Happy Hour with @ats-david - August 7, 2017
Welcome to a very special Happy Hour...
My Steemit birthday!
That's right - one year ago today, my presence on Steemit began. So, happy frickin' Steemit birthday to me!
Now with that out of the way, let's get down to business. This is the second Happy Hour post and I hope to keep it going. The first ever Happy Hour with @ats-david seemed like it was pretty successful. We talked about vacations, kittens, helmet polishing, what to do if you're a sad Steemian, the upcoming football season, art, toxicity, Ouija boards, depression, photography, and many other interesting topics.
And the best part is that all of them were discussed with positivity!
So let's see what you have in store for me this week! Please note that Happy Hour actually lasts for 24 hours, and here are the simple guidelines to follow:
1. Leave me a comment about any topic you want to discuss or about anything for which you would like a compliment. It could be about your pet, your new car, politics, Steemit, the weather, NyQuil ingredients, or your African safari.
2. I will do my best to respond with something positive.
And that's it.
Please note that if you do not receive a response from me, it's likely that I could not find something positive to say.
Don't forget that this is a special Steemit birthday Happy Hour! You know what to do!

Follow me: @ats-david
If you were absolutely forced to, would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck? Congrats btw!
That's an interesting question.
Although I would like the challenge of taking on a horse-sized duck, I think it would be much more fun to fight the tiny horses. There might be 100 of them, but dispatching each one of them would be easier and would make me feel very powerful!
Although, I must say, I do not condone senseless violence against animals. However, you did say "if I was forced to," so that's OK!
What a fun scenario to think about! Thanks for the awesome comment!
Unless the "If I was forced to" rule was implemented, I also would not answer the question lol.
Am two days late and am sorry
but .. I was so into my own Steemit Birthday Party so I guess I didn't see this
but @bleujjay told me just now otherwise I wouldn't have seen this positivity packed post!
I know I am way late to this party but, I would totally fight the 100 duck sized horses, and where shin guards. Then I could just let them rail against the shin guards until they dropped from exhaustion, there by winning the fight. Afterwards I could give them all water and pet them until they were rested, at which point I would have an army of 100 tiny horse friends. The next guy would then have to choose between fighting a horse sized duck or 100 horse sized ducks and me. :-)
Oh, and Happy Birthday!
Can you please tell us all why you are so fucking toxic?
Fantastic! Thanks for the great question!
Wow. I took 9 months off. How did you get a negative 16 rep? What'd I miss
Oh @dan flagged me because I was flagging @noganoo the waste of space/criminal.
David are we going to do a football contest? That would be fun each week! Happy Steemit B day!
That's great - thanks!
The child in the middle seems like she was coerced into doing this, but that's OK! It's still appreciated!
She was.... LOL that's my niece..... Made it funny though!
Congrats on 1 year bro! My 1 year was two weeks ago, I had thought you had been here longer than me :-)
Anyway, the podcast I was interviewed on is coming out this week. Hoping it will not suck, thoughts?
I'm sure it will be an excellent interview! You're smart and full of great information and I hear that you're quite a lady-killer as well! Not an actual killer of ladies...but you know what I mean!
I'm going to cook pork chops for dinner.
What an excellent choice for a meal! How are you going to prepare those chops?
Happy first Steemit birthday @ats-david. Anything to drink tonight, whiskey probably?

Whiskey is a great idea! You're brilliant!
Vodka it is! For me, nothing can beat the taste of Absolut Vodka! Well, it's the only premium vodka I tasted twice and it was free!

Could you tell me how to endure four days without water service due that I live in a Country where the goverment system is a dictatorship, also in impending doom?
I think you can endure by hoping that this impending doom for your dictators will actually come to fruition. Nothing is more fun than imagining that dictators meet their demise! Except actually seeing it happen!
Here's to hope!
Happy Anniversary!
What do you think about recent downvote war between ned and fuzzy?
House cleaning can be fun sometimes, but it's best if you do it in the spring or fall. Try to de-clutter your home and see if it helps with the whole feng shui vibe. It might make you feel more relaxed after a long work day!
I hope that helps!
Thank you for the wise answer
This past year sure had some interesting times. What are your predictions for the upcoming Steemit year?
These are my predictions:
Some people will make money.
Some people will make more or less than others.
Some people will feel entitled.
Some people will get offended by words.
Some people will make absurd accusations about others.
Some people will try to scam.
Some people will call out the scams.
Some people will develop useful stuff.
Some people will develop useless stuff.
Some people will make $100 STEEM predictions.
Some people will make $0.01 STEEM predictions.
Some people will ragequit.
Some people will complain about ragequitters.
In the end though, at least we have a chance to make some money playing around on our phones and computers! And isn't that the best part of it all? I think it is!
In other words, Year One, Part Deux:)
A chance to make some money farting around on computers and phones is definitely a great thing!
I'm coming up on my steemiversary this week, too! What are your thoughts on my various game posts?
While I have never played most of the games you write about, I certainly think you do a great job presenting them! Some of them are quite thorough and I'm sure other gamers appreciate it!