain the attention of the
boss again. Take your time with your attacks and the rune on her elbow will be
destroyed after ten hits.

Just like the first rune, drop down a few notches so that you aren't knocked
to the ground when the Stone Idol Titan reaches over with her hand. With you
situated on the right wrist, the boss punches the ground and knocks you off.
Have no fear; you can use the Hook Tip to zip right back onto her wrist.

Continue up the side of the arm. The boss will move and groove her arm a bit,
but she will stop in due time. No Claudia for distractions this time. Get up
to the right elbow to find the rune and stab it a bunch of times.

Once the rune is shattered, climb to the very top of the Titan's elbow so you
avoid getting squashed by her left hand. A quick cinema points out a floating
rock that you can grapple onto with your Hook Tip. When the rock floats in
front of the Stone Idol Titan, grapple onto her crown and make your way up to
the final rune.

You can expect the Stone Idol Titan to move her head a lot harder and more
frantically, so pace your stabs. This would be the worst possible time to lose
your grip and fall all the way to the ground. Automatic death, fo' sho'.

After hitting the rune ten times, Claudia throws the Dark Crystal up to you.
Damn, that girl has got some arm if she can throw it up that high! Perform
the ring sequence successfully to bring the Stone Idol Titan crumbling down.

Hooray for defeating another Titan! Level over.

-~ The Black Knight ~-

Interesting turn of events here. Claudia is dead, and her protector, the Black
Knight, is clearly pissed about it.

BOSS: Black Knight Golem '---------------------------------------------------

Honestly, the Black Knight Golem is a pretty unimpressive enforcer. Many of
his attacks are pretty predictable and you should not have much trouble
avoiding his attacks or damaging him. Not too intimidating in my eyes.

The one thing to take note of is that many of the Black Knight Golem's attacks
have a long range. The golem can create long lines of fire after some of his
attacks, so rolling backwards won't cut it. He will perform a forward slash as
flames erupt and travel forward; you must dodge to the side. He has a near-
identical attack, but this time the flames are preceded by the boss scraping
the ground with his free hand.

The Black Knight Golem can also create a shockwave attack by punching the
ground. I feel like most large enemies/bosses have some form of shockwave
attack, so you should know what it looks like and what you should do in order
to avoid taking damage. Lastly, the boss can also slash his sword. No flames,
but it can still hurt.

This is just an old-fashioned brawl. No specific battle strategies to follow
specifically: just run up and start attacking like you would any other
monster. Make use of your Light and Shadow Magic: use the former when you are
in need of health and the latter to really pack a punch. Also note that while
attacking the boss's back may seem like a clear-cut choice, the Black Knight
Golem has a vicious backhand.

Once you have depleted around a quarter of the boss's health, he will begin to
glow. You cannot hurt him here, so press the Right Trigger and follow the
button prompts to rip off a piece of his armor. Doing so will release some
Neutral Elemental Orbs for your taking.

Eventually, the Black Knight Golem adopts a new attack. He will plunge his
sword into the ground and create a strange puddle of black goo that begins to
pursue you. If it catches up to you, you will be immobilized and a sitting
duck for the boss's next attack.

The boss battle becomes especially annoying when he begins spamming the black
goo attack like no other. I just get it over with by letting the goo catch me;
only do this when you are far away enough from the Black Knight Golem that you
can free yourself before he pulls off an attack. I saved all my Dark Magic up
until this point so I could get this fight over with at a quicker pace. Follow
a button prompt once the boss's health bar is drained to finish the job.

Unmasked, the Black Knight is destroyed. Gabriel receives the Dark Gauntlet
for his troubles... and Chapter II is over! And just for the record, this is
by far the longest chapter in the game (at least in terms of levels). Most
chapters only have around two to four levels... this one had nine...


-~ The Three Towers ~-

We will be able to use the Dark Gauntlet, which was obtained following the
battle with the Black Knight Golem. The Dark Gauntlet is used by holding down
the Left Trigger and pressing either X or Y. Hold down either button to charge
up an attack: using X causes Gabriel to perform a rocket punch and using Y
creates a large shockwave.

Walk over to the statue and hold down X while blocking. Once the attack is
charged, let go to punch the statue against the wall, causing the top part of
the wall to crumble apart. Jump up to this spot on the wall to scale the wall.

Defeat the Lesser Lycanthropes (by using the Dark Gauntlet if you wish) and go
south to find a Neutral Elemental Energy Statue. Fill up your Light and Shadow
Magic Containers, then return to the first area by scaling the wall near the

Face the statue against the wall and activate Shadow Magic. Use another Tremor
Punch (LT + X) with your magic activated to punch the statue right through the
wall. Push the statue up against the cliffside to make a grip point appear on
the statue and swing across the gap to the other side.

Walk forward and underneath the archway. First, go south to find a Dark
Crystal well. These glowing purple wells contain Dark Crystals, so whenever
you are without one, press the Right Trigger to take one. Head back north and
jump onto the island. Pick up the scroll and jump to the next island. You will
come to an island with a Brotherhood Ark on the top. You can't reach the top,
so you will have to settle for the ledge below.

    Once you have received the Cyclone Boots, come back to the island chain
    here. You will able to perform a sprint jump to reach the top of the island
    and the Brotherhood Ark, which contains a Fairy Upgrade +2.

