Breath of Fire 5 game guide

in #happy7 years ago (edited)

Breath of Fire has an easily understood battle system. Hello guy This walkthrough is will help
This FAQ is intended for new players, and intermediate players who still have trouble making builds. If the concepts described here seem to elemental or conventional for you, then you should start spicing things up by getting creative and making unconventional combinationsEverything is turn-
based. You have several options whenever engaging in battle. This crude ASCII
depiction of the battle interface will display the location and purpose of
--- 5. Walkthrough --- [5000]

I shouldn't need to tell you that this walkthrough does INDEED CONTAIN
SPOILERS!! Then again, if you opened this guide, you would have probably
expected spoilers of some sort. Read ahead at your own risk.

Although I'd normally suggest you use a walkthrough from beginning to end, I
know that the majority of readers don't pick up a walkthrough unless they're
stuck at a certain point. So yeah, if you're reading into the middle of a
guide, you might occasionally miss an item that should have been picked up
much earlier. This, of course, leads to confusion. If you can't see what you
did wrong, try to scan through the entire walkthrough for answers. I can't
just read your mind and tell you what's wrong.

That's all I have to say for now.

As you start the game, feel free to name the character. I'll refer to him as
Ryu (because that's uh... kinda his name).

The game begins and you're face-to-face with a SCARY dragon. Flames pop up
and the screen fades. Apparently, someone is urging you to wake up. Yikes!
The building is on fire. Get out of bed and follow the blue figure. Don't
worry about getting left behind; she'll wait for you. Flames jump in-between
the two of you. Using her magic, she puts it out and you're free to continue.
Head downstairs to meet some people.

Despite being inhabitants of a burning building, the people here seem
remarkably calm. You can talk to the people if you wish. Converse with the
blue-haired girl on the left. She'll move down a bit and you can talk with
the other blue-haired girl. After that, a few people will trudge in and
state that the Dark Dragon Family are just outside the town. Being the Light
Dragons, you are naturally their first target.

Afterwards, they suggest fighting the Dark Dragons off. However, Sara
discourages them. Using her magic, she turns the whole group into stone
(including you). Looks like you'll have to sit by idly and watch. Before Sara
leaves, she walks up to you and tells you to be strong. Back outside in the
burning city, Sara is taken to Jade. Lightning strikes, and a heated battle
erupts. Despite her best efforts, Sara fails to stop them...
of Drogen has already been burned down. There's not much to do, but you
can find an Item Shop and Weapon & Armor Shop to your northwest. Normally, I
would tell you to go crazy with purchasing things, but because of your low
amount of money, you might find it best to avoid buying anything expensive
for now. Suggest purchasing a few Herbs and Antdts though.

The only other point of interest is the building with the dragon head on it
(southwest of the building you came out of). Examine the dragon statue inside
and you'll be asked if you'd like to record your journey. Go ahead and save.
When you're done with that, you can finally proceed out of this crappy town at
the south end.

Congratulations, you have successfully made it to the overworld without dying.
Now this is where it gets sorta tough. Out here, you have random encounters.
When you walk around, monsters can attack you. Before continuing northward,
you should level Ryu up by defeating monsters that come to you. Along with
that, you can gain some extra GP. If you need to heal, talk to the old woman
in the big Drogen building you came from.

When you hit level 2-3, you can proceed north to Camlon. Cross the stone
bridge and follow the path north and east to a castle-looking thing. Welcome
to Camlon.

                ---=|          Camlon          |=---

Camlon is also in ruins. The only enter-able building (apart from the castle)
is another Dragon Shrine. You can choose to save your game here. I would
suggest you do before continuing. When you're done with that, go ahead and
enter the big, white castle.

                ---=|       Camlon Castle      |=---

I guess this can be considered the first dungeon of the game. Luckily, it's
not at all difficult, assuming you've leveled up a bit back in the overworld.
Also note that some monsters here can poison you. Although there are several
healing points throughout this dungeon, you can purchase Antdts back at
Drogen (if you haven't already).

Anyway, head up follow the path. Ignore the rocks blocking the other paths
as they cannot be moved right now. Soon enough, you'll come to a pool of
water. Drinking the water will replenish your HP. If you feel like it, you
can level up here. Since the monsters in the castle provide more EXP than
the others outside, you can simply defeat as many as you'd like here and drink
from the pool whenever you need healing. It's your call.

Continue onwards heading up, right, and down. There are two treasure chests
to the left. 140GP can be found within the two chests. Walk past yet
another healing pool. Follow the path down and around until you reach a
staircase at the northeast corner. Take it to the next floor. The giant,
purple doors can be opened by walking up to them and pressing A. You'll find
a BronzSD, a Gauntlet, and two Herbs in the four chests. When you're done
looting this floor, head up the steps at the west end of the room.

You're back on the first floor. From the staircase, head south along the west
side of the room. At the corner, head down the stairs. You'll find yourself in
a similar-looking room. Once again, you can open the purple doors by walking
up to them and pressing A. Pick up a SuedeCP, a Visor, and two Herbs from the
chests. Afterwards, ascend the staircase to the east. You are now at the
southeast corner of the main floor. Rocks block the path leading north so go

Eventually, you will reach a treasure chest. Not only does it recover all of
your HP/AP, but you also receive an Antdt. There's another chest to the west.
Opening it will trigger DarkMist, which steals Ryu's AP. At this point, you
have no need for AP so it doesn't matter. Pick up the Antdt inside it as well.
After picking that up, go head up the stairs in the center.

Now would be a great time to heal and refresh yourself. Walk up to the frog
sitting on the throne. It'll jump off its throne and transform into an even
uglier creature. Hmm, looks like it wants to fight.

 Boss : Frog ~
      This is a fairly easy fight. Although it has a lot of HP, Frog 
      won't really be much of a problem. The attacks that Frog uses 
      deal less than 10 HP damage for the most part. The battle will 
      probably drag on long, so make sure you have some Herbs to heal
      with. Don't stop attacking until you need to heal. Do so and then
      keep pounding away with regular strikes. Toward the end of the 
      battle, when Frog has very low HP, it'll start using Recover to 
      slowly regain some HP. Finish it off at this point. 

