2nd Amendment Compliant Solutions To School Shootings

in #guns7 years ago (edited)

Did you know that the American People, not our Military but our People, are the largest armed body in the World?

Nobody will ever invade us as long as we have our guns.

Rome fell to the same Mongol Hordes that now stand just across the western pond. Rome fell to the same people who own Hillary Clinton and almost drove us into WWIII in the barren sands of Arabia. The Saudis and Chinese are aligned against us - from within - and you want to disarm because your feels?

Life is Violent - We Are War Mongers - Grow Up

Don't Give Your Guns To The Same People Who Run The Wars, Prisons, and Drugs On You.

The right to bear arms is not for home protection, or hunting, or zombie apocalypse - the 2nd amendment is, in it's text and in all of it's related writings, to protect us from the proven proclivity of government, and power in general, to seek power - and power backed by force of law to seek tyranny.

What on Earth in Your Life Says give these dudes your guns?



These are not trust worthy people with your best interests at heart, the top of the World's power structure is all power hungry, connected, occultist. They are the Left hand path (abortion, drugs, occult, tr@ns kids) and they want less of us.


The schools are secure - every exterior door is locked at the bell.

Perhaps our front office secretaries will need to be former military, perhaps we offer paid CCW for teachers and other terrorism effected industries - but with with cameras, comms and cops 10 minutes away, this is not a threat to give away our only protection against the greatest threat to humanity throughout our history - democracide, attack by our own government.

We can increase our power as a Nation and not give up one of our greatest strengths, internal and external, to folks who hate our poops and would find a hustle at the dog catchers office.