The Pigeons of Parkland

in #guncontrol6 years ago


"Listen to the Parkland students," the progressive gungrabbing lobby tells us. "Listen to the kids leading the "Never Again" movement. They are the conscience of a nation."

Poppycock, balderdash, and bullshit. These kids aren't the conscience of the nation, they're not even representative of the majority of American high school students. They're a tiny minority of trained pigeons, pecking out propaganda programmed by the same Youth EMPOWER manipulators that are telling us to listen to them.

Youth EMPOWER is an ad-hoc coalition comprised of The Women's March, Peace First, Rise to Run, Teen Vogue, The Justice League NYC, The Gathering For Justice, and Rock the Vote. Their mission is "to provide young people with the tools needed to create high school and college chapters that guide students in making a positive impact in their communities" and "to take actions around causes that matter to them." And what "matters to them"? According to a 2015 Gallup poll of kids age 13-17, the most important issues facing kids age 13-17 are concerns about "Self-Esteem and Body Image, Stress, Bullying, Depression, Cyber Addiction, Drinking and Smoking, Teen Pregnancy, Underage Sex, Child Abuse, Peer-Pressure and Competition, and Eating Disorders". So how does Youth EMPOWER address these concerns? They encourage students to download a "Toolkit" with 3 sections: 1)"To support Young Leaders in leading chapter members through the process of identifying the causes that matter to them and ... guide them in developing action-based activism skills, 2) register to vote, and 3) encourage women and minorities to run for political office.

Wait...what? What exactly is being "empowered" here?

The gun control fanatics in Youth EMPOWER have been lurking, planning, and mobilizing since the implosion of the Clinton Dynasty. They've infiltrated the NEA and weaseled their way into student civic organizations, waiting patiently for the next (inevitable) school massacre for their chance to strike. Sadly, Omar Mateen and Stephen Paddock weren't students, nor did they choose to shoot up a school, so the plans had to be put on hold. But not for long, of course. Nikolas Cruz came through for them. And, before the bodies were even cold and the last bloodstains wiped up off the hall floors of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, they struck.

The appalling irony in all this is that none of these efforts designed to create and pass stricter gun control legislation have a snowball's chance in hell of actually succeeding in their stated goal. Nothing's going to "get better", no lives are going to be saved, and there will be--just as inevitably--another school massacre sometime in the not-so-distant-future. It matters not what pointless measures pass through congress and get enacted into law, psychopaths rarely consult federal statutes before inflicting carnage. Rage is not subject to government regulation, although it's often a result of it.

And people will feign surprise all over again, and they'll manufacture outrage at irrelevant targets like the NRA and claim that--gosh darnit it!--it must've been those two or three measures that were line-itemed out or some kind of loophole in the previous gun control laws enacted that let this happen, so we must close them / fix it post-haste! And the cycle will start all over again.

The progressive establishment will never solve the problem of public school or societal violence because they don't have a clue what the problem really is. They think (or pretend to think) it's "guns", and they point to the the students they've trained to peck out this non-solution and admonish us to "listen" to them. And the media complies dutifully. But, as indicated by the hilariously clueless "causes" Youth EMPOWER has been trumpeting indicate, they've been "listening" to the wrong students all along.

You want to know who we should be "listening" to? You know who REALLY has the answer to why mass shootings happen? It's students alright, just not the ones being offered up as icons. Let's let their actions--their actual, measurable, visible behavior, rather than words--"speak" for them:

Let's "listen" to the 1.2 million kids who drop out of high school annually (that's roughly 7000 per day). Let's "listen" to the roughly 2.8 million kids who are prescribed psychotropic drugs for "ADHD" every year. Let's "listen" to the 3500 high school kids who attempt suicide EVERY DAY (suicide is the second leading cause of death in ages 10-24). Let's "listen" to the 30% of students who are victims of bullying--often with the complicity of school authorities and parents. Let's listen to the cutters and the stoners and the goths and the weirdos, because THEY comprise a larger and more significant percentage of the school population in this country than the cherry-picked apple polishers being propped on the cover of TIME and offered up as the "voices" of a generation.

It's THESE kids--the ones sentenced to 12 years of Public School Prison from age 5, trapped at desks for 8 hours of their day throughout their childhood and adolescence, saddled with so much "homework" they barely have time to relax or enjoy being with their families, subjected to drugs and oppressive behavioral manipulation, and finally programmed to say and believe what the progressive establishment wants them to say and believe -- it's THESE kids who are rebelling and failing and going crazy and killing themselves--and yes, occasionally going on mass shooting sprees--who are REALLY telling us what we need to know about what's wrong with our public school system, and our society.

And YOU, my dear liberal/progressive baby boomers and Gen-Xers--those of you who support and propagate this public school system and treat the students like inmates in an asylum whom you can subject to your cancerous progressive propaganda--you don't want us to listen to THEM, because you don't want us to know who's REALLY to blame for mass violence inflicting public schools. Because they're telling us, loud and clear, through their actions, that it's YOU.