When the evil Frog is gone, you'll gain quite a bit of EXP and GP. Ryu should
level up multiple times in fact! The castle will shake, and the place
magically reverts to its original splendor. Before you go, take an Herb and
150GP from the two chests. Backtrack through the castle. Don't worry about
monsters; they're all gone now.

Back outside, the people recognize your powers. A quake suddenly occurs. It
seems the Dark Dragons have the Quake Control. In the Nanai dungeon, you can
find it. You got it, that's where we're going. Before heading out, save your
game at the Dragon Shrine.

Now leave Camlon. You can either head back to Drogen and purchase some more
Herbs and items or continue right now. I strongly suggest you get some Herbs
for a coming boss fight. You'll need them.

Head northwest from Camlon along the strip of land. Soon, you will reach a
brown bridge. Cross it and climb the steps in the cliff wall. Follow the path
east and cross the following bridge as well. Head south to reach Nanai.
However, you cannot enter during the daytime. If it's currently night, then
you're in luck. If not, then hang around until night comes.

                ---=|          Nanai           |=---

The lazy bum who is supposed to guard the entrance is now asleep. However, the
other guards aren't as tired. Walk up to the Dragon Shrine at the town
entrance. I would suggest saving the game before continuing. Whatever you
do, DO NOT walk to the right of the Dragon Shrine. The guard will stop you.
Enter the inn and examine the drawer to find a S.Ptn. When that's done, head
west of the Dragon Shrine and walk up to the left of the inn. Don't venture
out too far at this point.

See the little patch of grass with the two small bushes? Walk over to it. From
there, head north of the wide blue-roofed building and head east to the moat
surrounding the large building. If you enter the wide blue-roofed building
north of you, you can find two chests with 300GP in all. Leave the building
and head south along the moat's edge. Make sure you step in-between the two
pillars below. Walk around the small blue-roofed building and head a little
bit to the east.

If you want to see the shop, you can head further east to find a Weapon &
Armor Shop. The other shops are inaccessible, mind. I wouldn't suggest buying
anything, as all of the useful weapons are expensive.

Open the door directly in front of you and head down the stairs past it. Now
continue to descend each staircase that you come across. There are random
encounters here. Eventually, you'll reach to a dangerous-looking area way
below the Nanai Palace.

From the staircase, head east across a bridge. The path will lead you to an
Antdt inside a chest. Backtrack over the bridge and head south from there.
You'll soon cross another bridge. Upon reaching the other side, go west and
north across a third bridge. Advance this way until you reach another chest.
This one contains a hefty 650GP prize. Go back to the intersection (after the
second bridge) and head east from there.

Ignore the first ramp leading north and walk to the end. Open the chest there
for a B.Stn. This item comes in handy for the boss (if you choose to use it).
When used during battle, it'll release a powerful lightning attack. Return to
the path I told you to ignore and take it. Cross two more bridges to find a
staircase. Take it and climb down some more stairs until you reach the next

First, head directly east across a tiny bridge. An ArmPad awaits at the end.
There is 70GP in the chest southwest of the ArmPad. From that chest, head
west until you hit a bridge leading south. Go in that direction across a few
more bridges. After the second one, go west for a F.Stn inside a chest. Like
the B.Stn, the F.Stn deals damage in battle (fire attack). Now go east and
open the next chest to find a Cure. Once you have that, keep going east,
north, and west to a staircase. Heal yourself before descending. Downstairs,
the Knight awaits.

 Boss : Knight ~
      This battle will basically be an exchanging of hits. That's all 
      there is to it. However, the Knight can be pretty dangerous if you
      don't heal. His most powerful attack (T.Bolt) can around 20 HP 
      damage. Indeed, you'll be needing a lot of Herbs to get through this
      fight. To help yourself out, consider using a Stone (F.Stn, B.Stn,
      etc). Don't take any chances; make sure that you heal whenever your
      HP drops below 20. As the Knight loses more and more HP, he'll begin
      to use Recover more often. This gets annoying as occasionally, the
      amount of HP he recovers is more than the amount that you damage him
      with. Just keep at it to take him down. 

Upon killing the Knight, walk up to the gray contraption and pull out the key
from the machine. The room will begin to shake, which obviously means that
something is happening. Step into the warp tile a bit to the right and you'll
magically be transported away from Nanai. The town crumbles (poor guards) and
a fat man comes and brings you back to the king. Back in Camlon, the king will
commend you on giving up Nanai to stop the quakes. Tough decision, indeed
(despite the fact that you didn't exactly decide for Nanai to be destroyed).

           5.2. Princess Nina                                     [5200]

It's time to travel east to Winlan. Leave Camlon (don't forget to save at the
Dragon Shrine) and head up along the same way you took to reach Nanai. When
you reach the ruins, you can just walk right past the crumbled town. From
here, you should head northeast along the path until you reach a path leading
up to the top of the cliff. The path leads to Winlan. Enter the city.

                ---=|          Winlan          |=---

As soon as you enter the city, you can opt to rest at the inn to your left for
a good 80GP. To the right of the inn is a Dragon Shrine. Save your game here
and head north into the main part of the city. Turn to your left to find an
Item Shop, Storage (You can store items and GP here. It acts like a bank in a
way.), and a Weapon & Armor Shop.

Go downstairs. Before you leave though, you can find Ryu sleeping in the guest
room to the west. He's talking in his sleep. Leave the castle and pay the
Weapon & Armor Shop a visit. Buy Nina a BronzRP (and a SuedeGN if you feel
like it although you'll find one in the following cave) If you'd like,
purchase a SuedeHT as well. If you need some more Herbs or other items, buy
them from the Item Shop next door. When you're done, leave Winlan and head to
the cave west of the city.

