Diablos2 game guide walthrought part1

in #happy7 years ago (edited)

Diablo2 is the best rpg game forever for me
it is very hard game forever
ok now let start i show you all my friend

Diablo 2 walthrought part 1
First things first. Don't worry about the movie at the beginning, it is
not a vital part of the game and it does not make
sense until the end. Now you have started off, talk to Warriv. Then talk
to Akara for a quest, and if you are a fighter talk to Charsi. Then go
out to the --BLOOD MOOR--, and find the --DEN OF EVIL--.
ACT 1: QUEST 1: THE DEN OF EVIL Aardvarkdoofers
This is probably one of the easiest quests, especially for a
necromancer. Just wander around and kill things. The little
red dudes, Fallen(1), have Shamans. Kill the Shaman(1) before you
attempt to kill the Fallen(1), cos the Shamans(1)
resurrect Fallen(1) and shoot fireballs at you. Zombies(1) are easy
enough to kill. For a Sorceress, firebolt them, and for
all others, hack at them (or let skells do it for you). Don't waste any
Javelin em. For the Spikes(1)(quill rats)
simply do whatever you can, avoiding the bolts. BEWARE! There is a
magical monster called Corpsefire. He will use an elemental
attack on you (that is what Spectral Hit means). He shows up with a
group of Zombies(1), but should be not much of a prob.
However, you might want to use a ranged attack instead of a melee if you
can. After you find and kill all the monsters,
right click on the blue scroll in your inventory to warp back to town.
Go to Akara for an extra skill point, then go to
Kashya for another quest. She wants you to kill Blood Raven. You can
find Blood Raven in the --BURIAL GROUNDS--, beyond
the --COLD PLAINS--. Oh yeah. Get the waypoint for Cold plains. If you
find the --STONY FIELD--, turn back. You don't go
there yet.

ACT 1: QUEST 2: BLOOD RAVEN Antdoofers

In case you're wondering, Blood Raven is the one who is raining arrows
down on you. She is surrounded by Skeletons(1) and
Zombies(1), who should be a) hacked into a million pieces or b) burnt
with a fire attack. The Skeletons are like the
Zombies, but they are MUCH faster. Use an armour defence spell if you
are a sorceress, or pick em off from a distance if you
are a female character\necro. If you are baba\pala, simply go and hack
them up. But you need to try and ignore Skeletons
and zombies for now. Instead, throw whatever you've got at Blood Raven.
Most Sorceress attacks work well (esp. Fire), and
Amas should be able to use a ranged attack on her, Babas and Palas use
any fast attack and Necros use Teeth and Skells to
take her down (and golems if you have them). After this return to the --
COLD PLAINS-- waypoint, talk to Kashya, get a
mercenary, talk to Akara, WP back to the --COLD PLAINS--, and find the -
-STONY FIELD-- Waypoint. Then go through the
--UNDERGROUND PASSAGE-- (l2 is optional. Exit is on l1) to the --DARK


Now you're in the Dark Wood, right? Good. Find the tree of Inifuss. It
should have the monster Treehead Woodfist nearby
(he is a Golem(1)). He is extra strong extra fast, so the best thing to
do is run at him, attack, run off. Or, run away,
attack (with ranged attack) run off again when he gets near. Or use some
skells. Your choice. Anyway, once he's dead, click
on the Tree of Inifuss and get the scroll. Now look for the --DARK WOOD-

