Castlevania syphony of the night game guide

in #happy7 years ago (edited)

Castlevania is the best game I play many time
This game is attracted me

The game begins with a flashback to the last battle between Dracula and a
Belmont. You play this level as Richter Belmont. Richter has a variety of
cool special moves, but the only ones you need to know right now are the
Super Jump (D, U + Jump) and the Air Dash (U, D, DF, F + Attack).
Why are these necessary? Really, they're not. But, how powerful you are
when you start the "real" game depends on your performance here. Generally
speaking, the quicker you beat Dracula (and the less hits you take), the
higher Alucard's initial stats will be.
Alucard's starting MP is affected by which Special Weapon you are
holding when Dracula dies. No weapon is worth 20 MP, a Holy Water is worth
25 MP, and a Cross is worth 30 MP.
As for the rest of your stats, they seem to mostly be based on how
quickly you blow through this battle, although taking damage will lower
your stats. Basically, you want to beat Dracula in under a minute with no
damage for the best stats, which should be (assuming you didn't get hit:)

80 HP/25 MP/60 Hearts/13 STR/12 CON/13 INT/12 LCK (finish w/ Holy Water)
80 HP/30 MP/60 Hearts/13 STR/12 CON/12 CON/12 LCK (finish w/ Cross)

If this is your first time playing, you will not be able to skip the
dialogue, and therefore it will take you several minutes, and you won't be
able to get the very best stats out of this battle. What you can do, is
try not to get hit and grab a Cross to make the best you can out of the
situation. (If I'm interpreting Jacka1's data correctly, it seems that you
can get a Luck score of 14 if you can beat Dracula perfectly without the
aid of a special weapon.)
Some other things: if you finish the battle with Dracula with no hearts
remaining, Alucard will start with a Heart Refresh. If you collected over
40 Hearts with Richter, Alucard will start with a Neutron Bomb, lose one
STR point, and gain one INT point. If you "die", Alucard starts with a
Monster Vial of some sort and a High Potion instead of whatever else
you otherwise would have got.

Here's a strategy that while not necessarily the quickest, allows you to
get the overall best outcome relatively easily. When the level starts, grab
the Cross and enough hearts to get you to 30. Once the battle starts, grab
the Holy Water just before Dracula first teleports in and activate Hydro
Storm. If you timed this right, this should defeat his first form (you can
help the process by smacking him once or twice yourself. :) Be sure to grab
your Cross again to keep it from disappearing.
Now, this part may take some practice. Run back to the Holy Water, set
off another Hydro Storm, then grab the Cross again. Run back to where
Dracula is transforming, then walk to where his legs will be and duck. If
you do this right, you should take no damage from the transforming
Most of that second Hydro Storm will be wasted, but it will get you a few
hits in. From underneath Drac's legs, hold the Attack button and wiggle
your whip around to damage him. The only way Drac can hit you from this
position is when he jumps; you'll need to reposition yourself underneath
where he's going to land. Otherwise you can smack him around with

If you want to fight this battle out the hard way, here are some tips:
Remember the Air Dash I told you to learn earlier? Here's what you do.
Dracula fights using his standard teleport and fireball attack. When he
starts to teleport in, get within a few steps of him. When he solidifies,
jump up and Air Dash him. After you land, try to whip him before he
teleports out. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. However, if he teleports to either
edge of the screen, don't try to do this, or you'll get hit. Instead, avoid
his attack. How? Just Super Jump repeatedly and stay at the top of the
screen until the fireball attack passes. 6 or 7 Air Dash hits will kill his
first form. And if you're really smooth, you can Air Dash him twice before
he vanishes. Be careful with this, because if Dracula does the meteor
attack, a second Air Dash will most likely hurt you.
First form? Yep, after you kill his first form, Dracula transforms into a
large bluish-green demon. Get just close enough to whip it, and do so
repeatedly until you see it's mouth glow, which means it's about to spew
fire. When you see the glow, Super Jump repeatedly until it stops. Drop
back and whip it a few more times. Better yet, Air Dash it, and attack it
from behind while it continues to spew fireballs to the wrong side of the
When it jumps, Air Dash (on the ground) to get out of it's way. You'll
get a few free licks in as it turns around to face you.