                ---=|         Aura Cave        |=---

Head up a little bit and two guards will appear. Let them join your party.
Trust me, they're a big help. Don't bother equipping them with anything or
something. The guards are only temporary fillings. Head north until you reach
a staircase surrounded by water. Descend it and climb down the next staircase.
Before crossing the bridge, head down the ramp and walk around to the chest
that's right of the staircase. It contains a Cure.

Go east to reach a fork in the path. Take the lower path to find two chests.
The bottom one contains a SuedeGN. Equip that on Nina if you didn't buy one
back in Winlan. The top one holds 150GP. After taking those, return to the
fork and head along the north path. There are two more chests, plain in sight.
70GP can be found in the chest to the right. The other contains I.Ore.

Now that you have the I.Ore (important item!), you can return to the
staircase. Proceed north across a bridge and steal an Herb from the chest.
Walk east across another bridge and follow the path. You'll pass a chest
(contains another Herb) along the way. You'll come to a staircase. This is
the way out, but before you leave, continue past it to find a B.Stn. Return
to the staircase and ascend.

Looks to be a very icky-looking cave here. Anyway, from the staircase, go
north to find a staircase. Before heading up, walk a little bit to the west
and snag a C.Stn from the chest. Afterwards, take the stairs. The exit is just
a little bit to the south. You will emmerge right outside Romero, a secluded
town surrounded by trees. Walk over and enter.


           5.3. Zombies!                                          [5300]

The monsters here are a bit tougher, but they provide A LOT more EXP than the
monsters you fought before. I would strongly suggest leveling up your party a
little bit. It's not as if these monsters are difficult (tougher, but not
anything you can't handle) either.

Get onto the dirt path and follow it southward. Ignore the path leading into
the forest for now. Continue until the path disappears and you'll be at a
ramp leading down the cliff. Climb down and head east. You will come across
two towns next to each other. A dried river runs down the middle. The one on
the left is Tantar.

                ---=|          Tantar          |=---

There's a few things to do here. First off, you'll find an inn and a Dragon
Shrine at the northwest corner of town. Use them if necessary. There is a
Charm inside the cabinet in the inn. Also, there's a Weapon & Armor Shop right
next to the Dragon Shrine.

              |      Tantar Weapon & Armor Shop      |
              |  * Sabre          '         ~ 400G   |
              |  * BronzRP        '         ~ 800G   |
              |  * ShortBW        '        ~ 1000G   |
              |  * Scythe         '        ~ 1200G   |
              |  * Bandana        '         ~ 400G   |
              |  * BronzSH        '         ~ 500G   |
              |  * SuedeAR        '         ~ 750G   |
              |  * Visor          '         ~ 800G   |

The Scythe is for Ryu if you'd prefer him to have a STRONGER weapon. However,
the Rang hits all enemies while the Scythe hits only one. It's your call.
Do make sure that you pick up a Bandana for Nina. It's cheap anyway. The last
thing to do here is picking up the Saw. Go to the southwestern corner of the
city. There are four houses here. Enter the one at the lower-right corner and
talk to the burly-looking blacksmith. Seeing your I.Ore (You did pick up the
I.Ore in the Aura Cave, right?), he'll make you a Saw. Leave his house and
enter the tall, purple house in the center of town. Go upstairs and open the
drawers for a W.Ptn.

Now, leave Tantar. Head west and back up the same ramp. Follow the dirt path
until you find a little piece of the path branching off into the forest. A big
tree blocks your way, but the Saw can easily cut it down.

                ---=|     Forest of Despair    |=---

A thick fog shrouds this ugly-looking forest. Monsters here provide a lot of
EXP, so be sure to level up if at all possible. Zombies and S.Riders can be
dangerous, so be sure to have a number of healing and reviving items at your

There are a number of items hidden within these woods. Begin by simply
following the path to a fork. Take the lower path until it splits. Duck in
to the right and snag an Herb. Return to the main path and head north from
there. You will soon hit another split. Ignore all of the paths branching to
the east. When you can't go any further north, take the T.Drop from the chest.
Head back south and immediately to the east.

The path will split again. Take the path leading southeast and continue in a
generally south direction (ignore any paths branching off) until you come
across two chests. There's a Life and a T.Drop waiting to be picked up
inside. To continue, follow the southeast path along the outskirts of the
forest. At the fork, take the north path. You will come across yet another
split in the path. Keep heading up to find a Wrist inside a chest. Equip it
on Nina and follow the other path northwest.

At the very next fork in the path, head northwest. After that, just continue
in a northward direction. Ignore any paths off to the west. From here, it's
just a quick walk to the end. Enter the big, stone building you come across.

                ---=|     Forest Fortress      |=---

Two guards block the doorway ahead of you. Converse with them, and they'll...
attack! These two guards are a pushover anyway. Take care of the Bowman and
Lancer to clear the way. Once that's over with, you may continue.

This Fortress has a few trapdoors scattered through this floor. The first one
is right in front of you. You can fall through if you feel like it. There are
four treasure chests down there that you should open at some point. They
contain two Lifes, T.Drop, and a LongSD. Getting out of the trap-room is as
simple as climbing the staircase there.

From the entrance of the Fortress, head east and follow the path north. The
path will split in two directions. The lower path appears as if it'll lead you
to the four treasure chests. However, there's a trapdoor along that path. Of
course, take the north path instead. There are two more of those goon guards
blocking the doorway. Talk to them to trigger a battle like before. Once they
are taken out, proceed through. There's a staircase at the northwest corner.
Before you head down, walk a bit to the south to find the four treasure chests
you saw before. Steal an Herb, T.Drop, Acorn, and a Life2. Head back to the
staircase and descend.

You will appear right by another staircase. Take it before going anywhere
else. Two Herbs, one T.Drop, and a WolfHT (The chest containing this item is
trapped. You'll take 50 HP damage upon opening it.) can be found within the
confines of the chests. Now, go back upstairs and head east. Don't follow
the path branching off to the north or else you'll fall into the treasure
room again. Follow the twisting path until you come to a treasure chest. Don't
worry, the path is safe. Inside the chest is another Herb. You're rolling in
those now, aren't you?

