Chrono Cross 2 game guide part 2

in #happy7 years ago

This is the best rpg game forever for me
it is called so Chrono Cross 2
ok now let start i show you all

  Chronocross 2 Walkthrough (Part 2)

Just a note on things before the walkthrough in itself begins. Due to the size
of the game itself, the guide has been split into three parts. Part 1 is the
very beginning up to a certain spoilerific part of the game (you'll know when it
happens), Part 2 is that part up to disc 2, and Part 3 consists of all of disc

  1. With that, let's GET IT ON!Hi guys this game is very difficult
    I think this game is likely final fantasy
    series but more attractive .Confused
    Quest and more thinks about so ...
    The Main Quest is all you must do in order to win the game. Let's get started
    shall we

    Walthrought part 2 is image now begin

Guldove ~~ Another World -

When you wake up after that... highly exciting trip, Serge will be in a
woman's house in a different town. She'll tell him his friends are outside,
but you just know that by music like this, something bad is going to happen.
Kid and Korcha talk to Serge outside, and just as Kid calls him a wuss for
being knocked out like that, she collapses. Yep, something is seriously
wrong with her. So with that, Serge, Guile, and Korcha take her to the
village clinic.

According to Doc here, she has at most two days to live, and has been
terribly poisoned. The only way to heal her is with Hydra Humour, and Hydras
are NOW extinct. But there was a 50/50 chance of that happening hint hint
and some people just made fortunes. So as it is, there's absolutely nothing
you can do. Doc wants to be alone, but as Korcha chases after him, he gets
stepped on by the harlequin from Viper Manor. After some hilarious moments
with Korcha and Harle, she disappears and Kid wakes up.

Kid gives Serge the Astral Amulet, but then Korcha asks Serge what he
intends to do. I will let you now that this choice is major. If you choose
that there's nothing you can do, Korcha gets pissed off and leaves, and you
can recruit Macha, Glenn, and Doc. If you choose to save her, Korcha's
happy with that, and you can recruit Korcha, Razzly, and Mel. I personally
chose to save Kid, but I WILL cover both paths because I am such a very nice

VIi. Saving a Friend

So you choose to save a friend whom you barely even know, eh? Very considerate
of you, and although this path is much harder, it's worth it, since it's quite
a bit more fun, plus you get some more Star Levels, and more easily, at that.
Harder bosses though, but that just makes it better, right?

--- Guldove ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Supposing that you chose to save Kid, you'll get to keep the Astral Amulet
that Kid gave you, and Korcha will go with you for a bit, recommending
that you see the village shaman so that you at least get a vague clue of
what to do next. Everyone goes outside, stopped a little bit by Korcha's
sister Mel and her cat, Luna, but outside, Korcha will be waiting for you to
be ready to go. With that, talk to the merchant right below you, who will
sell you materials in exchange for elements (the numbers add up to levels).

        Eyeball  - 12
        Humour   - 10
        Feather  - 22
        Scale    - 20
        Fur      - 16
        Leather  - 18
        Fang     - 28
        Carapace - 32
        Screw    - 20
        Seed     - 14

After doing whatever (lack of) trading you wish, he'll give you a Pelvic
Bone, which fits that skeletal head's body, which you met in Fossil Valley.
And yes, you might have gotten an Angry Scapula from Shadow Forest, if you
took Nikki's path into Viper Manor. But I assume you didn't, so I'll cover
that later. Moving on, head left screen, and enter the bar if you want.
Doc is in there, expressing how powerless he is to the bartender, Orlha.
And as it is, they're going to try and do something, because otherwise Doc
would simply be running away. After that, head over to the ladder and enter
the shop on the right. Elements galore.

        Items:           Price:       Innate:       Level:
        Tablet           10 G         Red           1/0
        Medicine         15 G         Blue          2/0
        Ointment         15 G         Red           2/0
        Antidote         15 G         Green         2/0
        Brace            15 G         Yellow        2/0
        Bushwhacker      50 G         Green         1/7
        AeroSaucer       80 G         Green         2/6
        Uplift           50 G         Yellow        1/7
        ElectroJolt      80 G         Yellow        2/6
        PhotonRay        60 G         White         1/7
        Meteorite       100 G         White         2/6
        GravityBlow      60 G         Black         1/7
        HellSoul        100 G         Black         2/6

With that, head to see the shaman, going to the left from the element shop
area, and entering the tower there. Inside, the chief Direa and shaman
Steena tell you that it may be possible to save Kid if you can get to your
world again, and to get back there again, you need to go to the Land of
Genesis, or in other words, Opassa Beach. But anyway, that's it for this
place. Return to the dock and talk to Korcha, and you're off to Termina.

--- Termina ~~ Another World ----------------------------

As soon as you enter Termina, a guy comes in and tells Korcha that he can't
dock the boat there, but Korcha ends up bribing him. Not bad, and then he
joins you. Might as well put him in your party, but as it is, you might as
well equip everyone with Elements. I set it up as such (heed my words of
wisdom in Elementdom!).

   Level 1: PhotonRay, Fireball, Bushwhacker, Revive
   Level 2: Meteorite, MagmaBomb, ElectroJolt, IceLance
   Level 3: RecoverAll, Dash&Slash
   Level 4: ElectroBolt

   Level 1: GravityBlow
   Level 2: AeroSaucer
   Level 3: MagmaBomb, WandaIn
   Level 4: IceBlast

   Level 1: AquaBeam, Fireball, PhotonRay, Cure
   Level 2: Heal, Uplift, HellSoul, AeroSaucer
   Level 3: IceLance, HeadButt
   Level 4: IceBlast

There's not really too much to explore here, unless you want to get some
stuff from Zippa's and Zappa's smithy. Meanwhile, just leave Termina and go
straight to Opassa Beach. I'm not even going to make a sub-divider for this;
just head to the green light, and use the Astral Amulet there. You'll
remerge in the Home World once again! Yaaayyy... you haven't been here for
awhile. Head straight to the east, into Hydra Marshes.