  • waypoint and use it to get back to the Roguecamp.
    Then talkto Akara, stock up on potions (I really mean that), and wp to
    Stony Field. Once there, find the Cairn Stones, and
    kill Rakanishu the Fallen(2). Use ranged attacks or hit-and-runs to kill
    him (or skells, but stand back). Now enter Tristram
    by clicking on all of the stones in any order (it doesn't matter what
    order you do them in, but you still have to have
    the Scroll. Strange). Now beware. There are Skeleton Mages(1),
    Goatmen(1) or (2) and Fallen\Shaman(1) and (2). Also beware
    of Griswold. He is cursed, so he MUST NOT HIT YOU. If he does, run away
    until the curse wears off. To kill the skellmages,
    either hit them very hard, chuck things, or use fire\ice (lightning is
    not a very good choice cos they are made of stone).
    The goatmen are big and fast, so use close-range attacks(Inferno, Jab,
    Bash, Normal) (or skells) to kill them. Another
    strategy is to find Cain and run away very fast. Somewhere on the map is
    Wirt's Body. Get the gold and his leg(if you want
    to do the secret cow level later in the game), unless you're too busy
    running away from Griswold and Goaties. Now use the
    red portal to Stony Field and wp back to the Rogue Camp. Talk to Cain,
    then Akara. By the way, did you find something called
    the "Moldy Tome" in the Stony Field? If not, go find it now. You'll
    stumble upon the next quest that way. Afterwards, wp
    to the --DARK WOOD--. NOTE: Now you can identify items for FREE!!!!!!


You find the tower in the --BLACK MARSH-- beyond the --DARK WOOD--. The
--BLACK MARSH-- waypoint would therefore come in
handy. Now enter the --FORGOTTEN TOWER-- and head for the Tower Cellars.
On each level, there are a group of monsters and
a magic one. Kill them all, and proceed to the next level. Now repeat
that until you get to L5. On this level is the
Countess and a group of Dark Rogues (they might be rangers. I'll check
that). Best to kill them all, because if you kill the
Countess you get big lots of gold and a completed quest. Now TP back to
the Rogue Camp and talk to Charsi for Q5. Then use
the WP to get to the --BLACK MARSH-- and proceed to the --TAMOE


Well this is hard, eh? I don't know what number Dark Rogues you are
fighting, but they are very fast. Also beware of the
new edition of the Fallen, Fallen\Shaman(3). Firstly kill everything,
then go to the corridors left, in front, and right of
the --OUTER CLOISTER-- WP (its not hard to find, believe me). Find the -
-BARRACKS-- and prepare for new editions of the
Goatmen(2?) and Fallen\Shaman(4). Deck everything until you hear someone
shouting about the Hellforge, or making weapons
from your bones (charming!). This is your cue to leg it. Run away, using
cold attacks and skells if you have them to slow
down The Smith. You can stay and fight (baba, pala), but TP (just in
case, right?). When he's dead, go and grab the
Horadric Malus. Now, while snooping around, you may have found the --
JAIL--. Go back to town (WP or TP), talk to Charsi
or an Imbue (don't use this for a long while. It will pay off.....) and
then Deckard Cain for the Final Act1 Quest. Then call your lawyer, we're
going to the --JAIL--.


Now you're in jail L1, you have a couple of new enemies to square off
against. Firstly, Ghosts(1). They drain mana, so stay
out of range unless you can do without. There are also Helldogs(1)
(tainted). These are fast, they have a ranged attack,
they also have good close range abilities. Yikes! Bear in mind that the
Jail is full of undead, so maces and fire are in
order. Also starring in the Jail are Vampires(1), who shoot fire and
steal life. They are also undead, so mace\fire them.
Now work your way down to Jail L3 (beware of Pitspawn Fouldog, he's
magic) and grab the --INNER CLOISTER-- WP and use it
before you get got by the Spikies(3) who have a magical leader (I have
forgotten his name.) You can kill them if you feel
like it, or you can leg it over to the --CATHEDRAL-- and kill the
ghosts, and Boneash (he's magic resistant and stone skin?),
and also the Helldogs and Fallen\Shaman(4). Now get down to the final
Act1 Dungeon: The Catacombs. On L1 there are a couple
of Ratmen(1), who plague act 3. They are pretty darned fast, so a close
range attack is order of the day. Also, you might
get ambushed by Helldogs, which you should also kill. Grab the WP on L2,
and cast a TP before you enter L4. It's time for
the Final Showdown For Act 1: Andariel. She hates fire, and poisons you
a lot. If you are dead or nearly dead, cast TP
upstairs on L3 where she can't get you :), get healed and re-enter the
fray. Then start killing her again (the more the
better), and repeat until she's dead. Watch the firestorm, loot her
corpse, and talk to Warriv to get to A2. You've now
completed A1, and shouldn't ever return unless you want to train.


