Gyms,My Nemesis!

in #gym8 years ago

I really should be exercising.

I’m supposed to be in the physical prime of my life according to my age, but I’m not.

I actually hate exercising.

More than anything else, I hate gyms.


Let me explain, I live in Bangalore, India.

Better known as the Tech capital of India. I was born here, so I’ve seen mostly young buffed up people walking down the streets where I grew up.

To be very honest, I’ve had a good laugh every time a beefed up looking guy walked down the street with a giant can of protein shake.


I’ve tried to go to different gyms at different points in time, but I’ve never been successful. Something about the whole place feels a little off. I really don’t know what it is, but it just doesn’t seem like my jam. I’m not saying I’m better than them, clearly not, it’s just that I can never get myself to work out without laughing at the idea of it in the first place. Because when you think about it, not exercising is so much better than exercising from an objective standpoint.


I could be home listening to music, watching movies or even sleeping so why the heck do I have to pay someone to make me take enormous amounts of effort?

The answer, of course, is diabetes. But I know myself and how much of a piece of shit I am when it comes to laziness. I’ve really tried to make an effort when it comes to this, but I doubt it’ll work out since the other choices are so much better.


There are so many reasons for me to go to a gym and work out. It’s a great stress buster. It’s great for my health. I might just get rid of my moobs. I’ll be a fit person for once in my life, but I’d rather write a fuck all blog post about it rather than actually working on getting myself in shape. That’s how much I hate going to the gym.

So anyone who’s reading this knows the secret to motivating yourself to work out every day, please keep it to yourself and let me sleep in peace. Fuck gyms.

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I hate gyms too. I need a purpose to work out

Try boxing

@sebastien boxing is not my type too

I couldn't agree more! Went to yoga, it was better.

@onetree I agree yoga is much better but needs lot of patience

Do Bodyweight Fitness, You will like it better. More Strength and Skill Oriented. If it's a gym you want to make yourself go to, The best advice is just go with your gear. You don't have to do anything, just show up 3 days a week.

Why did you laugh at the buff guy that walked by? It might be in your best interest for him not to see that... ;)

@jcornel Lo I just laugh at people who take gyms too seriously I don't have a spec of specific reason

Lol, this was really entertaining. This is part of the reason I haven't focused on doing fitness related posts on here. There isn't enough people who are into fitness on here.