--- Hydra Marshes ~~ Home World ----------------------------

Yeah, I know it's a shock that you really ARE in the Home World, so bear
with me and be treated to the music. Talk to the guy in the way, and he'll
just trust you and move out of the way. Take the path over to the right when
he's done movin' it, and walk through the marshy water, following it down to
find a Feather in a treasure chest. Eh... who cares. Take the path over to
the left instead, and move it on up to find the mirage of a fairy heading to
the left. Korcha will question your sanity, but let's keep going.

At the fork here, take a left, following the fairy. I would go to the right,
but there's nothing there except a Bone, so it gets REJECTED from me! OH
YEAH, BURN BABY BURN! Oh, excuse my lack of a grip. Going on from the left,
everyone has to duck as a large insect starts flying out of nowhere. Geez,
places like this make me sick. Move up this land, which seems to be shaped
like a large body (oh my poor head), and collect the Brace right above. Now
fork it on over to the left.

Moving forward from here, a strange looking creature called a Beeba will come
out of pretty much nowhere. These creatures are actually fairly tough to
beat, since they can call friends, and they might be able to quickly add up
damage. Finish them quickly, or you might end up regretting it. Green
elements are totally rockin' here, so make full use of them. After that, the
Beeba gets apologetic and gives you the Beeba Flute, so you can call a
Wingapede with it, in a "wide open space". Not here though, so follow the
path onward.

Head upward here, and talk to the Beeba there. Tell him you're as strong as
Mr. Universe (SHAKIN' THE WORLD ALL NIGHT LONG, BABY), and it's another Beeba
fight. Hopefully you got used to it. And trust me it's rewarding, because
there's a Bushbasher element in the chest, which is one of the best 3/5
elements. What's more, you're even gonna fight a really tough yellow element
soon, so you can't have enough green elements. But with that done, might as
well head up the trunk just a little bit back.

Follow the path over to the right, and you come to that wide open space. Use
the Beeba Flute from the items, and then Wingapede comes along and attacks
you. Ouch... not nice. It doesn't help that it's a green elemental, but hey,
it's a very easy fight anyways. Just hope that you have ElectroBolt on
someone, ready to be used. It'll die very quickly, let's just hope you don't
get poisoned or anything. With that gone, the footing on the ground is very
bad. Korcha doesn't recommend stepping on it... says WHO?!

Step on the cracks on the ground, to fall right onto a squishy monster's
head. Of course it's too stupid to notice and goes back to sleep... to awaken
it, just examine the cage below. And then, naturally, you'll have to fight
this monster, named Pentapus. It's a blue elemental that's a lot harder than
you might think from a squishy bitch, but just keep your HP above 80 at all
times, and you'll survive. Plus it drops the blue 3/5 element AquaBall, so
that helps. Examine the cage after you're done, and the fairy inside it,
named Razzly, will join your party.

I suggest replacing Korcha with Razzly, because you will really want to have
a green elemental for the next two boss fights. Climb up the ladder there,
and you'll remerge in Hydra Marshes themselves. Yeah, that took awhile. =P
Jump into the marshy water, and head up to collect an AeroSaucer element
there. And from here, take the path at the northwest to arrive at a pond with
some bushy plant beasts, and nothing else. Just carry on to the east... bah.

At the fork on this screen, head south and follow the path along, beating up
some midgets if you can't be bothered doing anything else. Pick an Antidote
on the way, but don't bother going further on to the right, cuz that's just
dull for now. Instead, take the upper path and keep going to the right, and
you'll really meet the dwarves. In another damn boss fight, no less.

\ Boss: Hi-Ho Dwarves Party: Serge, Guile, Razzly \
Attacks: HP - 90 each ||
- ElectroJolt Innate - Yellow ||
- Hi-HoChorus Difficulty - Semi-Hard ||
- Hi-HoWarCry ||
How hard do you think against six dwarves is going to be? Actually, it's
a lot harder than you might think. At the start of this fight, they're very
likely to pull of Hi-HoChorus, which requires five dwarves alive, and deals
about 40 damage to Serge and Guile, or 80+ damage to Razzly. Very deadly,
plus they use it a LOT. So your first and foremost task is to get rid of two
dwarves, which HOPEFULLY shouldn't take more than one turn from each of
your characters.

Serge with Dash&Slash plus physical attacks, Guile with WandaIn and some
add-ups, and Razzly's easy green elemental Raz-Star, you'll have some dead
dwarves pretty fast. Just make sure you use RecoverAll after sustaining
that kind of punishment, and carry this fight on carefully, one dwarf at a
time. 90 HP is nothing at this point anyways.

And with that fight having been won, the Dwarf Chieftain will move over to
the right. I will say one thing before the next boss, though. If you fight
it with Razzly in your party, you will never be able to obtain her Lv. 7
tech. I personally didn't care much, but you may very well be different than
me. So... choose wisely and carry on to the right, where you will meet the

\ Boss: Hydra Party: Serge, Guile, Razzly \
Attacks: HP - 700 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- PutridBreath Difficulty - Medium ||
- SpiritsUp ||
- SpiritsDown ||
The Hydra is thought by many to be one of the harder fights in the game,
but in my opinion it's kind of tame compared to some other things. I mean,
PutridBreath is quite an annoyance, but besides that it doesn't really have
all that much except strong physical attacks. It does, however, ABSORB
yellow elements, so don't even think about using that. Razzly may be in a
lot of danger here, so make sure Serge is ready with Revive, and that she
gets in Raz-Star as quickly as possible, for a good 100+ damage.

As the fight wears on, it may get slightly tougher, but you want to keep
everyone, especially Razzly's, HP above 70-80 or thereabouts, because the
Hydra's physical attack chain might be able to scratch that off of you.
AeroSaucer, Bushbasher, and RazStar are all great here, so just don't get
overwhelmed by the Hydra at the last moments, and you'll pull through

With that, the dwarf will get pissed and leave. Examine the Hydra after he's
done rambling, and not only will you get the Hydra Humour, but Razzly will
notice that it's pregnant and there will be more Hydras. That's a tad bit
more important than you might think. You'll be taken automatically to the
entrance when you're done, so just head through the screen, go back to Opassa
Beach, to Another World, and then to Termina.

