Needed: Domestic Disarmament, Not ‘Gun Control’

in #guns8 years ago

Gun control advocates often say "no one is coming for your guns". Amitai Etzioni puts the lie to that assertion.

"Given that even micro gun control measures will be effectively blocked by the NRA and its allies, and that promoting mini measures as potentially effective is misleading, progressives may as well go for the big enchilada: Call for domestic disarmament.

One may say that the Supreme Court, after 250 years in which the Second Amendment was read as allowing only a well-regulated militia to have guns, recently reinterpreted it to mean that there is an individualized right to own guns. This suggests that we may have to get to domestic disarmament through the back door.

Make the gun manufacturers liable for harm done with their products. Ban the sale of ammunition. "


No. That is not needed.

This push for gun control by the liberals and democrats after a Islamic terrorist attack is simply sickening. Disarming or taking away the citizens rights to defend themselves, (from terrorists, governments, or criminals), is not an acceptable reaction or solution.
Every time you see this, you should shout at them in the comments. "Your plan gives the terrorists a win".

I agree with you. I posted to illustrate as I said at the beginning of my post "Gun control advocates often say "no one is coming for your guns". Amitai Etzioni puts the lie to that assertion."

@tinfoilfedora, when people talk about taking away guns, I always say "Lets look at a demographic that contrasts with the demographic that was murdered en mass---Lets compare the unarmed night clubber demographic, or unarmed school children. Now lets compare how many mass killings they have endured with that of bikers at biker bars---I am unaware of a single mass killing terrorist event against this demographic."
Then I ask them "what is the big difference between these demographics? the night clubbers and children are unarmed and forced to spend their time in establishments that do not allow honest, upstanding citizens to enter while armed."

And even then...they generally don't get it.