On Gun Control

in #guns7 years ago


The Holocaust happened because people were disarmed and defenseless against vicious Nazi thugs. Hitler knew that an armed persecuted population will fight to the death instead of being systematically murdered and abused by the Nazis. So he separated his targets, turned public opinion against them, disarmed them, and put them in ghettos where they were defenseless. They they got systematically murdered in the Death Camps.

However once the Jews got their hands on some weapons, they fought back heroicly, outnumbered 100:1, but courageously fought back, they had the means and they had the willpower. And they almost defeated the Nazis, the Nazis had to call in the entire army to put down the revolt, because they knew that if it would have been successful, then other camps would revolt too, and the oppressed people would liberate themselves from the oppressor.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was possibly the most heroic act in the 20th century, because it show that a small group of oppressed, but dedicated people, can fight back relentlessly against the oppressor even if outnumbered heavily.

So World War 2 has ended, but nobody learned from the mistakes. Even just after the Holocaust the people put all their faith back in the Government. I can't believe this. So right after 11,000,000 people were viciously murdered by an Evil Government people put back all their faith into the next government, thinking that it will be different. Well it turns out Nazis were in power in Germany even until the late 90's.

It makes no sense whatsoever, right after the most horrible genocide in human history, people just put back their faith into a centralized institution, becoming once again vulnerable to a future Nazi takeover, and all the history will repeat again.



The Europeans were dumb, but the Jews were smart. They knew full well that you can't live in peace without the means to defend yourself from potential aggressors.

Israel has the most sensible gun laws in the world, not too restrictive but also not too inclusive either. I mean you don't want to give a bazooka to hotheaded drunks, but also not prohibit innocent vulnerable people from becoming a victim of Palestinian stabbings.

Just look at the 67 war, all arab nations have ganged up on the Jews, and if they would have let their guard down, like Europe, then they would have been defeated. But they didn't, and they won.

They won, by being outnumbered and fighting heroically against a strong enemy, just like in the Warsaw Ghetto. It's the willpower and the means to defend what made them victorious in the end.

So it's important to never let your guard down. This is why I was criticizing this Liberal-Hedonist lifestyle, where people let their guard down, and then parasites and aggressors take advantage of them.

People need to stay strong and vigilant, there are always threats and risks in life, and failure to defend against them could have very bad consequences.


So I can't really understand how Europeans can sit back and take all the abuse they are getting. There were Jewish cemeteries desecrated, where Holocaust victims are resting. And other minorities are getting abused too.

I remember in the early 2000's I went into a small village where minorities live and they were constantly harassed by an ultra-right wing group. It was later shut down, but it's literally that easy to commit horrible things, and the villagers were defenseless.

Many people are defenseless, especially in areas with minorities that the majority dislikes. There are old people who get robbed, and so on.

There were many initiatives to bring back gun carry laws into Europe, just for the defenseless minorities, and every time the fucking EU shut it down.

They don't want even pregnant single women to have guns who live in a shady neighborhood. They want everyone dependent on the police, which might turn against them.

Every single ease of gun laws in Europe was shut down either by the EU or from EU influence on member nations. I really wonder why? Could it be because the European Commission was created by a Nazi Lawyer, maybe that has to do with it.

Because the EU really behaves like the Nazis, they want surveillance, border checks, EU army, military on the streets, you name it. It sounds like the Nazi Manifesto....

They can't even deny it that the EU was pretty much founded and influenced by Nazi ideology all this time:


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


protect ourselves... crime rate... It's mainly debatable.

I am not saying to give rocket launchers to drunks, I am saying that there are many high crime rate zones, especially villages, where people need some way to defend themselves.

I mean you live in a remote mountain village, the police is 40 minutes away and your house gets raided by looters, what can you do in that case?

Europa is a creation of the USA and you say it was founded and influenced by nazi ideology......

First of all I have to say that I have nothing against any races, religions, lifestyles, just about anything but the idiots. But I do not like at all the ways of governing Israeli Zionists. To come back to our subject, I think it's more than that, they used Nazi ideology because it was a good time to do this for them. The project for the creation of Europa and Israel was discussed long before the Second World War by the Americans.
And we know that some Jews of USA financed Hitler's war and in 1936 (if I remember correctly), Hitler made a law that allowed Jews to leave Germany with all their possessions. As always in this type of situation, the rich can leave the country and the poor have only to suffer. So maybe I'm starting to think like a complotist, BUT MAYBE The Holocaust was not what we think and Hitler was just a puppet that made possible the creation of Israel and the EU. "I'm not really the most experienced in history but some things are too big I do not understand how the people could let this pass. Like the FICTIVE DEBT which they uses to lay off and make us "tighten the belt" by having less liberty, privacy and less socials service.
The Laws on Labor 'll make that will soon resemble slavery.
And all this because our government (+ 90% of pays included) decided not to print their own money, to get a loan at 0%, Thay just had to destroy the money of Reimbursement to avoid inflation.
Instead they decided to leave this to the hooked hands of private banks that lend us with variable interest depending on the rating of the country.
These ratings are awarded by Standard and Poor's, Moodys and Fitch, which alone account for nearly 95% of the global rating market: 80% for Standard-Moody's and 14% for Fitch.
It gives a rating to each country to either say assess the risk of the loan.
The lower the rating the higher the interest rate.
Credit rating agencies are private institutions whose job it is to assess the repayment capacity of states and private companies that are indebted to the capital markets.
The fate of the finances of certain States depends on their opinions. (This is how one ruins countries, then one makes it pay to its inhabitants). If this is not a manipulation I do not know what it is! ? And the whole world is manipulated in this way by finance. "When in a few years a Big Brother's like world will become a reality.
They 'll we can no longer pay in cash so that they can monitor all our transactions (it's already on the good way).
That's why we need a Cryptocurrency that can not be governed by high finance.

"I kind of deviated from the subject but I just wanted to make my point of view understood by giving other examples of mass manipulation.

But I Agree At the moment when Europa is in a critical situation. Some leaders want to make it a No. 2 USA, but most people do not want this kind of Ultra-Capitalist government, with all power to finance. Future will show how it Goes

The Holocaust against Palestinians continues :(

It is the Israelis who continue ... We know that the holocaust was a terrible thing, but it did not leave the right to take territory because you were persecuted. The Palestinians did not ask for anything ...

All palestinians ask is liberty and the historical nation as it is not as today's rules :)

It makes no sense whatsoever, right after the most horrible genocide in human history, people just put back their faith into a centralized institution, becoming once again vulnerable to a future Nazi takeover, and all the history will repeat again.

I agree with you on that! @profitgenerator

It makes absolutely no sense. If something bad happens to a person, he will do everything he can to avoid it next time, including preparing for it.

If somebody is mugged in an alley, next time they will take self defense lessons. But they can't buy firearms?

And after the Holocaust, people are still not allowed to own firearms as an insurance against a potential future rogue State? It's mindboggling how brainwashed people are.

Fascinating how much Karl Carstens looks like George Bush!

Carstens was a Brownshirt Nazi, later German President. This is the equilvalent of desecrating a Holocaust memorial, by giving power to a known Nazi.

Yeah i live in Europa and it's a subject of controversy for me, When you see all the fusillade they have in the USA its a bad thing. But the day when the Real Governor of this planets would control the masses we will be fucked. So i think we need a just middle , Like no War weapon in free self service ( joking)

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