--- Termina ~~ Another World ----------------------------

I cover this brief thing here just so it's closer to viewer eyesight from
section VIj. But oh well, head to Termina, and east to the shrines that the
old man talked about earlier. Over there is a large muscleman named Greco,
mourning his son's death. He'll return to his house after giving some words
to you, so enter his house, and he'll be intrigued by your story and want to
go with you. So that makes another party member... sweet. Return to the docks
once more, and let's head on over to Guldove.

--- Guldove ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Korcha will rush right into the clinic as soon as you enter, but there's one
thing to (more conveniently) get right now. Head into the bar on the screen
to the west, and talk with the Hi-Ho Dwarf there. Nah, they aren't as bad
in this world as they are in the Home World. Speak to him twice, and you get
a Green Tinker... let's deal with that later, m'kay? Head to the clinic and
give Doc the Hydra Humour, and that'll be all set until nightfall, when Doc
tells Serge that Kid wants to talk to him.

Go into the adjacent room where Kid is, and she'll remark about how Serge
has become "bloody handsome". I can't fathom what Kid and Harle find
attractive about Serge, but I digress. After that, Serge and Korcha explain
the thing about the parallel worlds to Doc, and while Kid is sleeping,
Korcha's sister Mel comes in and steals her elements. What a stupid brat.
But anyhow, in the next morning Kid asks Serge what he's going to do, and
he gets another one of his flashbacks, this one from Viper Manor, seeing
Lynx jumping at him, declaring him the "Chrono Trigger".

But with that, Kid realizes her Elements are gone, and as they decide to
talk to the nurse, Mel runs away, challenging Kid to catch her for her
elements. No one wants to chase her (Kid in particular wants to go after
Lynx) but persuade everyone that you need to look for Mel. So with that,
start by going to the bar and talking to Orlha, who will tell you that Mel
hasn't been by. With that done, head to Sheena's and Direa's tower and talk
with the guard, who also says Mel hasn't been by.

Head to the screen near the element shop, and Mel will show up and run away.
Then just head to the screen with the residential tower, and a kid will block
the exit so that Mel is trapped inside and gets cornered. So you get your
Elements back after a scolding, but you can't quite recruit her yet. Instead,
just meet Korcha at the dock to go back to Termina. Yes, this section STILL
isn't over. ;)

--- Termina ~~ Another World ----------------------------

When you get out of the boat, head to the main area and down the stairs to
the entrance, to find Glenn talking with the flower seller about Fort
Dragonia and the Porre army from the east. As Kid talks to Serge, Glenn gets
suspicious and draws his sword, much to the flower seller's disgust, cuz his
brother would never do that. So Glenn decides to mind his own business, but
advises you go to an island northeast of here, where an old hermit lives.
Any guesses who THAT is?

But anyway, now the only thing you have to do is find a boat, so that you
can pretty much get your freedom around the world. So... talk to Korcha
again, and he'll want Kid to be his wife. This is pretty damn funny,
especially if you have Serge tell her to just do it, in which she kicks him
in the nuts. Funny, funny. But anyway, now you got your boat... so explore
da open world now, baby. Sail da seven seas. Whatever. And yeah, might as
well have Korcha go with you.

VIj. Leaving a Friend

So... you chose to abandon a friend without even trying to help her, eh? You
are SUCH a kind person. Really. But either way, you're left in Guldove, but
don't ask me what to buy here. Refer back to section VIi, covering Guldove, and
let's, errr... move on.

--- Guldove ~~ Another World ----------------------------

With that choice of yours made, step out of the clinic, and do the stuff
that you'd normally do, like swing around town, get the Pelvic Bone that I
mention in section VIi, buy equipment, elements, blah blah blah. Then exit
the screen through the left, and feel free to enter the bar right above.
Doc is in there, expressing how powerless he is to the bartender, Orlha.
And as it is, they're going to try and do something, because otherwise Doc
would simply be running away.

Outside the bar, climb the ladder over to the left, and enter the element
shop for some stuff if you want. Continue to the right and enter the house
there, which just happens to be Korcha's house, where Serge woke up. Tell
him that you need to borrow his boat, then he pretty much loses it. But then
his mom, Macha, comes in and scolds him. Even after getting lectured and
hearing the story again, Korcha refuses to lend you his boat, but then Macha
just takes it, and says she'll meet you at the dock.

So that's that. Macha also recommends you go to the village shaman, so since
that can be interesting, you might as well do that. Head back to the element
shop, and head left this place, then entering the building on the left. In
there you'll meet the shaman, Steena, and chief Direa, who recommends Serge
go to the Land of Genesis, or in other words, Opassa Beach. Well anyway,
that is it for Guldove. Return to the clinic, and meet Macha on the right.
Enjoy the sight seeing on your way back to Termina.

--- Termina ~~ Another World ----------------------------

As soon as you enter Termina, a guy comes in and tells Macha that she can't
dock the boat there, but she virtually causes an earthquake telling him to
cut the crap. So he pretty much gives in to that. And now you're free to do
whatever you want in Termina, starting by going to the entrance, where you
met Glenn and the flower seller the first time you entered. They're back
again, this time with Glenn breaking military regulations, and going to Fort
Dragonia to stop the Porre army from the east. This guy rocks, I tell ya.

Head back to the dock and speak with Macha, and tell her that you're going
to straighten things out. She then right along and gives you Korcha's boat,
but then Glenn comes in and says he needs to borrow a boat. So then he
talks to Serge, and you have the choice of letting him join. To hell, LET
HIM JOIN. I'll let you know right now, he's probably the third best character
in the whole game. Macha gets worried about you too, and she joins as well.
That's sweet... now you're off to see Radius. Yeah, he has a new occupation.
Get in the boat, and sail away to Hermit's Hideaway, a little northeast of
the continent. And that wraps up leaving Kid, you shameful ingrate.

VIk. Shiver Me Timbers

Everything from here on out assumes that you chose to save Kid, and have Korcha
and Razzly, not Macha and Glenn. It won't make a huge difference either way,
but just bear with me with the assumptions. Anyway, there are a couple things to
do before going to the hermit's hideout. Start by going to the pinkish island
at the southeast (NOT the northeast) of the world. Head into it, it's Marbule.