From the Herb, you have the option of going west or south. Opt for the west
path. Ignore the doorway leading to the three guards and proceed to the end of
the path. There is one last Herb to collect here. Heal up before talking to
the three guards. As you probably predicted, a battle ensues. You are now up
against TWO Lancers and a Bowman. This is nothing different from the other
guard battles apart from the fact that you have an extra opponent. Ryu should
easily be able to kill a Lancer in two turns. Nina can use the E.Key to deal
some heavy damage.

Behind them is the chief. He'll thank you for saving him and tells you to
follow him to their weapon stock. But the old man doesn't seem to be friendly,
as he locks you into his trap. Plus, you have an incredibly strange-looking
monster to defeat as well.

 Boss : Pog ~
      Depending on how much damage you took during the previous guard
      battle, be sure to heal accordingly. It would be a good idea to have
      Nina use Fort on Ryu and herself. Casting ATK-Up wouldn't be a bad
      idea either, as Pog does have a multitude of HP. Pog doesn't really
      have much of a bite though. It does nothing more than 15 HP damage
      each turn. However, know that occasionally (most noticeably during
      the end of the battle), both heads will attack in one turn. Make 
      sure that Nina heals whenever HP drops lower than you'd like. The 
      fight won't take too long. 

Once the monster is dead, an arrow will fly through the air and lower the gate.
It's Bo, the wolfman archer! Don't worry, he's here to help. The real chief
has been rescued in the back. Suddenly, the old man will transform into the
General. Get ready for another fight.

 Boss : General ~
      With Bo in your party, this battle should be very easy. Have Ryu
      stick with regular attacks. Nina should first cast Fort on Bo. His
      defense is pretty terrible. At the same time, have Bo cast Fry. That
      spell deals heavy damage, and you only have enough AP to cast it
      twice. However, two times is all you need. Fry deals 80 HP damage. 
      Two of those will kill the General. If not that, he'll be very close 
      to death. You know what to do for the rest of the battle. 

The real chief will walk off and attempt to move the rock blocking the water
from flowing through the river. Bo, in the meantime, will join your party!
Now go ahead and make your way out of this crappy place in any way you choose.
The best way to go about that is heading south and falling through the
trapdoor by the staircase of this floor. From there, just climb up the stairs.
You should have no trouble making it to the exit. Leave the forest as well and
begin heading for Tantar. North of that town is a bridge that you should
cross. Once on the other side, head south to Tantar's sister town, Tuntar.

                ---=|          Tuntar          |=---

Tuntar looks just as gloomy as Tantar. There is an inn next to an Item Shop
further to the east. Sleep there for the night and refresh your characters.
Also, be sure to take the Cure from the drawers in the inn. Afterwards, go
pick up some items.

              |           Tuntar Item Shop           |
              |  * Herb           '          ~ 10G   |
              |  * Herb x9        '          ~ 90G   |
              |  * Antdt          '          ~ 15G   |
              |  * Acorn          '          ~ 30G   |
              |  * Cure           '        ~ 2000G   |
              |  * Life           '         ~ 500G   |
              |  * Drop x9        '         ~ 180G   |
              |  * T.Drop         '          ~ 20G   |

The last thing you need to do here in Tuntar is talk with the chief. You will
find him in the tall, purple building at the center of town. He will tell you
about the Stone Robot, of whom has the capability of moving the rock! Before
you leave, go upstairs and check his drawers for an Herb. Your next
destination is Agua Tower. In order to get there, you need to stop by Romero
first. Leave Tuntar and cross the bridge again to the other side. By the
Forest of Despair's entrance is a dirt path; follow it north.

Put Bo in the front of your party because he is capable of walking through
forests. Head northeast past the bridge leading back to Winlan and follow the
dirt path. Just walk through the forest here for a quick shortcut to Romero.
Make sure you enter Romero during the daytime and talk to the various people
in the graveyard. Apparently, Romero's zombies only come up at night and they
have been causing problems. Head up to the northeast corner of town and
converse with the chief. Rid Romero of their zombies and he'll tell you about
Agua. Well, this chief sure is a man of words.

Wait outside of Romero until it gets dark. When it's night, re-enter the town
to find the scary zombies terrorizing the good people of Romero (not really)!
Errooo! Errooo...! Talk to the old lady at the entrance and she'll have her
zombie husband push away a gravestone. Drop down the hole that it reveals to
fall by two chests. One of them contains the WtrJr and the other contains an
Herb. To leave, go south and ascend the staircase. You are now outside of
Romero again. Use Bo's special ability and walk through the forest north of
Romero until you are on the other side of town. You will see the Agua Tower.
Further to the west is the Karma Tower. The Cleansing Water Cave is directly
south of the Karma Tower. The cave is surrounded by water so use the bridge
to reach it.

                ---=|   Cleansing Water Cave   |=---

The Cleansing Water can be found within this cave (hence the name). Luckily,
it's pretty short. However, some of the monsters might be problematic.
Ameblobs, for one, are capable of casting a fire spell that deals heavy
damage. They can also use Recover and heal themselves when hurt. Apart from
those, you shouldn't have much trouble with the opposition unless your
characters are horribly underleveled. Nina should be at least 11 by now.

Begin by walking a bit forward to a three-way fork. The east path will lead
you to an Herb and nothing more. Take the west fork until the path splits
again. Right will bring you to an Herb. Now, go the other way to find a third
chest. Open it for a NiceHT and proceed forward. The path is pretty
straightforward here. When you do come across a fork, go east; the south path
will only bring you back to the entrance. After a long walk along the outskirt
of the floor, you should reach a staircase at the upper-left corner. Don't
take it just yet though! Instead, continue along the path and open the chest
at the end for a F.Stn. Now return to the staircase and take it.