Shimmy along the ledge as a grip point appears overhead. Grab it, then push
off the wall and jump. In midair, grapple to the grip point across the way.
Climb up the ledge and leap across the waterfall, then use the grip point
above you to reach the top of the cliff.

An army of Lesser Lycanthropes is waiting for you here. Near the end of the
fight, several Fairies arrive and distract some of the remaining Lycans. Once
the battle is complete, the Fairies give Gabriel a Fairy Blossom Container and
open the large door in front of you.

Enter the temple and stock up at the Neutral Elemental Energy Statue on your
right. The first of three towers is not too far from here.

-~ Shadow Gem #7 ~-

There is a deceased knight lying on the ground right in front of the first
tower. The body contains a Shadow Gem. Pretty hard to miss.

-~ Light Gem #8 ~-

Next to the Shadow Gem is a high ledge with a shining rock sticking out from
the top. Press the Right Trigger to grab it with your Spiked Chain, then
repeatedly tap the button onscreen to tear down a portion of the wall. Climb
up the wall and use your Hook Tip to swing across a gap, where you will find
the Light Gem.

Return to the temple and walk forward towards the first tower. Use the crank
to open the two doors and proceed inside. Several Lesser Lycanthropes will
ambush you here. There is a locked door that cannot be opened until you find
and collect three Fairies.

Exit the room to the left; you will find a Warg at the end of the pathway.
Weaken the Warg enough so you can mount it, then ride it back through the
central hub and to the right. Run to the end of the walkway and use the Warg
to climb up the vines at the dead end.

-~ Shadow Gem #8 ~-

After using the Warg to climb the first set of vines, strangle it and walk
onto the eastern balcony to find the Shadow Gem.

The western balcony contains a Health Font if you are interested. We need the
assistance of a Warg to continue, so we'll just have to go back and get
another one. Collecting the Shadow Gem was too important to pass up. Use the
grip point above the hole in the floor to travel back down to the ground, then
backtrack to the room where you encountered the first Warg. Another one will
be here, so mount him and return to the second level.

Or if you don't want to go through the trouble, you can just restart the level
from the last checkpoint to end up on the second level with your Warg (you
will still have collected the Shadow Gem here even when you restart).

Exit onto the ledge and leap across to the other side. Use the Warg to kill
the Lesser and Greather Lycanthropes before killing it. Open the gate at the
other end using the dial, then go through.

There are two exits here: the western exit through the hole in the wall and
the eastern exit through a closed-off path. In order to open the gate, you
must solve a minor puzzle. Leave the path closed and go through the hole in
the wall first.

Use the pair of grip points to swing out of the tower and onto the side of the
wall outside. Climb along the giant face sculpture to reach the very top,
where you will find the first Fairy. Take a few steps south to find a scroll
and a Neutral Elemental Energy Statue, then use the series of ledges to return
to the room below.

Time to take the eastern exit this time. There are switches on the wall that
can be charged up with either Light or Shadow Magic. Simply activate either
magic and press the Right Trigger to trigger the switches. To make things
simple for you: from left to right, use Light Magic on the first switch and
Shadow Magic on the second and third. Doing so will rotate the giant head
statue in the distance.

Use your Hook Tip to swing across the large head sculpture to the second
tower. There are two dials nearby: one inside this tower and one on the bridge
to your left, though the only problem is that there is only one handle for
both dials. The handle is interchangable, so you can use the handle on both

Walk onto the bridge and place the handle inside the dial here. As you attempt
to crank the dial, a Greater Lycanthrope shows up. Sometimes he is nice enough
to let you finish turning the dial, but other times he interrupts you. Either
way, slay the beast and turn the dial so that the gate on your left opens.

Do not go through yet. Remove the handle and head back inside the tower. Use
the handle on the dial and turn it to open another gate right next to you. Go
through this gate and climb to the top of the tower to find the second Fairy.

Descend to the tower room and walk back onto the bridge. Swing across the gap
to the third tower and start climbing up to the top.

-~ Life Gem #9 ~-

When you reach the platform just before the top of the third tower, walk
south (towards the camera) to reach the very end of the platform. There's a
dead knight here that holds a Life Gem.

Head up to the top of the tower to claim your third Fairy. Walk to the right
to find a ledge where you can begin rappeling down the side of the tower.

-~ Shadow Gem #9 ~-

As you climb down the third tower, you should find a small opening to a room
just between the first and second grip points. Shimmy inside the room and
inspect the corpse to obtain a Shadow Gem.

Head down the remainder of the tower to end up on the second floor, back where
you will still riding the Warg. Exit through the hole in the floor to return
to the temple entrance. Run towards the hub room to find that the gates are
closed again. Just how did that happen?

As you try and turn the lever to reopen the gates, a pack of Greater
Lycanthropes attack. In the scuffle, the lever is destroyed. Defeat the
creatures first, then figure out a way to get inside the central hub room. On
the right side of the area is a shiny rock sticking out of the wall. Use your
Spiked Chain to tear it out of the wall, creating a series of ledges. Go up
the ledges to reach a window leading inside. Now use the three Fairies on the
door to open it, completing the level.
this is the not ended
so i try to next tims time
Thanks you all of friend


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