What is your gun story?

in #guns8 years ago (edited)

To my American brothers : I envey you guys for the reason that you can easily buy a gun at your place in no time.


So I am really interested in seeing what all you've got and what do you plan to buy in the future. Also share a story of how you succeeded(or failed) in buying your first arm.

And for a start here is my story :

I live in a country(India) where acquiring a legal gun is next to impossible.

This is for two reasons :

1. We don't manufacture much guns here.

The best gun that gets manufactured here(except for sporting rifles) is a 0.22" Revolver.
A 0.22" Revolver
Now all of you will agree that this is a pretty old one and a gun lover would certainly like to have some variety in the arms that he can have.

2. Acquiring a gun license is next to impossible here.

In the year 2014, my government almost made it impossible to get a license to carry arms. You literally need to receive threats from terrorist organisations in order to be eligible for a gun license.

Now these two reasons pretty much sum it all for me.

Once I also planned to buy a Beretta from the Alphabay market(was getting it for just $500+ shipping) but soon realized that this could get me into major trouble as I could face 5+ years of jail term if I get caught. So I dropped off that plan.
Above is a Beretta M9

So my next plans for now are to visit America soon, and as I wont be allowed to buy arms there, my plan would be to at least test out some guns in the shooting ranges and meet some gun collectors over there.

What have you got and what's your story?