What is Cryptograaphy and what is its Importance in Today's World

in #hacking8 years ago

Cryptography is basically storing of data in a particular form so that only those for whom it is intended can interpret it.

Cryptography is very important in today's world because of 3 things

  1. Confidetiality: things that are encrypted can be decrypted only by those people for whom it is intended.Also It is important to learn about key data management, public and private key encryption, and how to includes a secure talk application that encrypts all data sent over the network.

  2. Integrity: the information cannot be altered in storage or transit between sender and intended receiver without the alteration being detected.
    One can easily forge email, but its very hard to forge a digitally signed email message and so on it’s hard for someone to modify or manipulate a message that you have digitally signed.

3)Authentication:Authentication is a process in Cryptography that offers certificates as a solution, which are called “digital IDs,” coz they can be used to verify the identity of someone you don’t know. Hence it is upto you to decide whether someone is authentic or not.

Generally, modern cryptography includes anything that guards itself through difficulty of computation rather than secrecy of information. Modern cryptography hides in plain sight.download.pngcryptography.jpg


Cryptography is very popular nowadays