Kale and Peas going crazy, some sweet little wildflowers growing with them too.

We started late on the potato planting yet the patch is starting to fill in.

Getting some nice big heads of lettuce now.

Zucchini coming soon too :)

I have a tonne of ground cherry plants all over the place this year. I was gifted seedlings by two different friends. Ground cherries are delicious and fun for the kids to pick and peel the dried skin off.

#growfoodnotlawns, #growfoodwithlawns, I don't care just grow something :) #growfoodnotbalconies, #growfoodnotconcrete...

Tomatoes, tomatillos, beans, peas, ground cherries, squash and cannabis.

Looking inside the hothouse...um...I have some staking to do. Gonna just bypass this and pretend I didn't see any of it...
I Have Food For Bees and Butterflies Too
And this party is only just beginning. Some cosmos have begun to open, and a few brown eyed susans, but none of the sunflowers or lilies yet. The poppies are still loving life, I'm so happy with how long they've been blooming for.



You're my Brown Eyed Girl

Lilies with oregano in the background.
A lot of flowers are growing wild as well, some had to have been planted by previous occupants. We try to leave as much as possible, while still having a part of the back yard mowed for the kids to play on.

Those pink flowers were a pleasant surprise this year, the bush just popped out of nowhere!
Today's Score

Mid day snack of Champions.

I'll Leave You With This
Some cooler air came this evening, and the most beautiful mist started sweeping into the Cove...

Have an awesome day/evening/night wherever you are #STEEM Fam! I'm so glad you're on the Block.
and cannabis ... love the way you slip that in! lol Your garden looks amazing .. everything is so vibrant and alive and I bet that ingesting some of that cannabis will bring the colours out very nicely lol
You guys are in for some feast! .. I'm definitely going to grow a decent size food garden in the new house! Well outside the new house lol Thank you for sharing my friend.
Awws, I really look forward to seeing you in the garden @perceptualflaws!! Is there anything you can't do?
Lyndsay, and as I've promised you - about natural yest;)
waiting for your opinion;)
Thank you so much Natalia! :) I will get back to you.
Hi, @lyndsaybowes ! You have a good harvest ahead of you. Such a variety. Sweet peas are delicious. My plants are in the same condition as Yours. I planted them late. I hope that they will have time to Mature before the cold weather. Your tomatoes and zucchini-these photos are like they were taken in my garden, ha ha. Do You have time for them to ripen?. We are also hot and humid and very heavy fog falls. I think the plants like it. Especially our cucumbers are delighted with this. I like your poppies. It's beautiful. I look at your photos and see that Your nature is very similar to what it looks like in my region. Surprising similarity. I am glad that you are waiting for such a diverse harvest of various vegetables. It is much more pleasant to collect from your garden than to buy in the store. I'm not a great gardener, but I like to pick up some fresh greens for a home dinner too. I wish you a great harvest and good weather :)
Hi Madlen, it's so good to hear from you, I'd love to look around your garden one day!
Yes, we have a very long summer here on the coast, it doesn't frost until mid November :) One of the few places in Canada with such a mild climate.
I'm so glad that you grow your own food, I don't think I'm a great gardener either, just put seeds in the ground and water :) Anyone can garden, really! That's the beauty of it.
your own harvest is the tastiest in thr world!;)
you feed bees and butterflies, so they're considered to be your pets already;) maybe it's time to get honey from them?)
cannabis is allowed to be planted? It's forbidden in my country, it's a crime but I know kin some countries it's legal
Cannabis will be legal here very soon, and already there were not too strict punishments for it :) We are pretty relaxed in Canada about the herb :)
Awesome!!!! #foodisfree #growfoodnotlawn
LOVE your oodles of growing veggies!!! Nice work Lynds ❤❤❤❤❤
<3 <3 As always, thank you for the loving good vibes and encouragement Jill <3 I love you Sis <3
Looks lovely ♡♡♡
Yeah humid as frig ^_^;;;;
But now we can at least be happy for the plants. It was so hot and dry for so long.
Unfortunately my photo upkoaded sideways, but we have this plant that grows here called comfery, and its got a bunch of holistic uses but its esspecially amazing as a natural fertilizer by turning it into compost tea.
I plan on doing some garden updates over here soon too.
I had something else I wanted to chat with you and the friends about though after seeing the news recently.
Happy gardening!! ♡ thanks for sharing with us.
Oooooooo comfrey! That is a mega healing plant! Love how happily yours is growing too 😍 I am struggling to get it going strongly down here in the jungle! 💛🌈🦋🌴❤️
I'd gladly be up for some plant trading. ^w^/ not sure where your at but much like pokemon, trading plants for gardens would be so much fun.
Omg I can't wait to see your gardening posts, please tag me in them! And message me on fb or email me: [email protected] to chat.
Wow, Lyndsay, it is so beautiful around you!! Such an abundance! :)
Thank you for coming by @danielapetk :) <3 <3
Wow those plants are just fabulous I am rather envious 😍 so many veggies and so many flowers. it’s just a huge garden of Eden you have going on. Your boys are always so healthy looking too, the damn show is just FABULOUS. Your out shots of that cool misty air are lovely too. Mmmmm I love tuning in to you guys, RESTEMMED @lyndsaybowes.💚 🌈🌴💛🦋💜
Thanks SallyBeth, we don't have much space but I fill it the best I can :) :) I'm glad you tuned in :) Thank youuuuuuuuuuu for resteeming <3 <3 <3 <3
What do you grow?
Your fields of flowers make me smile every time. 💙
PS newbie Steemians should be called New Kids On The Block.
YASSSSS HAHHAHHAA :) #nkotb #doinit
Eye bleach...I need my eye bleach!

I love what you have done to your Lawn ... I mean garden! Love all the colours and the veggies you have planted. I tried to think back to when I last had an actual lawn. I think it has been more than 20 years. Once the garden bu hits, that is it. I first learned about planting gardens instead of lawns when I was in Europe visiting relatives almost 47 years ago! What can I say...I am a slow learner! LOL
Ooh wow 20 years no lawn, you are a champion Ceci!!!
It's funny, I blame the whole "British Royals" for the lawns that everyone feels they need to have, they want the sprawling green just so they can look rich! The thing is...we're not rich! Everyone is in heavy debt, and at the risk of looking POOR we don't even do these simple things to take care of our families like growing food instead of soaking all that water and pesticide/fertilizer into a fancy lawn.