Wow, a desert. But it's a fun desert. Talk to everyone in town,
particularly Fara and Drognan, then go see Atma. She'll
tell you to go kill Radament. Which is Q1. So go do that.


Go to the --SEWERS--. OK then, time for some brand new enemies. Firstly,
the Burning Dead.
They do fire damage, and are also archers. Secondly, the Mummies, they
do poison damage when you kill them and when they hit you.
In case you hadn't guessed, use Maces and Fire to kill them all. Get the
WP on L2, then proceed to L3 and find Radament.
You'll know when he's near cos he hisses at you. Now tempt his minions
out of his range and kill them.
Then go in for Radament, with (here we go again) Fire and Maces. He
shouldn't be much of a problem.
When you finally do kill him, loot him and look for an enchanted chest.
Grab the Horadric Scroll from it, and TP to LG.
Talk to Cain. Get Q2.

ACT 2: QUEST 2: PART 1: THE HORADRIC STAFF Zombifieddoofers

Step outside of LG, into the --ROCKY WASTE--. This is the second biggest
quest in the game, so you may stumble upon other
quests as you do it. Anyway, the --ROCKY WASTE-- is basically a practice
ground, so practice in it. You will meet various
new enemies, such as Leapers(1), Hellcats(1), Vultures(1), and many
more. Vultures are tricky. They are quite zealous,
so make sure you get first hit, or use a ranged attack. Hellcats come in
2 forms: Ranged and Melee. The Melee cats are fast,
so beware if you use ranged attacks. The Ranger Cats are also fast, but
only in their throwing arm. Chuck stuff back, or
simply hit them very hard, a lot. The leapers are hard to hit, but keep
trying and eventually you will be able to hit them.
Once hit, they are slowed down a bit, so hit them lots more. Once you've
got enough practice, head to the --DRY HILLS--
and get the Waypoint. If you are on Nightmare\Hell, don't bother with
the --HALLS OF THE DEAD-- and meet me at Part 2 in a minute. If on
Normal, be prepared. Be very prepared, because this is a very hard level
if you don't have Fire, Maces, or a lot of life\defence\patience. Well,
start off by destroying all the monsters you can find. Work down to L2,
and make sure you have a ranged attack. For Necros, Amas, and Sorcs,
this isn't a problem, but if you're a Baba or Pala you might want to at
least get Leap Attack or Charge.
There are Greater Mummies(1) on this floor. They resurrect all undead
(except each other), so they must be disposed of before you try killing
the others. They have a Unholy Bolt attack, too, so beware. Anyway,
after L2, go to L3, and destroy everything down there. There might be
some kind of boss, it's been a long time since I did this level so I
can't be sure. Anyway, grab the enchanted chest and inside is.... the
Horadric Cube!!!! Wayhey!!!! This rather useful tool is good for
transmuting things to combine them. I will put down known recipes soon.
Talk to Cain if you want some.


Time for A2Q2 part 2: The Staff of Kings. You need to go down the --
MAGGOT LAIR-- in the --FAR OASIS-- for this. The Maggot Lair sure is
narrow! Beware the Swarms(1): they drain your stamina, and the Big Sand
Maggots(1)have baby Sand Maggots(1), so you should kill the big ones
first to prevent them from creating the young. Bearing in mind the
narrow corridors, some spells are killer here, particularly Blaze,
Bonespear, and the Amazon's ranged Javelin skills,
and Whirlwind (For nightmare-ers). Anyway, kill everything on your way
down to L3. At the end, you'll find millions of Maggots,
Maggot babies, and a Really Big Bad Maggot called Coldworm The Burrower.
Kill all the baby maggots that chase you,
then kill the big maggots, then start on Coldworm. He can't hurt you, so
just hack away at him, then get the Staff of Kings.