You have two ways to go: up or down. Going south at this point will net you
yet another Herb. Go back north and advance that way until you reach a split
in the path. Head east for a single T.Drop and return to the fork, heading
north. This will eventually lead you to another staircase. When you reach it,
Descend it to the lower floor and go up. There is another staircase at the
end of this path. Take it upstairs and you will emerge by two chests. Snag the
BronzHT and Apple from the chests. Then head back downstairs and take the
lower of the two forks by the other staircase. There will be a third staircase
here. Descend to the next floor.

Finally, you will have access to the Cleansing Water. Head down the small
steps and fill your WtrJr up. Your party will automatically leave the cave and
return to Romero. There, Ryu will sprinkle the water and purify the soil! Once
that's done, there won't be any more zombies annoying the crap out of Romero.
The chief, of course, will be thankful for your help and reward you with five
chests. Pick up an Herb, an Antdt, 900GP, a Cure, and the TABLET! This item
will allow you enter the Agua Tower. Feel free to save your game and then
leave town.

           5.4. The Stone Robot                                   [5400]

Our next destination is Agua Tower to the northwest. Use Bo's ability to walk
through forests and find the floating tower. Walk up to it and move to the
end of the extension. Read the inscription on the Tablet that the chief gave
you and the great Agua Tower will slowly descend. Head up the steps and enter
the tower.

                ---=|        Agua Tower        |=---

This dungeon has a lot of awesome items which is a plus! Begin by heading up
and climbing up the stairs. The big stone door in front of you is locked (as
you can see, there is a padlock there). Head down and step on the transport
tile in front of the gap. It will take you to the other side. Once you're
there, go left and proceed to the southwestern corner for an Herb inside a
chest. Left of the gap is another path leading up. Take it up as far north as
you can go. The single chest there contains a Life2.

Backtrack to the other path branching off to the left. This one will lead you
to two chests containing an Acorn and Apple. Once those are all collected,
proceed forward along the same path. You will find a staircase behind the
door that was blocking your path originally. There is nothing to the right
except for four blocked chests that you cannot reach. Go ahead and climb up
this staircase.

To your left is another locked door. Ignore it for now and step onto the
transport tile just below you. This middle platform has three other transport
tiles stationed at its three sides. First off, step on the upper-left tile to
be brought to a chest. This one contains a SunHT. Equip it on either Ryu or
Bo and step on the only other transport tile on this platform. It will bring
you to a extension of the floor that you originally started on. Walk up and
around to the transport tile leading to the middle platform. Step on it to
reach the middle platform again.

Now you have two more choices: lower-left or lower-right. Opt for the latter
choice and you will be brought east to the southeast platform. Walk down to
the chest on this platform. Pop it open to obtain an IronSH. Once that is in
your inventory, step onto the transport tile above the chest to be brought to
the starting platform again. Again, step on the other tile to the middle
platform. Use the lower-left tile to proceed this time around. Now at the
southwest platform, snag the ThiefCL from the chest and step onto the next
transport tile. Now that you are behind the locked door, you can proceed up
the staircase here.

You have another locked door to your right. Pick up the Acorn inside the
chest and step onto the transport tile nearby. You will end up at the middle
platform. This area is very similar to the previous floor as you can probably
tell. There are two other tiles off of this platform. First, step on the
lower-left one to arrive at a platform carrying a HairBand. Use the transport
tile to a small platform with an Herb. Lastly, use the transport tile here to
return to the middle platform. Step on the lower-right tile this time.

This southeast platform holds a chest containing a Bracelet. Pick that up
before using the transport tile above it. This tile will bring you to the
north platform. Head west to find a staircase. Don't use the transport tile
unless you want to start this floor all over again. Climb up the stairs and
head to the right. The tile at the end will send you to the center platform
in the middle of the floor. Before examining the gold pillar, heal all of
your units up. Wisp will appear before you. Looks like you're going to have
to beat it up.

 Boss : Wisp ~
      Wisp doesn't deal much damage, but his attacks can still hurt. Be 
      sure to cast Fort on all of your units and nullify much of the 
      damage taken. Cast ATK-Up on Ryu and have him use regular attacks. 
      Nina should be there to heal when necessary. Bo will run out of AP 
      pretty quickly if you use Fry. If you would prefer to attack 
      regularly with Bo, do so. Use an Acorn to replenish some AP 
      otherwise. Wisp has a load of HP and it's annoying trying to take it
      all down. With ATK-Up though, your job should be somewhat easier. 
      Although a time-consuming battle, this isn't exactly a difficult 

Wisp will congratulate you. Search the pillar to find the KngKey. This item
will be necessary to activate the Stone Robot that you will soon come across.
Well, that's really it for Agua Tower. Make your way back through the area
until you find the exit. Leave Agua altogether and head back to Romero. Rest
at the inn and save your game. Don't forget to have Bo in front of your party
to walk through the forest.

The great Stone Robot is pretty far away. Get ready to do quite a bit of
walking. From Romero, walk east through the forest and head toward Tantar
again. I strongly suggest you save your game before heading to the Stone
Robot. Anyway, cross the bridge over the dried river as if you were heading
to Tuntar. To the north is a narrow ramp leading up the side of the cliff.
Begin heading along the dirt path leading northeast. Ignore the ramp nearby.
Follow the path and ascend the ramp it leads you to. Go north past the trees
to the edge of the cliff. Go west and you should catch a glimpse of the Stone
Robot below. Head down two sets of ramps to reach it. Enter the opening
between its legs (I don't need any dirty comments here, thank you very much).

                ---=|       Stone Robot        |=---

Wow, the robot's legs sure looked a lot smaller outside. Anyhow, climb the
staircase at the upper-left corner. Continue upwards until a path appears to
your right. There are two chests, plain in sight, along the path. Pick up an
Herb and a BronzHT. Once you have that, ascend the staircase further to the
right. This is the central room of the Stone Robot. To the southwest is what
appears to be the robot's "heart" by some soldiers. Walk up to them and a
battle will initiate.

