Guarani - Mythology and Cosmology

in #guarani4 years ago

The Guarani people are the indigenous group who live in the Latin American countries of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. Although they are related to the indigenous Tupi people, the Guaraní speak their own language. Over the years, colonization has reduced their population and minimized their culture, but their language is still widely spoken. In fact, it is recognized as an official language in Paraguay. The Guaraní also have a very strong spiritual tradition, which has been passed down orally from generation to generation. Their religious beliefs could be better called animistic pantheism, and much of these beliefs are reflected in their mythology and cosmology.

The Guaraní believe that the world was created by Ñande Ramõi Jusu Papa, or "our eternal great-grandfather". This deity created other divine beings in Guarani mythology, including “Our Grandmother”. He also created the whole Guaraní land.

Ñande Ramõi Jusu Papa lived on earth for some time before the birth of mankind, but ended up leaving due to a disagreement with his wife. In fact, his anger almost made him destroy the earth. However, Ñande Jari prevented him from doing so by creating the first sacred song.

Ñande Ramõi Jusu Papa's son, Ñande Ru Paven ("Our Father of All") and his wife Ñande Sy ("Our Mother") are also an important part of the culture's mythology. These deities settled people in different territories and also created the mountains to set apart the land of the Guaraní. Ñande Ru Paven was also responsible for setting the men on fire. In fact, he stole the fire from the crows to give it to man. Like Ñande Ramõi Jusu Papa, Ñande Ru Paven also ended up leaving Earth after a misunderstanding with his wife.

One of the most frequently told myths concerns Ñande Sy and her twins. She went in search of her husband who had left her and went to the home of a dangerous Jaguar. The jaguar's children killed Ñande Sy on their return from a hunting expedition, but left her twins alive. After growing up, the twins spoke to a "talking parrot" who told them the truth about their mother's death. They took revenge on the jaguars, but left one alive who was then pregnant. The jaguars are still alive to this day because Ñande Sy's children did not kill them all.

The story of the four guardians of the soul of men is also popular in Guarani mythology. Each is located in one of the heavens. There are also special entities that manipulate water, animals and plants. Creation myth aside, many Guarani stories involve animal heroes. They also have detailed stories that explain the wars with the Brazilians and Paraguayans who occupied their territories.

The Guaraní people have a rich and living history of mythology and oral storytelling. Besides their creation myths, there are also a multitude of different spirits, monsters, and legends. These rich stories are passed down from generation to generation and remain important to the Guaraní to this day.