Intermission Music Track: Moonlight Nocturne

Read the words and enjoy the music. If you've already beaten the game,
push start to get on with it.

Facts About: Entrance
Music Track: Dracula's Castle (Alucard, Richter PSX)
Vampire Killer (Remix 2) (Maria game, Saturn version only)
Bloody Tears Remix ? (Richter game, Saturn version only)
Enemies Found: Bat, Blade, Bloody Zombie, Bone Scimitar, Gurkha, Merman,
Owl, Owl Knight, Warg, Zombie
Bosses Found: Gaibon and Slogra (Optional)
Items Found: Cube of Zoe, Heart Max Up x2, Holy Mail, Jewel Sword, Life
Apple, Life Max Up x3, Pot Roast, Power of Wolf, Shield
Potion, Turkey

You start out the game pretty well equipped, but you'll soon lose your
cool stuff, so enjoy it while it lasts. Your sword comes with a teleport
move. Push D, DF, F + Attack to try it out.
There is not much you can do outside the castle, so head to the right to
enter the castle itself. You'll make short work of the Wargs and Zombies
that oppose you.
The second room you enter contains a hole in the ceiling and a huge rock
formation. You can destroy part of the rock to make a tunnel through it,
and find a Pot Roast in the process. You can't do much else with it just
yet, though. If you want, you can drop to the lower floor of this room and
fight the Merman for a while to gain a few levels. If you get hurt too
badly, try out the Dark Metamorphosis spell. Push B, UB, U, UF, F + Attack.
If done correctly, you'll hear Alucard shout "Dark Metamorphosis!" and
he'll glow red. For a limited time, any enemy you kill that bleeds will
give you 8 HP, if you touch the blood. Also, you'll learn one of the basic
facts about CSOTN: The higher your level, the less experience points the
enemies will give you. After you gain a few levels, the Mermen will only
give you about 1 point apiece. When you are ready to move on, climb back up
and continue to the right.
The third room contains a few more Wargs. Before you leave, though, slash
the bottom of the staircase to collect a Turkey.
You'll meet Death in the next room. He'll steal your cool equipment and
Now what do you do? All you have is a Turkey and a Pot Roast, and they're
not going to help you at all. You need to find some weapons, and fast!
Continue to the right, and climb up the stairs, and exit left. Notice
the crack in the ground here. If you jump down this crack and hold Left,
you'll land on a ledge that leads to a Heart Max Up. Once you get it, drop
off this ledge back to where you met Death, exit right, climb the stairs
again, and continue left this time.
You'll soon enter a room with Bone Scimitars. Punch them out and they'll
gladly donate a Red Rust and a Short Sword to your cause. Equip the Short
The bottom left exit from this room leads to a wooden barrier with a
Heart Max Up behind it. You can't get it now.
The middle left exit is a Save Point. Walk in front of the rotating
thing and push Up to save.
Head to the top, and collect the Cube of Zoe. Now, slashing Candles will
earn you minor items such as Hearts or Money Bags. Take the door to the
left, which leads to the Alchemy Laboratory.

Optional Bosses: Gaibon and Slogra

After you enter the Alchemy Lab, immediately turn around. The room you
were in should now be inhabited by Bloody Zombies. Save your game, and
backtrack to the room where you met Death. You'll find Gaibon and Slogra
waiting for you. Ignore Gaibon, duck and slash Slogra like crazy. When you
knock away Slogra's spear, Gaibon will swoop down, pick up Slogra, and fly
off. You'll meet them again later, whether or not you fought them here.
Return to the Alchemy Lab.

