The 50 Shades of Me! My Hairexpression story

in #hair7 years ago

Like all women I like to switch up my style and even as young girl was never afraid to try new or crazy things. I saw it as an expression or a kind of rebellion against the norm. Rebel, that's exactly who and what I am, not that I don't respect authority or constructs but from very young I had a strong sense of self and knew that i didn't like or wanted to be or look like everyone else. I was uniquely me and the best way I could show that was through my hair!! My Hairexpression!!!!

As I turned 18 I got my first hair colour because brown was way too boring for me! I had long hair and that was what most girls had and i said no! im going to cut it. I wanted to be way bolder but my mum was always saying don't cut too much! You can handle your hair too short. So i played it a bit safer than I desired. But from this moment I knew I loved colour and I haven't stopped since!

At 22 I went to the UK to study so I decided I need a new look! Plus my hair was very damaged from relaxing and coloring at the point so I decided to get a asymmetrical bob similar to what Rihanna was rocking back then. We seemed to have similar styles and personality so i kept my colour! I loved this hair and actually kept this cut and similar versions for many years!

I was never one for weaves and extenstions but due to the damage of relaxers and colours i thought why not! plus extenstions allow you to play with your personality. YOu can be a different woman in a few hours at the hair salon. But as a struggling student this got quite expensive so I soon put that play room of hair to the side.

In 2009, and feeling quite depressed about my life, in my last year of university i decided i needed a new start, a change, to restore my sense of self. I took a look in the mirror and thought " Who Am I" and i realized i was hiding. And I got edgy!! I shaved the back and the sides for a pixie cut. I have to say these types of hair cuts I love the most.... why? Not only do they look cool, edgy and easy but I could use it as a canvas to paint in colour.

After a while I got tired of the maintenance of relaxing and my best friend who is a hairstylist encouraged me to go natural. It was the best decision i have every made and i absolutely love the freedom it gives me especially in the colour department. Needless to say I am having fun using my hair as a canvas to express who I am.


Whenever I feel to be another version of me I head to my hairstylist and emerge another side of me. Nubian queen, Bohemian beauty whatever I feel to be painted!

I always encourage women and young girls to be who they are ,whatever is your way to express I always encourage as long as it is safe and does not hurt anyone. For me its my hair and at the end of the day its JUST HAIR! It doesn't DEFINE me, it just an easel of EXPRESSION!


Great content!
Thanks for sharing!