Changing The Legal Age To Buy A Rifle....Good or Bad Idea?

in #gunlaws7 years ago (edited)

(photo belongs to me)

Hey guys, here's another topic that's hot in the media right now and I'm curious to what you guys think about it?

Currently the age to buy a handgun in the U.S. is 21 years old and to buy a rifle is only 18 years old. Now this hasn't really been an issue until here recently with all of the nonsense going on.

I've had mixed emotions about this in the past but especially here lately, my opinion is changing somewhat.
Times have changed folks and we need to adapt with the times.

I used to think that if you were old enough to join the military and serve your country, then you should be able to legally buy alcohol and a gun if you wanted to. I know that's a bad combination putting the two together but hopefully you get my point.

Well, my opinion has changed about that. Back when the age restriction laws were put in place for buying a rifle, we didn't have the type of weapons that we have today. I'm sure the reasoning for leaving the age at 18 for rifles was due to hunting purposes and most of your rifles being sold in stores were actually "hunting rifles". For the purposes of this article, I'm referring to hunting rifles as like a bolt action rifle. I'm fully aware that you can knit pick and say "Well you can hunt with an SKS." which is true but you guys know what I mean and this article isn't about classifying weapons or putting them in a specific category.

I was once 18 years old believe it or not! I was really mature for my age and actually became a supervisor at the plant that I was working at. Even though I was mature and responsible, I was still only 18 years old and I done a lot of stupid things. Think about how you were when you were 18.

Believe me when I say this... I do NOT believe in the government controlling every little thing in our lives and I'm a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment. But I have reservations about an 18 year old boy being able to go out and buy a semi-auto rifle with a 100 round drum.

So what's the difference in an 18 year old joining the military and using fully automatic weapons? Am I saying that he's old enough to use these weapons in the military but he can't buy one as a civilian?

Well for starters, when a young man joins the military, he goes through extensive training with his weapons. This same young man is under heavy supervision by professionals. Right there is your difference. An 18 year old in the military is being trained in how to responsibly handle that weapon. Your normal 18 year old civilian will more than likely not seek any type of professional training.

I have been pondering on this subject and one idea that I have is to leave the age restriction as it is BUT attach an amendment where the 18 year old has to have either a parent or someone that is 21 years of age or older to more or less co-sign for him/her.

Does that sound stupid, having to co-sign for a rifle at age 18? To me it doesn't. And by a parent or other person vouching for the buyer, it puts extra responsibility out there and gets peoples wheels turning and it just might prevent a troubled teen from going out and buying a gun for the wrong reasons.

Did you know that you used to could buy rifles via mail-order?
Yes sir! You could order a rifle right out of the back of a magazine if you wanted to!
Did you know that President Kennedy was assassinated with a rifle that was purchased via mail-order?
Sure as hell was and that's what prompted new gun control laws to take effect in the 1960's.

What's my point for mentioning the aforementioned fact? My point is that we have to change with the times. And UNFORTUNATELY because of some irresponsible and sick people, we have to change some things or amend some laws to try and protect our fellow man.

If you know anything about me, you know that I have a passion for weapons. The picture in this article shows just of a few of my weapons. I love all types of firearms from military style, hunting, precision, sport, concealed, antique or whatever. I don't want anymore laws or restrictions than the next guy but unfortunately, a few bad apples is ruining it for the rest of us. At least with my idea, an 18 year old can still purchase a rifle if he wants to, he will just have to have someone vouch for him.

I'm curious what you guys think? Feel free to let me know in the comments if you think my idea is a good one or not, you won't hurt my feelings.

As always, I appreciate you taking the time to read my post. I invite you to follow along with me in this Steemit journey, I have several law enforcement related stories I want to share with you! @bluelightbandit