 Boss : General + 2 Lancers ~
      The two Lancers in this battle are very easy to take out. The faster
      you destroy them, the better. Prioritize them first with Ryu and
      Bo while Nina casts Fort on the party. Although the Lancers are 
      weak, the General himself can deal quite a bit of HP damage. Fort
      will help you out and leave you with more HP. Once the Lancers are
      taken care of, you can focus on the General. Use Bo's Fry spell and
      have Nina cast ATK-Up on Ryu if you haven't already. The General
      doesn't have much HP so the battle won't last too long. 

Once the meddling General is gone, the path will be clear. Examine the slab
in front of you and the KngKey will be used. The Stone Robot will activate,
as the heart begins to pump blood (is that blood?) through the rest of the
frame. Step on the blue tile and you will be teleported to... exactly where
you were. Well, at least you now know that they are meant to do something.
Head up toward the staircase and step on the teleport tile to the west. You
will appear at the lower-right corner of some room.

The nearby teleport tile here will only bring you back to the heart, so ignore
it. Instead, proceed up and along the path to another tile. Step on this one
to teleport somewhere else. Head up and you will be presented with two
teleport tiles. The left one will take you to an Acorn, so step there and
pick that up. Step on the same tile after picking that up to appear back by
the heart. Do what you just did before. Step on the teleport tile west of the
staircase again. Then step on the upper teleport tile to appear in that same

Step into the right teleport tile this time. Go up and duck the tile in the
alcove here. The two chests that you arrive by contain a Life2 and and Mrbl1.
Step back onto the same transport tile you came from and you will revert to
the same corridor as before. Head north past the tile leading to the two

Head back toward the Stone Robot north of Tuntar and by the lake. To the very
right of the Stone Robot is a cave. Enter.

                ---=|         Lake Cave        |=---

Begin by heading north through the cave. Walk past the puddle and up the
ramps. After that, cross the bridge ahead of you and move left and down the
stairs. Ascend the other staircase and pick up a W.Ptn from the chest. From
there, go down the next set of stairs and follow the path west. Follow this
path until you find the exit to the cave. You will appear back on the world
map. There is another cave further to the west. Walk over to it and enter.

Go due north to a locked door. That key you picked up from Tantar will open
the door and allow you to proceed. Do just that and head down the stairs. The
blue teleport tile is currently inactive. Move down a few more flights of
stairs until you see a path extends to the left. Head that way and follow
the path until you find another staircase. Climb up and you will find yourself
in an underground cavern filled with water. Head down into the water and
walk into the waterfall below you. Your party will fall quite a bit before
finally hitting the end.

While wading through the water, go south a little bit. Ignore the first
staircase you see on the small island and continue downwards. See the chest
on the island ahead of you? Well, walk down and climb onto the island to
access it. After picking up the Life, go back into the water and climb onto
the platform to the immediate east. Proceed forward along this oddly-shaped
island and jump back into the water at the end. You should see another chest
to your west. Go up and climb the steps onto this next island. First, pick up
the Life2 inside the chest and then descend the staircase.

Advance along the path to your west. After a bit of walking, you'll arrive
at yet another staircase. Climb the next few set of stairs until you emerge
in another underground spring. From the staircase, go north to find a chest
with a nice 2000GP prize. Walk into the water via the steps east of the
staircase. Walk a bit up and then to the right. Climb onto the first island
you have access to and open the chest for an Herb. Once you have that, climb
onto the eastern landmass. From here, go south. Head past the west path and
continue that way to find another chest. This one contains an Acorn.

Return to the path you ignored previously and proceed that way. Wade into the
water once again. Make your way down toward the waterfall below. Walk right
into it and ride down another waterfall. Whee, what fun. Proceed to the
southeast and get onto the first island you have access to. Climb the ramps
and open the chest at the very top for a SkySH. It is a very light shield that
may only be equipped on Nina. Do just that and jump back into the water. Now
go east and climb onto the second island down the line. Pop open the blue
chest for the Ring! Now step into the activated teleport tile. Once you are
back at the entrance, leave the cave and then proceed through the other cave
to the east.

Head back toward Tantar. Talk to either of the two blocking the way in and
you will learn about a ceremony of some sort. Go ahead and enter the town.
Rest up at the inn and save your game. Afterwards, head down to the chief's
house at the center of town. It is surrounded by four girls so you should be
able to pick it out fairly easily. Once inside, you will find the chief, a
random wolf-man, and the two newlyweds, Amelia and Terry. Talk to the white-
haired chief and the wedding will commence. After the wedding scene, the chief
will randomly blurt out and tell you that you can cross the river using the
Stone Robot. You will find a port in the town on the other side.

Head out of town. Hmm, that Stone Robot definitely was not where you left it.
Well, it looks as if the evil General has somehow hijacked the behemoth.
Using the wedding as a ploy, he managed to steal it and send it by the two
river towns. Before you can do anything, the robot uses its ULTRA HYPER BEAM
attack to destroy Tuntar! Tuntar will crumble. The General attempts to destroy
the second village, but the robot somehow stops. Might as well use this
opportunity to try to enter the robot again, eh?

                ---=|        North Cave        |=---

This cave will lead you to the city of Auria. I would strongly suggest you
get through this cave as quickly as possible. Although most of the monsters
are alright, Shadows are a major problem. Not only can they inflict various
status ailments upon your characters, but they can also kill your units very

Anyway, begin by heading south along the path. It's a long path, so bear with
me. Sometime soon, you will come to a fork. The way west will only send you
into some unbreakable rocks. Head south until you find the exit. Once back
in the overworld, move southeast to find a port city along the waterline. Now
you can enter the port city of Auria.

