Are you happy?

in #happy8 years ago (edited)


Are you happy? what does happiness even mean?

If you ask someone how they are they typically reply with: they're 'good' or 'ok' even if they're not. There are multiple reasons for someone to mask their emotions. For example evading a conversation or even being depressed. This brings me to the topic of depression. Today alot of people classify as being depressed. This problem is hard to solve because you might not recognize depression, that is what makes it so scary. Every day you read of someone committing suicide even if they are 'succesfull'. This shows us that happiness is linked to being social. The more people you appriciate in your life the happier you are.

So next time you ask someone how they are, just have a little chat with him/her. You might save a life!

ps. sorry i'm bad at these.