Facts About: Alchemy Laboratory
Music Track: Dance of Gold
Enemies Found: Axe Knight, Blood Skeleton, Bloody Zombie, Bone Scimitar,
Skeleton, Spittle Bone
Bosses Found: Gaibon and Slogra (Not optional, this time)
Items Found: Basilard, Bat Card, Cloth Cape, Heart Max Up, Hide Cuirass,
Leather Shield, Life Max Up, Potion, Resist Thunder, Skill
of Wolf, Sunglasses

Head to the far left of the room, jump up on the far left pillar, and
jump on the switch on the pillar to the right. This lowers the spikes in
front of the globe on the far left wall. Slash it for a Hide Cuirass.
Continue right on the pillars and jump through the hole in the ceiling.
Again, head left, and jump the spikes. The switch will lower them. The
burning thingy on the table can be slashed for a Leather Shield. At this
point you can either climb up the ledges or backtrack. Backtracking will
allow you to map out the room and find a Save Point, but either way you'll
end up at the top left door. Near the Save Point you'll find an elevator.
There are two ways to use it. First, you can kill one of the Blood
Skeletons so that its bones push down the nearby switch, raising the
elevator all the way up. Once the Blood Skeleton revives and walks off
the switch, the elevator will drop. Quickly jump onto the elevator, and
quickly jump from there to the ledge to the right.
A slightly easier method is to find an Axe, stand on the elevator, and
chuck an Axe at the Blood Skeleton when it walks on the switch. Either
way, you'll quickly find a dead end and a Basiliard, which is quite
useful at this point in the game. Head back to the room with the elevator
and head for the top left door.
That door leads to a long vertical corridor. Head for the very bottom
and slash out the floor. This leads to a secret passage that contains a
Life Max Up at the very bottom. Grab it and return to the first corridor.
Then, head to the far left wall and slash it out. Another secret passage!
The globe here contains a Heart Max Up. Grab it and return.
Climb up the corridor and head to the left. You find yourself in another
corridor. Take out the skeleton and grab the Resist Thunder. Climb up and
exit stage left.
In this room, you can use the two switches on the floor to lower the
spikes on either side of a block. Lower both sets, and push the block to
the right where the spikes used to be. Then, switch the right set of spikes
back on, lifting up the block. You can use this to jump up to the ledge
where the Spittle Bone is, and climb up to the right exit. This exit
eventually leads to a Cloth Cape.
Return to the room with the block and spikes, head to the bottom left of
this room and climb up, taking out the Axe Knights on the way up. Exit
left. You're now in yet another vertical corridor! Head down, then back
up. Take care not to get hit by the Spittle Bones, since they can poison
you, and at this point the only way to cure poison is to wait it out. The
first exit on the left is a Save Point. Save and continue up. Grab the Axe
at the top. Don't bother dropping down to take the top left exit; you won't
get far. Take the top right exit instead.
And a stone block just closed you in. That's not a good sign. Head right
to meet once again with...

Gaibon and Slogra Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants

If you hit Slogra, Gaibon will lift him into the air and try to drop him
on you. This is a good time to use that Axe you just picked up. Also, it'll
keep Gaibon from blasting fire at you. If he does start blasting fire at
you, use the Hellfire spell (U, D, DF, F + Attack) to teleport out of the
path of the fireballs. They're not very hard to take out at all, so have
fun. After their defeat, grab the Life Max Up they leave behind.

Continue on to the right until you reach a vertical corridor. Ignore the
bottom right exit for now, and climb up and take the middle right exit for
a Save Point. Drop down and take the bottom right exit. Continue to the
right until you reach the elevator shaft. Step on the switch and take the
elevator down. It's first stop takes you to a small room where you find
some Sunglasses. Continue the trip down. The next stop leads to a giant
cannon and a wooden barrier. Slash the switch to fire the cannon and take
out the barrier. Pick up the Basilard on the way out if you didn't get it
earlier. Equip it; it's slightly less powerful than your Short Sword, but
a lot quicker. Continuing left takes you back to the room where you found
the Leather Shield and a Save Point. However, there's no point in continuing
here, so turn around, go back up the elevator, and return to the vertical
corridor you reached after you fought Gaibon and Slogra. Save again if you
like, and take the top right exit.
Continue right through a hallway with Bloody Zombies. When you get to a
large room, chose to go up or down. It doesn't really matter, but be sure
to explore the entire room. The globe at the bottom left contains a Potion.
When you're done here, exit to the right.