                ---=|          Auria           |=---

As soon as you enter the city though, two guards will come and throw you in
jail for no apparent reason. Well, that was interesting. Anyway, you are stuck
in a jail cell with no apparent way out. The first thing you should do is
collect the PrisnCL hidden in the sink. Now talk to the dude in bed and he'll
ask if you want to get out. Say yes and he'll walk over to the locked door
and open it for you. Well...

Go ahead and leave the jail cell and climb up the stairs. Just walk out of
the building as the guards won't really notice you leaving. Once outside
though, make sure you avoid the gaze of the guards hanging around. If they
throw you back in jail though, you can just have the sleeping dude break you
out. Auria appears to be a very rich town. Everything is shiny after all.
The Dragon Shrine is to your east. Save your game there. The building to the
jail building's left is a Weapon & Armor Shop and Item Shop. Feel free to
buy whatever you'd like.

The Rapier is a more powerful version of the BronzRP. Purchase for Nina if
you want. The Dagger is for Karn, of whom hasn't joined you yet. Buy a LongBW
for Bo and a BroadSD for Ryu. If you want, purchase some more armor for your
characters as well. At the Item Shop, pick up a Rod1 and some Worms so you can
fish later on. Also, buy a Pouch and Vitamn. You don't have enough money for a
G.Bar yet. However, you will need to buy it sometime soon. Luckily, you can
make quite a bit of money in this city. Go upstairs to a bar area and talk to
the guy sitting at the table. He has the hiccups and needs the Vitamn to heal
it (WTF?). Anyway, you will receive 5000GP for that. If you need healing, go
to the inn to east. Make sure you walk around the guard to avoid getting
caught again.

When you are finished, leave the shops and prepare to explore town. The first
thing you should do is head toward the ship at the dock. Walk northwest from
the two shops and proceed to the end of the docks. Talk to the man there to
learn that the ship is owned by Ross. Return to the area around the shops and
jail cell building. Stay to the left side of the stairs and walk north. As you
can see, the people of Auria have big houses! Enter the first house on your
left and check the drawers at the back end of the first floor. It contains a
S.Ptn. Go upstairs and check the drawers to the right for a Cure. Walk around
to the other side of the wall with the chest and open it for a W.Ant. Now
that you're done looting this house, go ahead and leave.

Enter the house to the right across the street. Check the drawers on the first
floor to find a V.Ptn. There is also a chest at the upper-left corner with
Life. Go upstairs and "inspect" the drawers to your immediate right. Snag a
hefty 2000GP prize and open the chest in the bedroom for a Mrbl1. That's it
for this manor so head back downstairs and leave. The next two houses also
have their fair share of goodies. Enter the next one on the left and check
the drawers and chests on both floors. These houses are all laid out the same
way, so you should have no trouble finding them. You will leave with a
SmartRG, Acorn, Life, and Antdt.

Once back outside, head inside the house across the street. Same drill this
time. However, DO NOT touch the chest on the first floor! The woman there will
call a guard on you and you will be sent back to jail. Be sure to talk to her
though to learn that her son is missing in the forest. Go upstairs and check
the drawers for a Mrbl3 and a chest for a Cure. Before you leave, talk to the
old man with Nina at the front of your party. Have Nina heal his aching back
and you will collect 20000GP! Talk about money to throw away. When you are
finished hanging around here, go downstairs and leave this house. Finally,
head inside the gigantic manor at the end of this path.

Once inside this palace of a house, walk up to find a rich-looking man pacing
the floor. He'll allow you to use his ship if you save his daughter. Say yes
and he'll tell you that she's locked in the safe (whatever that is). Anyway,
why not steal some stuff from Auria's richest man? Of course he won't notice.
Head toward the entrance of the house and ascend the staircase. Begin by going
up and turning to the right. Follow the hallway to the northeast bedroom.
Check the drawers for 2000GP. Return to the staircase and go west from there.
In this bedroom, go up through the tiny hole in the wall to find two chests.
Steal a Cure and a G.Tiara (this item has crappy defense, but you can sell it
for 13000GP).

Now, remember that lady that said her son was missing in the forest? In order
to retrieve him, you will need to leave the city and return to the Fairy
Woods (It was that square bit of land in the middle of the forest on the
other side of the mountain). From Auria, go back to the North Cave again.
Proceed through it as you did before. At the fork, make sure you go right.
Upon emerging, switch Bo to the front and walk through the forest above you.
In it, there is a familiar rectangular clearing that is pretty visible. That
is the Fairy Wood. Step into it to enter.

                ---=|       Fairy Woods        |=---

Converse with one of the fairies in the clearing up ahead. They will let him
go if you happen to make him promise never to log ever again. If you remember,
the boy is to the southeast in a tile of grass surrounded by flowers. Meet
the fairies there and they'll lift the curse off of the boy. Once he's free
again, talk to him and he will, of course, promise to protect nature. Now
that's a valuable life lesson!

Leave the area and use Nina's Warp spell to return to Auria. Find the boy's
mother who is at the same house as before. Somehow, the boy managed to get
back before you did. You will receive 20000GP as a reward for rescuing him.
That extra bit of GP should have put you over the 65000GP mark. Now you
have enough money to purchase that expensive G.Bar at the Item Shop. If not,
then you will have to resort to selling items and/or defeating monsters
outside. You can always come back and get the G.Bar later, but that can be

That's really it for Auria at the moment. Leave town and head due east. There
is a cave in the mountainside here. This cave will bring you to the city of

                ---=|        Bleak Cave        |=---

Two men are blocking the path ahead of you. Assuming you talked with Ross,
they will let you pass. They will also caution you to keep your guard up in
Bleak due to the amount of thieves running around. From there, just head down
the staircase nearby. Go west and follow this linear path until you hit a
fork. Head north as the path east is blocked by candles (of ALL things, a pair
of candles have to block your path). Follow this next path up, east, and up
again. Follow the path around the wall surrounding the single treasure chest
(cannot be accessed yet). Eventually, you will reach another split. Just go
east to proceed.

