The Dangers Of A Comfort Zone

in #growth7 years ago (edited)


When it comes to working with a long term strategy. Comfort never pays

No matter who you are, whether you are a Business owner or a working for someone, Growth is very Important in your field. It is what acts as a distingushing factor between you and the others

We all like to be in a comfort zone, but the truth is that nothing ever grows there. It is just a place that minimizes stress and risks. And Risk taking is a crucial aspect of growth

Though it might not sound sexy to the ears, discomfort is a Important catalyst for growth. It is what brings greatness and the best experiences that life has to offer

Those are things living a life of comfort will never give you. The only purpose of Comfort is that it serves as a momentarily relief after hours of Hardwork, but after resting you have to be ready to go out and put in the work again

Humans have always loved the easy way out whether it involves completing a tasks or even making Money. It is often said that giving the hardest taks to Lazy people enables them find the fastest way to complete those tasks

Procastination is always the friend of people who love comfort zones. Humans hang on to this stubborn illusion that we can achieve the tasks of the day on the morrow, and we keep kicking the can down the road until things get out of hand

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If you take no definate actions that will encourage your growth, you will always sit back and waste time on unproductive activties like watching Youtube or endless scrolling on Social Media

Staying in our comfort zone is biological and this is in a bid to avoid pain, but the only way to increase your capacity is by stretching yourself to your Limits

The more a Rubber band is streched the more its capacity increases

The path to harnessing discomfort is not an easy one and even though the Human mind is prone to wander, channel those wandering moments towards something productive. Find out new ways to Improve on the things you are working on. Don't settle for what you have. Learning never ends

A lot of opportunities that I have come across came to be when I chose to explore the right way

Growth outside your comfort zone will also help you in developing confidence in other areas of your Life and in the end you will turn out stronger and better across board

So Step Out

Thanks For Reading

Image SOurce : Pexels

Follow @ogochukwu


@ogochukwu first of all thank you for sharing this very important subject matter.

Comfort zone had ruined many destinies. It is the reason the great Dr. Myles Munroe of blessed memory said the grave yard is richest place on planet earth.

Factors like Confidence has moulded men like Donald Trump to make great deals in his real estate and warren Buffet and many others.

I am so happy to have come across this write up as it has boosted my morale for hardwork.

I am me @brightfame

Hello @brightfame

I am very glad that this post was able to inspire you. Thanks for reading.

I deeply respect Myles Monroe too. His words helped shape my Life.


Oh yeah! I agree with you a 100% @ogochukwu! We need the pain of discomfort for real growth to occur. We often allow the fear of the unknown or the avoidance of pain deter us from achieving great feats...He who has ears, let him hear.

Hello @mosunomotunde

Thats the truth about Life. Nothing good comes easy

Here arrives what i have been looking for, A Motivation. I have been so dissappointed with what i have been seeing here, lately and i was a kind of gradually migrating to my confort zone, thinking it was going to be the best for me but now i realise that nothing good comes easy. @ogochukwu I always see you as a big brother and as a friend. Just wanna thank you for bringing my spirit back to life. May the good lord bless you for that

Thanks for reading and the kind words . I am happy that I have been able to motivate you @ceaser816

your post is indeed inspiring . this caught me "the more a rubber band is stretched the more its capacity increase .thanks for the wisdom

Words for the wise.

Thanks for reading

@ogochukwu Thank u 4 sharing d is very educative nd it has destroy a lot of makes people 2 be lazy nd makes people want 2 achieve success d easy way....a lot of people will learn 4rm dis post including me

There are so many ways to grow but the most trusted way to grow is to leave our comfort zone and do the extra.

Being too comfortable with our current level or success is another killer to growth.

This post is so apt @Ogochukwu, Daalu!!!

Thanks for the added wisdom @gee1 . Remain awesome

You are welcome dear

The Greatest Risk in Life is Never Taking a Risk. Well said @ogochukwu. Both nature and nuture play a huge role in our ability to step out of our comfort zones but in all I believe the power of Choice/will still rest on us so there is no excuse.

Thanks for reading @jemimah

Channel those wandering moments towards something productive

This is an amazing concept i just discovered and im beginning to harness.
Thank you @ogochukwu for the great post.

Thanks for reading @preciousimo

You never disappoint with your awesome and motivational post.

you can never discover the ocean if you do not have the courage to leave the shore

People that have made it on life have in one way or two sacrificed a lot of things to achieve their goals and objective. It is very rare and near impossibility to achieve greatness without having to undergo several challenges and discomfort.
Success does not come cheap, it requires hard work and dedication.
Thanks for this wonderful article, short but full of power that can invigorate the weak in spirit.

You are always good at dropping comments that buttress the points made by posts.Thanks for the vote of confidence. @cyprainj