--- Marbule ~~ Another World ----------------------------

There's only one thing to do in this shop, and that's to go to the Element
Shop. Don't bother talking with anyone here much, since they all pretty much
hate your guts. And as... strange as it might seem, the Element Shop is the
pink guy above. But anyway, I'm not going to list them since you're gonna
be here later looking for Elements, so just note they have all the
TurnColors, as well as the stat changes (i.e. Strengthen, Weaken), and that
is it for this place. Now go to Hydra Marshes... trust me.

--- Hydra Marshes ~~ Another World ----------------------------

With that Green Tinkler you have in possession, head to the far north from
the entrance, and start by collecting the Tablet there. On the next screen,
pick up a Bushwhacker element to the left, fighting enemies as you go, but
note that the marshy water here is poisonous. Yeah, as you can guess, Hydra
Marshes in Another World really suck. Head up the path right ahead, and use
the Green Tinkler on the tilted plant. That's another part of this place that
just sucks, but anyhow, move up and collect the Seed on your way. To the left
you go.

In this rather uneventful screen, all there is is a Carapace and that's it.
MOVING ON. In the next area, which is where you fought the dwarves earlier,
take the lower path down and collect the Copper on the way, and on the next
screen, take the second path to the right, entering the hole and examining
things to find another bone, the Good Backbone. Skelly's pretty happy 'bout
that. Might as well also take the other path and find the Tablet there. But
anyway, return to the previous screen.

This time, head to the upper right, and to where you fought the Hydra. Some
goblins seem to be after a chest, and as we all know, goblins are EVIL! STAB
'EM AND LET 'EM DIE! KILL 'EM! KILL EVERYTHING! Oops, sorry, power rush.
Either way, they're laughably easy. Upheaval, ElectroBolt... just pull those
out and they're as good as dead. After they're dead, open the chest, which
contains a Life Sparkle. But anyway, that's all for this place, so get the
hell out and go to Viper Manor.

--- Viper Manor ~~ Another World ----------------------------

As for security, the place is guarded by a single Roborg. Bust it up as you
always did, it's an easy enemy. Right ahead of that is a TurnYellow element,
supposing that you didn't choose Pierre. Anyway, just head forward and enter
Viper Manor; there's no one in there anyhow. Head to the second floor and
take the elevator up to the upper floor, and take a right to go to the roof
terrace, where you'll find Luccia. Talk to her, and then use that Life
Sparkle you just got on the NeoFio flower.

And guess what NeoFio does when you give her life? ...That's right, she
joins your party. Just another meaningless character, although she's not
really that bad. Climb up the ladder and collect the Sight Scope there, and
then go to Luccia's lab, by going to the main hall, across the hall to the
right, and entering the second room on the right. Talk to Luccia and give her
the offer you knew would come up, and she joins you too. Bah. Well, that's
it. Leave Viper Manor, and at last go to that island northeast of here, which
happens to be smoking.

--- Hermit's Hideaway ~~ Another World ----------------------------

And guess who happens to be here, waiting for you? It's Harle, and yes, she
did burn this place under Lynx's orders. And what's more, she wants to have
a tussle with Serge. So it's a "boss" fight, but since she dies in about
three hits, I'm not going to provide a strategy. However, she does drop the
very useful PhotonBeam element, which is a 3/5 element I would definitely
equip on Serge.

Harle gives her standard kiss goodbye, and disappears. That's when old man
Radius shows up. Of course Serge doesn't talk about it, but he's easily
recognizable from Arni Village. After he talks, enter the tree trunk via the
ladder, and he'll talk about his past with Glenn's father Garai, and the
blacksmith Zappa. Naturally he would warn about Lynx's strength, but we
won't go there. Our next destination is the seas themselves. Beforehand,
though, allocate some elements. I picked 'em as such.

   Level 1: Revive, AquaBeam, Uplift, PhotonRay
   Level 2: Meteorite, AeroSaucer, ElectroJolt, Heal
   Level 3: RecoverAll, Upheaval, Dash&Slash
   Level 4: PhotonBeam, IceBlast

   Level 1: Uplift, Bushwhacker, GravityBlow, Fireball
   Level 2: Fireball, HellSoul, MagmaBomb, AeroSaucer
   Level 3: MagmaBomb, RecoverAll, Pilfer
   Level 4: Strengthen, ElectroBolt

   Level 1: AquaBeam, TurnRed, PhotonRay, Cure
   Level 2: IceLance, AeroSaucer, MagmaBomb, GravityBlow
   Level 3: AquaBall, Bushbasher, MaidenHand
   Level 4: IceBlast, Upheaval

With that, head a bit south of Hermit's Hideaway, and choose to enter the

--- S.S. Invincible ~~ Another World ----------------------------

And thus the group encounters the ghost ship, and decides to get on. I
don't suppose that's the best of choices, because as soon as they do set
foot on it, some pirates surrounded them, making way for Captain Fargo. You
may or may not recognize him from the Dream Dungeon at the very beginning
of the game, since he was a common ally, but he's here now as an enemy. He
asks you to state your intention, as he thinks you're with Lynx, and decides
you're pretty much risking your life. As such, he sics some Men-Of-War at
you to test you. Beat 'em up with Dash&Slash and PhotonBeam and move on.

That was just to "loosen you up", he says, as he lets big bird Polly attack
you. This bird is a red elemental, and it's not the easiest opponent you've
ever faced, if you know what I mean. Her Flap is a good 60 damage or so,
but she's kinda slow, plus if you have two IceBlasts, that will REALLY make
this an easy fight. So just wiz your way through that, and she'll even drop
a MagmaBurst, which is a 4/4 red element. Nice... however, you don't get a
space between that and your final fight, which is against none other than

Although Fargo REALLY doesn't look like it, he's a blue elemental. He does
use Strengthen, however, but he's not too much to worry about. I personally
cast Strengthen on Serge, myself, and kicked his ass no problem. Then after
Fargo's done, it appears your group suddenly got affected by tranquilizers,
and will collapse, and them landlubbers are gonna get stuck in the hold. And
for some reason, Serge dreams of the mystical black panther that you've
been seeing a lot of.

