What is XRP and why should you invest in it.

in #guerysson5 years ago (edited)

As you all know, easy money does not exist. If you wanna start making money you should make moves. Go from point A to point B. Cryptocurrencies is one way to make money, it is not the best way! but it is a way.

There are alot of them but the biggest ones are for example: Bitcoin ( it's the biggest one, the ''OG'' of crypto ), Ethereum, Ripple, EOS, and the list goes on...

Ripple ( XRP ) is what i am going to talk about in this post.

Let me start with a little story.
I was having a meeting with friends and collegues, we we're talking about stocks, how much profit we made and how much we lost. we talked about crypto it was really interesting but what really annoyed me is that some of them have no idea what they're talking about. they didn't know anything about XRP, all they knew was bitcoin but they don't even understand how bitcoin really works. They are chasing shiny objects, it's like a hypetrain and you gotta avoid that.

You see it is important to know where you put your money in, and why.

Alright, let me explain you something about XRP.

XRP is a low-cost cross border transaction token wich means it is used to move funds across the world. Their infrastructure is really well made, they use a protocol that is led by xRapid for cheaper and faster solutions than any competitors!

another pro is their TPS wich stands for transactions per second. Ripple's TPS stands at 1500 wich is way higher than bitcoin or ethereum.


People who are really interested in investing but dont have a huge amount of money to go big should invest in XRP and let me tell you why.

reason number 1:

it is low cost. you don't need to spend alot of money to get a decent investment. 1 XRP will cost you 0.17 cents (euro) 0.20 ( dollars). so you can setup your own plan on how big you wanna go. I recommend to invest between 50-100 dollars a month for people who don't have alot of budget. if you got a decent budget you can increase those numbers just don't exagerate.

reason number 2:
As I explained you guys, making money fast and easy does not exist. you will have to aim for long term investments. stay consistent, invest every month. it will pay out!

My predictions for XRP

2021: Reach the 2.00 dollar mark
2025: Reach around 4.50 dollars
2030: Ofcourse this is still a long way from now ( 10 years ) but it is very possible that the price per unit will reach between 17 and 20 dollars under positive circumstances.

Holding your money in a bankaccount is not optimal, when inflation hits, your money is worth less, it is always a good thing to invest your money and hold on to the value.
With corona going on, the economy took a heavy blow. It will take some time to stabilize again and i believe that the future of cryptocurrencies is bright.