
Would you find it worthwhile to pay a small annual fee to have 2FA with Steem/SBD but in a way you do not trust the provider of 2FA? That is, the idea is the provider can't take your funds, even if it tries.

They didn't hack my bittrex account and can you enanble 2FA on steemit. I have it enabled on the exchanges I use but never saw the option here.

I am attempting to do this on this blockchain. The account needs to be adapted and the wallets (including's wallet) needs to be adapted first.

To do this, I had to write a program that would enable that kind of stuff, and now I need it enabled in the wallets. I am using steem's testnet. Do you feel confident installing Python3.6?

The testnet doesn't affect your real account but it allows us to try things with experimental software that I wouldn't try on the main net without some testing. Would you like to participate in testing?

The program that enables 2FA, is 200 lines long. So, you can inspect it and make sure it isn't doing anything malicious. I wrote about it on my blog.

I created an elf account on the testnet. Create one on the testnet with a distinct password (one you have never used before) and you will get quadrillions of testnet Steem dollars. You can find the testnet at: You can log into the testnet steemit like website at: (use testnet credentials not your real credentials here)

If you are into programming, I'll follow you.

Once I get settled I might look into it. My programming skills are rusty but with a little studying I am positive I can get myself up to date.