Now it's time for A2Q2 part 3: The Claw Viper Amulet\Staff Headpiece.
This is the smallest part, but it makes up for it
in hardness. It is located in the --CLAW VIPER TEMPLE-- in --THE VALLEY
OF THE SNAKES-- beyond the --LOST CITY-- which
has a WP. Also, it combines with A2Q3: Tainted Sun, so I won't have to
bother writing an entire A2Q3 section. A2Q3 is
when it becomes eternal night in the Lost City (so a "great hero" must
break the spell :D). Anywho, in the --CLAW VIPER
TEMPLE--, you meet the Salamanders and the Serpents. One of them (I
can't remember which) has an ice-charge attack, and the
other a double-swing-zeal kinda thingy. Lost? Me too. Cold resistance
does help against them, though. So does ChainLightning,
Bash, Jab (or Fend if you have it), Skeleton Magi, Golems, Zeal, Charge,
Stun, Smite, Inferno and Glacial Spike. Phew! Bad
news for an Ama though. All you need to do is Kill The Whole Damn Lot Of
Them. Easier said than done, that. Also, I can't
remember if you meet the ZapBats here. If so, get lightning resist, and
hit them quickly and strongly. Then go down to L2.
I seem to remember lots of them charging at me, and I got frozen, and
major ouchies!! I also remember a magic one. Can't
remember what its called, but I can remember it is hard to eliminate.
Don't worry about mana, just kill them all, and be
quick about it. Then high-tail it over to the Altar, and finish Quest 3
by clicking on it. Then finish Q2 by nicking the
Golden Amulet from the Claw Vipers. Then run like there's no tomorrow.
When back in LG, put the Staff Of Kings and the
Claw Viper Amulet inside the Horadric Cube, press the Transmute button,
and wolla! One Horadric Staff. What's it useful for?
A2Q6. You've finally done A2Q2! Congratulations!

ACT 2: QUEST 3: TAINTED SUN Owldoofers

I've just finished explaining how you do this, but I have to explain
again now so people don't get lost. First go to the
--LOST CITY--, then the --VALLEY OF THE SNAKES--, then the --CLAW VIPER
TEMPLE--. Destroy the Altar on L2. Sorted.


Now this is a hard quest. You have to run around the Arcane Sanctuary,
which is infested with Ghosts(2), and Goatmen(2),
and Vampires(2). The walkways are again quite narrow, but they have open
space on either side this time. Fireballs and
Firewall spells and whatnot can travel across the vacuum. So can jumping
barbarians and teleporting Sorceresses, not to mention
arrows, javelins and sorc\necro spells. I think Paladin Offensive Auras
can also travel across, I haven't tried. Ditto Shouts.
but enough about me, lets get on to you, good customer. Go up in
whatever direction you want, but always do the teleporter
bit last. At one end you should come across The Summoner and Horazon's
Journal. This is probably obvious, but destroy the
journal and read the summoner. I mean, read the journal and destroy the
summoner. The Summoner is best dealt with at close
range, I wouldn't reccomend getting into a fireball ping-pong match with
him. After he's dead, read the Journal and a portal
will open. Go through it to the --CANYON OF THE MAGI--, and grab the

if you have no ranged attacks. Don't even THINK about Whirlwinding
these. I can tell you that you will kill them, but you'll
die in a way that can cause the game to crash (I call it Double-Death
Crasher. If you lose double your health, you can die
twice in a second. You can't die while you're still whirlwinding, but if
you lose double your maximum life your
I try to another way thanks you all of friend
HFD image