Follow this path until another fork presents itself ahead of you. Heading west
will bring you to a pair of chests with Cure and a ShellHT behind a crumbled
wall. The ShellHT is not useful at the moment as none of your units can use
it. Once you have those treasures in your pack, return to the fork and go
south. At the end of this path is a staircase and a locked door to the south.
Obviously, you can't open that door so head upstairs.

Go east along this fairly lengthy corridor. At the end is a fork. Head north
first and continue up this path. Advance past the locked door (There are a lot
of those here, eh?) and you will reach the gate by the beginning of this cave.
Step on the other switch to open the gate. Now you can easily access the
beginning of the cave from the end. Now all you have to do is backtrack to the
fork. When you get there, go south and leave.

This part of the overworld does indeed look a bit bleak. Also, the monsters
around will be a bit tougher than the ones you've fought before. Just keep
that in mind while you begin moving northward. Walk along the edge of the lake
as you go around it. Bleak is at the other end of the lake so you will have
to walk all the way around.

                ---=|           Bleak          |=---

You can save your game at the Dragon Shrine by the entrance. After doing that,
enter the inn to the left. The innkeeper will allow you to stay for free!
Assuming you purchased the Pouch during your stay in Auria, the innkeeper will
attempt to steal your Pouch during the night. Luckily, you catch him and
he will give you 5000GP to keep you quiet. Good money! A Weapons & Armor Shop
along with an Item Shop are just above the inn. Pay both shops a visit.

You should really only purchase new items if your wallet allows it.
Considering the recent purchase of the G.Bar, you probably don't have that
much money at this point. However, it would be a good idea to get a MetalSH
for Ryu and a WoolRB for Nina. Now, about the rest of the city. The house to
your right has a fortune teller dancing outside. Don't bother with her nor
the house that she is in front of. Walk up the main road to find two houses
to your left and right.

Enter the house on the left and go upstairs. Head right along the hallway to
find two chests. Both of them contains an Herb. Steal those and exit this
house. Head inside the opposite house across the street and go upstairs too.
This building also has two Herbs up here. Snag them both and leave. Finally,
enter the manor at the north end of town and talk to the old man at the upper-
left corner. He will explain to you that Karn could help you enter the safe
in Auria. However, he's in Krypt as of now. You will need an Icicle to travel
through the desert though. The old man will offer you an Icicle for your
G.Bar. Accept the Icicle and say goodbye to 65000GP.

Go upstairs to find two chests in the east room. It's not Herbs this time
though. Steal a Life and W.Ant. Bleak doesn't serve much of a purpose now,
so feel free to leave. Before you leave for the desert though, I'd suggest
you level up around Bleak a bit. The G.Slime is a pretty common monster around
these parts. Although somewhat difficult to defeat, it gives a LOT of EXP.
Other monsters in the area also provide a lot of EXP so go crazy.

           5.6. Light And Dark                                     [5600]

From the town of Bleak, go west along the edge of the mountains below. There's
a cave at that little corner. It's not the same cave you came from before you
entered Bleak. This cave will lead you to the desert by the town of Arad.

                ---=|         Arad Cave        |=---

Once inside this cave, walk up and descend the staircase. Now go west and
follow the path until you arrive at another staircase. Climb up to the next
floor and proceed along the path. It's very linear so you should have no
absolutely no problem finding your way to the end. Just before you leave, Ryu
will use the Icicle (assuming you picked it up before). That item will allow
you to travel through the arid desert.

From the cave, move south through the valley and into the desert itself.
Examine your world map and take a look at the desert you are currently in.
As you can see, it extends southward pretty far. Near the south end of the
desert is a little tent icon. That represents the town of Arad. Make your way
southeast and find it. You may find a small icon crawling around outside of
Arad. Ignore that, along with the structure to the southeast, for now. Enter
the town of Arad.

                ---=|           Arad           |=---

The midgets here are dressed strangely in yellow cloaks. If you choose to
converse with some of them, you will learn about the moving town outside of
Arad. The first tent on the right (at the entrance) is an inn. Even though it
doesn't say so, the guy inside will let you rest. The other white tents have
nothing of interest, so enter the large orange tent ahead. This is the mayor's
dwelling. He owns the Fife, an item which will allow you entry into the Krypt.
You cannot obtain Karn any other way so you will have to get the Fife from

Of course, the mayor isn't just going to GIVE you the Fife. You must first do
him a favor. Talk to the old guy and he'll tell you about the giant SandWorm
that is eating the goats. If you manage to defeat it, you will gain the Fife.
Luckily, tonight is a new moon. The screen will go black, signifying that
night has come. Leave the mayor's tent and head to the right where the goat
pen is. Examine the thing in the ground to enter battle with the "deadly"

 Boss : SandWorm ~
      The SandWorm isn't exactly tough, but the battle can drag on and on
      if you just sit there and attack. In order to efficiently take out
      the SandWorm, you will want to utilize Ryu's dragon morphs. The 
      SandWorm's main attack is a fire breath-ish attack. It doesn't deal
      much damage at all. However, casting Nina's Fort on Bo might be a 
      good idea because his defense is terrible. Have Ryu transform into 
      the ThrDr: his most powerful dragon morph at the moment. Bo can 
      honestly just sit there as Ryu will be dealing the majority of the 
      damage with his incredibly powerful dragon attack. The battle should
      be over with pretty quickly. 

The mayor will thank you and allows you to take the Fife. Open the treasure
chest that is now accessible to find it. Before you leave Arad, I suggest that
you rest at the inn; you have a dungeon ahead of you. From the town of Arad,
head southeast to the stone building. Step on the gray tile ahead of it and
press the A Button. A little bridge will appear and you can cross. Welcome to
the Krypt.

the outer wall. You will just go around to the other side of the objects
anyway. Walk through the doorway and make your way to the large staircase in
the center of the room. You will come to a very large room now. Head down a
bit and you will notice a collection of raised platforms. Several of them hold
chests but the floors are trapped.

This is the not ended
I try to another Thanks you all of friend


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