A pirate outside looks out to sea, and then suddenly the ship gets attacked
by dead monsters. And into your very room, a skeleton will come in and
attack. Don't worry though, easy (and last!) battle. With that, head out and
speak with the pirate right at the foot of the door, and enter the room
directly on your left, taking care of the Crossbones there. With it gone,
get the AquaBall in the chest, and make sure that you got MagmaBurst on Kid
or whomever else, since as an Element, it rocks. Also examine the door at the
far right before you're done... you need a key.

Having done that, ignore the door on the left cuz it's locked. Don't you just
hate locked doors in RPGs? Blah. Head to the very, very far left of the room,
probably fighting two Wraiths along the way because this game is fond of
those almost random encounters that we all hate so much, and open the chest
at the end for the long sought-after FirePillar element. 3/5, and very
obviously red elemental. The door there is ALSO locked, so... screw this
place. Just head a little over to the right and climb the ladder. And for
future reference, I detest this place, so bear with me.

On the second floor, head directly to the right and enter that room, to find
a wounded guy and a Wraith guarding the treasure chest. Blah blah blah, just
beat the Wraith and claim a Panacea inside. And with that, open the vent in
the wall. Somehow, Serge can squeeze through a tiny little thing like that,
but you'll revamp in the neighboring room. There's a Capsule on the right,
which is QUITE OBVIOUSLY guarded by a Wraith. And you can also help the
pirate below out, but you won't get anything out of it. And of course, there
is no use in doing anything without rewards, in RPGs especially. ;)

Exit this room through the southern exit, then head to the right and talk
with the guy there. He'll call for the guy on key duty, and then you'll end
up getting "the key". Not just A key, but THE key. So that means all the way
back down the ladder, and to the far right of the first floor hallway...
ugh. It'd be easier if the battles weren't long and annoying, but I suppose
you want me to shut up about that. Enter the room on the right when you're
down there, and a dark head called a Dead Beat charges at you. This place
just gets weirder and weirder as it goes, I tell ya.

After those pitifully easy enemies are gotten rid of, head to the right,
and through the southern exit. If you talk to the pirate out here, do NOT
taste his drink, or you'll get poisoned. Self-explanatory, no? Head over to
the left, avoiding the openings as Wraiths will just come out of them, and
move over to the ladder on the far side. That's another that just irks me,
ladders. But just follow the path over to the left, and enter the room there.
Full of Dead Beats, as you can guess.

Just head over to the left as you go up, and talk to the squirrel that you
see there. Recognize it? It's Pip, from Viper Manor, in Luccia's lab. It'll
run over to the left, so keep following it and talking to it, likely fighting
a Wraith or two in the time being. Pip will then run down, and into a small
hiding place on the right. There's a Dead Beat moving around in a square
here, so if you don't want to fight it, don't just run right into it. Talk
to Pip, and then he runs into the bottom-left corner.

Over to the left and up the slanted path, you'll find the Gravitonne element,
which is a 3/5 black element. And officially you've (hopefully) completed
the collection of them. =) But anyways, talk to Pip, and agree to broaden his
view of the world, and he'll join you. Don't, errr... put him in your party
yet, though. Head up the stairs on the right, and on the next screen, open
the chest for another PhotonBeam... sweet. Head out, and you get a Record of
Fate on the right which may quite possibly be worth using.

Now head up the ladder and then up the stairs to reach the deck itself, once
again. Some pirates are struggling with the Wraiths, as usual, and after a
rather mediocre fight, you're ordered to help Fargo, who's also fighting
Wraiths, but actually beats them, delivering one of the best lines in the
whole game, "Get yer stinkin' ghostly hands OFF ME!!". Always a classic.
Take the wheel with an "Aye aye, cap'n!", and then the master of these
dead nuisances emerges for a fight.

\ Boss: Dead Head Party: Serge, Kid, Leena \
Attacks: HP - 700 ||
- Diminish Innate - Black ||
- Death'sOdor Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- Death'sBreath ||
- Imbecile ||
This is one of the most annoying fights in the game, not a hard one, but
one that poses some trouble. It starts out as a bunch of Dead Beats, but
they merge together to form Dead Head, which is the REAL boss. Try and use
PhotonBeam, or another strong Element on the first turn, because he'll start
by using Diminish, which halves the damage of all elements, from friend or
foe. Hence this being annoying fight. However, that leaves room for some
physical attacks, with Serge's in particular being extremely useful.

Dead Head isn't really that damaging of an enemy; his physical attacks can
(very rarely) do up to 90 damage, but besides that, he's not that much to
worry about. Death'sBreath is absolutely nothing to worry about, and as for
Death'sOdor, that's just annoying but not damaging. So yeah, play through
this fight by using physical attacks and not magic, and soon it'll all be
over, ending this blasted ship as well.

The sea will return to normal after that, and you're free to roam the seas
as you wish, once more. Fargo will warn you before you go, however, that the
fires of Mount Pyre, before Fort Dragonia, are extremely hot and you may
wish to neutralize them. And to do that, you'll have to see the Water Dragon,
which might be dead. Well THAT is just wonderful, but it's all the fault of
humans, as always. With that, let's move on.

VIl. Neutralizing Fire

Before you can actually get into Fort Dragonia, you'll have to freeze the flames
that defend it, as well as, you know, prepare for it. Since as everyone keeps
prattling on about, Lynx and Viper are no pushovers. There are some things to
do first, however. Start by going to Marbule again.

--- Marbule ~~ Another World ----------------------------

A new shop has opened up at the upper part of this area. There's the guy in
pink, who sells pretty much all Trap elements, and the guy in the pool, who
sells color changes, and stat changing elements. Here is the shop list, at
long last! The first one is the pink, second is the pool.

