Quote of the day! #3

in #happy7 years ago

Hey Steemers!
Simply wanted to remind everyone to take the time to smile and be grateful<3


If you are similar to me you often forget to take time out of your day to smile and think about how much we have to be grateful for. It is in these moments when we reflect and take time to appreciate how fortunate we are, it's then when we can be at peace and stop worrying.

I know our life's aren't perfect but hey in the scheme of things we are EXTREMELY lucky, if you think about all the less appealing alternatives compared to our life's. We could have been a particle out in space, an animal about to be slaughtered, a dirty sock under someones bed or any other arbitrary part of the universe. I think we all to often take our lives for granted when we really should be cherishing every single moment of being alive, we forget how fortunate we are to be human and focus more on the negative sides of what we don't have.

"Nothing we do or get in the future will ever make us happy if we can't be grateful for what already have now. So stop seeking happiness from anything outside you when it can only be found from within" - Johannes Gosser Duncan

CONCLUSION: We have plenty of things to be smiling about so there is absolutely and i repeat ABSOLUTELY no reason to worry.

Thank you, Upvote, Re-Steem and follow for more great QUOTES!!