Facts About: Marble Gallery
Music Track: Marble Gallery
Enemies Found: Axe Knight, Ctulhu, Diplocephalus, Flea Man, Marionette,
Ouija Table, Plate Lord, Slinger, Skelerang, Skeleton,
Stone Rose
Bosses Found: None
Items Found: Alucart Mail, Alucart Shield, Alucart Sword, Attack Potion,
Hammer, Heart Max Up x2, Holy Glasses, Library Card, Life
Apple, Life Max Up x2, Potion, Spirit Orb

Heading to the right past the Axe Knights, you'll soon find a giant gap.
Dive down, and on the next screen you'll find stairs that lead back up,
an exit to the right, and stairs leading down. Take the right exit for a
Save Point, then head down. On the next screen, exit left.
In this room, head down past the Slingers and Marionettes. There will be
items on high ledges that you can't reach... yet. Ignore them for now. The
bottom left corner of this room contains the Spirit Orb. Now you'll be able
to see how much damage you're doing to enemies. Exit to the right, jump
down to the bottom of the next screen, and exit left. Continue left past
the Plate Lord, down past the Skelerangs, right past the Ghosts, and down
again. (Saturn players will note the door to the right. It leads to the
Cursed Prison, but you won't be able to get very far from this direction.
All the same, you may want to stop by, since the Will o' Wisps there
are a) regenerating, b) easy to kill, and c) give quite a bit of experience
for this point in the game.) Continue left past Ctulhu and take the door.
You're now back in the Entrance. Step on the switch to lower the barrier,
and collect the Shield Potion. While you're here, drop down to the ledge
below, backslide off the ledge, then quickly jump to the right. If done
correctly, you'll make it over to the middle right exit and can pick up
a Life Max Up.
Now, head back to the crossroads area in the Marble Gallery (where you
went right for a Save Point, down to the Spirit Orb, or up to the big gap.)
This time, head up the stairs to the right. Continue right until you reach
the room with the large clock. You'll meet Maria here. After the
conversation, continue right.
The path onward is pretty straightforward until you reach an area that
splits into four directions. You've come from the upper left; the lower
left is a dead end. The upper right path leads to a locked door that you
can't open yet. So take the lower right path.
That path exits to a long corridor. Head right past the Diplocephaluses
and Stone Roses. The Roses can petrify you. If they do, simply wiggle the
controller to break free.

Facts about: Outer Wall
Music Track: Tower of Mist
Enemies Found: Armor Lord, Axe Knight, Bone Archer, Bone Musket, Medusa
Head, Skeleton, Skeleton Ape, Spear Guard, Sword Lord
Bosses Found: Doppleganger10
Items Found: Garnet, Heart Max Up, Jewel Knuckles, Life Max Up, Mirror
Cuirass, Pot Roast, Soul of Wolf, Zircon

When you first enter the Outer Wall, slash the trophy directly to your
right for a Zircon. Then head down, then left to the Armor Lord (big guy
with big sword.) Don't bother trying to fight him; Hellfire your way past
him and enter the small room on the left. Break the left wall for a Pot
Roast. Then, stand in the gap you made by slashing the wall and wait for
about 30 seconds. You'll suddenly drop through the floor to the room below.
Pick up the Jewel Knuckles and the Mirror Cuirass here. Equip both, then
hop back on the elevator and push Up (exiting right will only lead to a
grate you cannot yet pass.) Hellfire past the Armor Lord again and head
down. Explore the entire room, and exit down.
The lower room contains a telescope. You can look through it if you wish,
but there's really no point in it. If you leave and come back a few times,
you can watch a bird lay eggs and have babies. No point in that either.
When you're done here, head up past the door that lead to the Outer Wall
in the first place, and continue. The next screen up contains an out of
reach trophy. Ignore it for now and head left past the Axe Knights.
Continue past a vertical corridor for a Save Point. Then, head up the
vertical corridor, exit right, and prepare for a boss battle.
Doppleganger10 Tactics Boss Music Track: Festival of Servants
I try to another way
Thanks you all of my friend image


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