        Items:           Price:       Innate:       Level:
        Inferno (Trap)     300 G      Red           5/0
        Volcano (Trap)     400 G      Red           6/0
        RedWolf (Trap)     500 G      Red           7/0
        Deluge (Trap)      300 G      Blue          5/0
        Iceberg (Trap)     400 G      Blue          6/0
        FrogPrince (Trap)  500 G      Blue          7/0
        Earthquake (Trap)  300 G      Yellow        5/0
        ThundaStorm (Trap) 400 G      Yellow        6/0
        Golem (Trap)       500 G      Yellow        7/0
        Carnivore (Trap)   300 G      Green         5/0
        Tornado (Trap)     400 G      Green         6/0
        Sonja (Trap)       500 G      Green         7/0
        FreeFall (Trap)    300 G      Black         5/0
        BlackHole (Trap)   400 G      Black         6/0
        MotherShip (Trap)  500 G      Black         7/0
        HolyLight (Trap)   300 G      White         5/0
        UltraNova (Trap)   400 G      White         6/0
        Unicorn (Trap)     500 G      White         7/0
        Magnify           1670 G      White         6/2
        Diminish          1670 G      Black         6/2

        Items:           Price:       Innate:       Level:
        Capsule          25 G         Yellow        3/0
        Medicine         15 G         Blue          2/0
        Ointment         15 G         Red           2/0
        Antidote         15 G         Green         2/0
        Brace            15 G         Yellow        2/0
        TurnBlue         75 G         Blue          1/7
        TurnRed          75 G         Red           1/7
        TurnGreen        75 G         Green         1/7
        TurnYellow       75 G         Yellow        1/7
        TurnWhite        75 G         White         1/7
        TurnBlack        75 G         Black         1/7
        Strengthen      430 G         Red           4/4
        Weaken          430 G         Red           4/4
        Nimble          430 G         Blue          4/4
        Numble          430 G         Blue          4/4
        HiRes           430 G         Yellow        4/4
        LoRes           430 G         Yellow        4/4
        EagleEye        430 G         Green         4/4
        BatEye          430 G         Green         4/4
        Genius          430 G         Black         4/4
        Imbecile        430 G         Black         4/4
        StrongMinded    430 G         White         4/4
        WeakMinded      430 G         White         4/4

I strongly suggest buying traps for Inferno, Volcano, Iceberg, HolyLight,
and UltraNova, also optionally Earthquake, Deluge, FreeFall, and Carnivore.
And that is REALLY that. But anyway, now it's time at long last to assemble
Skelly, the skeleton we've been having spare pieces of for awhile. Here are
the individual pieces of him. If you haven't gotten the Angry Scapula, do so
now, referring to the Shadow Forest section for Nikki's path to Viper Manor.

 Heavy Skull - Fossil Valley
 Angry Scapula - Shadow Forest
 Pelvic Bone - Guldove
 Good Backbone - Hydra Marshes
 Sturdy Ribs - Water Dragon Isle
 Mixed Bones - Isle of the Damned

As for the Sturdy Ribs and Mixed Bones, we will get those momentarily. And
thus we're off to Water Dragon Isle, which is an island to the south of the
central continent.

--- Water Dragon Isle ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Just for the first reference, if you're looking for the Sturdy Ribs, climb
up the ladder in the middle, head to the right, and talk to the guy there.
Everything else here is, well... eh.

There isn't really that much to see here. All the water in this entire
place, which was at one time beautiful (see the Home World later if you
don't believe me), has dried out. So it's pretty much a big ruin. Still,
there are a couple things to get. Head over to the upper left and climb up
the ladder right under the treasure chest, to find Iron there. And if you
head over to the right, climb the ladders up there and fight the Scorpiod,
you'll get another Iron. So... yeah.

Head forward and up the ladder in the middle, and you'll come to the center
of Water Dragon Isle, where the "other" Razzly's friends all are. And to
either side are two Irons (oh the irony), but if you talk to the fairies,
they'll tell you the dragon isn't here. There's nothing here anymore since
the water dried up, so... return to Opassa Beach, use the Astral Amulet, and
go to the other Water Dragon Isle... right? ;)

--- Arni Village ~~ Home World ----------------------------

Very little to do here... head to the pier as soon as you come in, and if
you have Leena in your party, have fun having Another Leena talk to Home
Leena. Instead though, talk with the fisherman and pay him 100G to have him
take you to Water Dragon Isle, which is quite a bit more beautiful in this
world, as I stated earlier.

--- Water Dragon Isle ~~ Home World ----------------------------

The fisherman will give some commentary as you enter, stating the fairies
who usually dance around the pond aren't here. Wonder why that is... but
anyway, jump on the lily pad in front of you to go to to the platform to the
upper-right, then at the "fork", jump on the upper lily pad. From the next
platform, take the lower lily pad, then the only other one, to get to some
actual land. Is it just me or does this place feel like a platformer? Just
up ahead, climb the ladder and collect an AquaBall.

Return to that "fork" I mentioned earlier by just taking all those lily pads
back (zzzz), and then taking the upper lily pad, to immediately reach another
fork. Yay, how fun is this. Take the lower of the next two lily pads, then
another lily pad to another patch of land (I'm only sleeping), and follow the
ladder up, and then down to find an IceBlast. This brings me to a note, that
chests tend to be in the same places in the Home World and Another World, but
they just have different items in them.

Now go all the way back to that left fork (wake me up when December ends),
and take the upper lily pad to FINALLY reach a good long line of land. Might
as well save up and/or switch party members, since it all gets exciting here.
Move on to the next screen, and you'll see that the Hi-Ho Dwarves are
attacking this place, like the damn hypocrites that they are. Feel free to
beat them up, though, since they're very easy enemies. With that, head up
the middle ladder and a bit forward, and you will have to repeat the evils of
the past! Oh noes.

\ Boss: Hi-Ho Dwarves Party: Serge, Kid, NeoFio \
Attacks: HP - 200 each ||
- ElectroJolt Innate - Yellow ||
- Hi-HoChorus Difficulty - Easy ||
- Hi-HoWarCry ||
These guys are so easy this time around, I'm reluctant to consider them
to be bosses. First of all, they still have Hi-HoChorus, but it only did
30 damage to Serge and Kid, and 60-70 to NeoFio. Speaking of NeoFio, she
is very useful in this battle for her level 3 tech, PopPopPop, will do
about 50-60 damage to all of them. Plus the full strength of Serge (that
(is, attacking until stamina is at 1, and then unleashing Dash&Slash or
PhotonBeam) is enough to down one dwarf. Multi-hit attacks like MagmaBomb
and Gravitonne are also great here. But trust me, this won't last long.

That idiot Dwarf Chieftain still isn't down for the count, though. He and
his allies jump down to the water below, but that doesn't seem like a
viable option for you... unless ya like breaking limbs. =) Oh well, just head
up, and there will be two openings going out above you. The lower one leads
to nothing, so take the upper one to find a Magic Ring. Then climb down the
ladder below, beatin' up some midget (oh sorry, I mean vertically challenged
people), and to the next screen below.

From here, slaughter some dwarf to the left, and save if necessary, then head
down the ladder and into the waterfall. Yep, there is tunnel in there, which
has a Hi-Ho Dwarf in there obviously, but once it's gone, you'll find a
Scaley Dress in it. Yeah, naturally a Hi-Ho Dwarf would be guarding an item
such as that! The Hi-Ho Dwarves at the end will greet you with a certain...
friend, if you want to call it that.

\ Boss: Hi-Ho Tank Party: Serge, Kid, NeoFio \
Attacks: HP - 1000 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- HiRes Difficulty - Medium ||
- ElementShot ||
This tank is accompanied by two Dwarves, but they're just normal enemies,
so... who cares about them? Still, the Hi-Ho Tank itself is a moderately
powerful opponent. All the same, start the fight by having Serge and Kid
attack the dwarves, if not outright knocking them out, and then have NeoFio
use PopPopPop. The reason you want the Dwarves gone, is because as the
fight wears on, they'll just repair the Hi-Ho Tank. And that be bad, yo.
Nothing worse than fighting a boss that heals itself!

But anyway, the Hi-Ho Tank is a seriously dangerous enemy, and its Element
Shot can do up to 100 damage on a single character. I strongly suggest
using HiRes itself if you have it. Its physical attack will dish about 40
or 50 damage to the party, and as for HiRes, that makes attacking it itself
a difficulty. What I did was use WeakMinded on it, kept my HP as high as
possible (after all the tank is pretty slow), and use Bushbasher and what
ever other strong Element that I had, since don't worry, it won't use
StrongMinded or anything. It's a good challenge, but not the hardest in the

This ends much more sadly than you might think it would. If Razzly was in
your party, Kid will tell them that the Hydra was pregnant, and they'll go
back to the forest, but either way, they'll mourn about how they've sinned.
Plus the music adds a complete atmosphere to this. It only gets worse if
you examine the fairy on the right and it's dead, but trust me if it is
dead, that's good because you'll get Razzly's level 7 tech skill, much, much
later in the game.

Enter the cave on the right when you're done around here, and talk to the
Water Dragon there. He'll give you the Ice Breath, and the *FrogPrince
summon. So anyway, that is totally awesome. After some background talking,
the fairies will all blame the humans for the dwarves attacking, but Razzly
refuses to go back yet. Rosetta, if she was alive, will give Razzly a Wisp
Cape, though. With that done, return to the fisherman using the lily pads,
go back to Another World, and to the island east of Hermit's Hideaway.

--- Isle of the Damned ~~ Another World ----------------------------

I don't advise sticking around here for a while... it's kind of evident
that there are bones scattered all over the place. Still, the last part of
Skelly's body, the Mixed Bones, are here. Head up the path in front of you,
and when you reach a fork going up or right, first head up and examine the
cave at the far right for an Eyeball (no joke), and then go back up, and to
the left. Enter the cave and examine around to find the Mixed Bones, and...
Skelly's just off! Might as well start looking for him in Termina.

--- Termina ~~ Another World ----------------------------

We're here for two purposes: to find Skelly, and to get better weapons and
armor. You should have Iron at this point, especially if you looked all
around Another Water Dragon Isle, and with that you can very easily forge
new weapons at Zappa's Smithy. Anyways, start by heading into the house all
the way up the stairs and to the right, and talk to the old woman, who
happens to be Skelly's grandma. Skelly will then come in, and after your
average luvvy-duvvy scene, exit the house.

Enter the house again and talk to Skelly, and ya got a skeleton in ya party,
ya mama. Don't put him in yet, though. But anyways, head to Zappa's Smithy,
and try and forge at the Steel Swallow, Iron Dagger, Ladle Fe26, and Iron
Rod. If you don't have all the necessary materials (excluding Iron), just
disassemble old, useless stuff. The Ivory/Bone stuff, anyone? But anyway,
Mount Pyre, your next destination, is a "point of no return". You can go to
Guldove right now, head to the lower floor of the residence, and talk to Mel,
and she'll join you. Also check the Element Shop, heh heh heh... but with
that, you're off to Mount Pyre.

VIm. Through Flames and Beyond

Before you start waltzing into Mount Pyre, be sure that you're ready. It'll be
an annoyance going all the way back to get stuff, because some big stuff will
happen in Mount Pyre / Fort Dragonia. You'll want at LEAST traps for Inferno,
Volcano, Iceberg, FreeFall, and HolyLight, plus the *FrogPrince. And that's not
to mention decent elements. It also won't help to have an adequate supply (20+)
of Capsules. But when you think you're ready, enter Mount Pyre.

--- Mount Pyre ~~ Another World ----------------------------

Let me ALSO give my recommended elements for all your characters! That is of
course assuming you're willing to risk putting Leena in your party through
this place, of course.

   Level 1: Revive, Fireball, AquaBeam, Uplift, PhotonRay
   Level 2: Meteorite, AeroSaucer, ElectroJolt, Heal
   Level 3: RecoverAll, Upheaval, Dash&Slash
   Level 4: WeakMinded, ElectroBolt, IceBlast
   Level 5: MeteorShower

   Level 1: Cure, GravityBlow, Uplift, PhotonRay, AquaBeam
   Level 2: IceLance, AeroSaucer, ElectroJolt, MagmaBomb
   Level 3: AquaBall, Bushbasher, MaidenHand
   Level 4: ElectroBolt, IceBlast, MagmaBurst
   Level 5: *FrogPrince

   Level 1: GravityBlow
   Level 2: Meteorite
   Level 3: Upheaval, WandaIn
   Level 4: Gravitonne, RecoverAll
   Level 5: IceBlast

The very first thing you want to do is walk up to the fire and use the Ice
Breath that you got from the Water Dragon on it, because otherwise you'll
lose 10 HP a second in that lava. Argh, my feet hurt just thinking about it.
However, you can wade through the fire and collect a MagmaBurst on the left,
which you can't get if you freeze the fire, but I personally didn't. Keep
going up, and take a left for a Tablet there. But otherwise head up the
path going to the right, and you'll get greeted by two... friends.

\ Boss: Solt / Peppor Party: Serge, Leena, Guile \
Attacks (Solt): HP - 150
- physical attack Innate - Yellow
- BlackHole (Trap) Difficulty - Easy
Attacks (Peppor): HP - 180
- physical attack Innate - Yellow
- BlackHole Difficulty - Easy
One of the most pathetically easy fights in the entire game (as is any
other fight with Solt and Peppor), but this one REALLY takes the cake. For
one thing, they start off by arguing, and Solt talking about how his
element was stolen. He starts by using a BlackHole trap, and then Peppor
uses BlackHole, only to get it stolen by Solt, and then... they can't use
it. =) Peppor gets so pissed he starts attacking Solt, which is always
nice. Anyway, this fight is so easy, do you really need a strategy? Hint:
IceBlast, PhotonBeam, MeteorShower, Gravitonne, WandaIn. Enjoy.

With that done, Solt and Peppor run away like the cowards that they are,
naturally. After that, head to the right to reach a screen with two falls of
fire. Yow, burn baby burn. Just use the Ice Breath, and take the left "slide"
down, to get a MagmaBomb down below. There's not anything to worry about
above, taking the slide on the right, so pretty much your only option for
now is take the slide over down, and then you'll arrive back at the

Head back up to where you fought Solt and Peppor, and follow the upper path
up the ladder, and to the next area. More hot, scorching fire. DISCO
INFERNO, BABY! Don't bother getting the chest on the left by walking through
the lava, cuz it's just plain not worth it. It's an Inferno Trap, and you
already have that because I told you to get it, RIGHT?! I thought so. So
instead of that, head over to the right, and head up the path to get a
Capsule, and to the right for a Tablet.

Those chests having been gotten, head up the two ladders in the middle, and
follow the path up to the right. Feel free to fight HotDoggitys, though,
since enemies here tend to come in pairs, and it's a good opportunity to
test MeteorShower. There's a Record of Fate at the end of the path, so you
know what that means. Just keep going, and in the next screen you'll come
face to face with a small little kid dragon who likes fighting. Guinea pig

\ Boss: Firedragon Party: Serge, Leena, Guile \
Attacks: HP - 850 ||
- physical attack Innate - Red ||
- FieryBreath Difficulty - Semi-Hard ||
- FirePillar ||
Appearances can be deceiving. The Firedragon looks like a tiny little
dragon who can do next to nothing, but trust me you would be wrong to
think that. Its attacks are dangerous, and the devastating FieryBreath
can do 120 damage to a single character. And don't even get me started on
Leena; she is REALLY in danger here. However, there is a tactic that works
very well in this fight.

Start the fight off by having Serge, Leena, and Guile all attack the
Firedragon. Don't use Elements, just attack it until your power levels are
up to 5. By that time, he'll probably get in a few attacks, use FieryBreath,
yada yada yada. Make sure your stamina is decent, and have one character
(much preferably Leena) use Cure or something to that nature which is blue
elemental. Then Serge and Guile can use IceBlast, or any other blue element,
until the field effect on the upper left is completely blue. With that, have
Leena unleash *FrogPrince. Enjoy 450-500 damage, likely killing it right
there and then.

You'll get a Weaken element from that battle, as well as Lv. 2 spaces on the
Element Grid for Serge and Leena, supposing that they've received all 14
stars up to this point. From here I recommend you go back to the Record of
Fate and save, because the boss battles sure ain't over. Follow the path to
the end, where the three Acacia Dragoon Devas will come out for a fight!
That's Karsh, Zoah, and Marcy... damn, that was unexpected. Still, it's a
fight you gotta fight.

\ Boss: Karsh / Zoah / Marcy Party: Serge, Leena, Guile \
Attacks (Karsh): HP - 370 ||
- physical attack Innate - Green ||
- DragonRider Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- Axial Axe ||
Attacks (Zoah): HP - 436 ||
- physical attack Innate - Yellow ||
- DragonRider Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- Gyronimo ||
Attacks (Marcy): HP - 300 ||
- physical attack Innate - Blue ||
- Cat'sCradle Difficulty - Semi-Easy ||
- StringPhone ||
This fight is surprisingly easy for what it is. I mean, take Karsh's
signature attack, Axial Axe. That's only about 50 damage to the party.
Zoah's Gyronimo is only about 50-60 damage to one character, and Marcy is
nothing really to worry about. And as for either Dragon Rider, they're
only worth 30-40 damage. The only question to start this fight off with is
who to attack, and I would recommend Karsh.

Why Karsh? Because for one thing, he's the most potentially damaging, with
his Axial Axe doing 50 to the party while Zoah can only do that or a little
more to one character. Plus his HP isn't as high as Zoah's, so focus your
efforts on him, with ElectroBolt, Dash&Slash, WandaIn, etc. You can also use
multi-hit spells. My Guile used Gravitonne on the enemies and it did 100
damage to all of them. And don't even get me started about MeteorShower.
Regardless, this fight is not too bad -- just take Karsh out, then Marcy,
then Zoah.

As you exit Mount Pyre, Harle will appear and tell Serge not to die, as well
as advising him not to go to Fort Dragonia. Obviously he won't listen to
that, however. Exit Mount Pyre, and then you'll see all those scenes from
the very, very beginning of the game. It flashes out to Fort Dragonia, with
Serge not seeming to know what he's doing, Kid wounded, and SOMEONE wielding
a bloody dagger. A dagger just like Kid wields. Hmmm... suicide? It's all
coming to together... or not. Head into Fort Dragonia at last.

This is the not ended
I try to another way
Thanks you all of friend
HFS image


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