Gridcoin Community Hangout #050steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gridcoin7 years ago


Gridcoin Community Hangout #050

Need some $GRC to get your wallet going? We will be giving away 5 FREE GRC to anyone that needs it, up to 100 GRC per hangout!

Free Gridcoins are provided by the other members of the hangout as a kind gesture from the community.

Want to suggest a topic to discuss?

Reply with your suggestions in this Steemit post & order of discussion will be from highest to lowest upvotes.

Can we discuss anything?

It's advisable to stay generally on topic, attendees are distributed around the world so they may not (likely won't) share the same views regarding controversial topics not related to Gridcoin/BOINC/computers/cryptocurrency.

What is Gridcoin?

Gridcoin securely rewards BOINC computation on top of Proof of Stake. Reward allocation is distributed, not centralized unlike other distributed computing related cryptocurrencies.

More info:

Where can I listen to the raw live stream?


Where can I listen to edited versions of the hangouts?

dsound Soundcloud mixcloud talkshoe YouTube

Past episode details

049 RSVP & Topic suggestion thread

Last Classroom details

Gridcoin Classroom 008 thread

Why are we holding these hangouts?

  • A mumble conference call can provide significant advantages over communicating via text.
  • To create opportunities to inform the public of new Gridcoin, BOINC, and related services & their development progress.
  • To bridge relations between the cryptocurrency & BOINC communities, and our users.
  • To be transparent in our actions.

How long will the hangout last?

Anywhere from 45 minutes to 5 hours!

Gridcoin Hangout #050 will be held on:

February 17, 2018 @ 7pm UTC.

Compare 7pm UTC to your time zone!

How to join the Gridcoin hangout

Step 1: Download Mumble. [Desktop, Android, iOS]

Step 2:

Step 3: Configure Mumble & join the server! You will be initially greeted by a series of servers. Ignore them, and add ours manually. :)

Label: BeyondBitcoin - Gridcoin
Address: or (IP =
Port: 64738
Username: Enter your username, try to pick one people will recognize you by - i.e. your IRC username
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

Step 4: Join the Gridcoin channel!

Step 5: Configure your audio wizard & setup Push-To-Talk.

Everyone is encouraged to join, especially those who suggest topics of discussion in this thread.

A massive shout out to the BeyondBitcoin community & @officialfuzzy for providing the Gridcoin community a room in their mumble server for free. Also, to @fkinglag for providing a live stream of the Hangouts and Classrooms for more ways to get in on the action! :D

Thanks for reading, and follow me for more Gridcoin-related updates!

gridcoin banner


Also, just a couple of suggestions either for format or at least for discussion: Suggestions for the next hangout:

  1. Keep it to a set time frame. It is really hard to attend an open ended meeting. Hard start/stop times make it reasonable to schedule. I suggest two hours.
  2. Related thought but much less vital: Allocate set times for discussion of each topic - perhaps 10 minutes. Or better 120 minutes/Number_of_topics - certainly have to weight that for different topics though. Can't really rule with an iron fist here, but disorganization (beyond my desk) makes me nervous.

Hey, these are only suggestions from a noob. Take or leave according to your desire.

yeah, we'll try to shoot for 2 hours in the future. I think that's a good idea... however, my topic suggestion might keep us talking for 7 hours or so. :D

And yes, time frames would be good. I think maybe 15 minutes might give more time to get into in-depth topics? I've been in hangouts where the topic is 5 minutes long, and it's just not enough. I fear 10 minutes might also cut things a bit short. I may reconsider if people start flooding these threads with suggestions. lol

I like your calculation idea...

I think it might be fun to talk about stake time expectations in this one, especially with the findings in my stake weight experiment published today on Steemit. Hopefully by hangout I'll have some observations from a second round of testing; albeit incomplete data.

CBR values and economics from #economics on slack

I think we should talk about the recent removal of Moo! from the BOINC whitelist, commercial BOINC projects, DrugDiscovery@home, and whether or not we run the risk of becoming the deciding factor of what research is crunched for.

A strict set of whitelist guidelines is being developed, see:

The whitelisting of projects should be a given; a courtesy to our commitment to transparency. As it is now, polls are subject to popularity contests, smear campaigns, poll manipulation through large stakes, etc. These things must be avoided at all costs, as I feel it reflects poorly on our community. Another example was how contentious the ODLK/ODLK1 polls were... subject of unsavory xenophobic comments, social politics, and general FUD.

Regardless of what people feel about Moo and ODLK/1, I think it's a little uncool to claim there were xenophobic comments and FUD regarding ODLK. I monitor pretty much all avenues of Gridcoin, and I personally never saw anything xenophobic, nor was anything xenophobic ever reported to me. The few times I saw anything mentioning xenophobia were when people were claiming that as the reason for people voting against the project; that's an entirely baseless accusation with no proof. The ODLK polls were contentious for various other reasons in my opinion.

One just needs to look at our current whitelist; close to half are "foreign" projects. In fact, DD@H is based in the same country as ODLK.

If there's evidence to the contrary, I will gladly apologize and retract what I've said. Otherwise, claiming there's xenophobia in the community without there actually being any, in my opinion, is almost as bad as it actually existing; people sometimes believe what they read.

Regardless, congrats on the 50th hangout. Good job keeping it going after all this time; always interesting to listen to.

It's too bad Slack retention is nil. I distinctly remember people saying they wouldn't vote for the project because the main page was in cyrillic alone. I also remember some people gloating to me that "my" poll was failing after spreading said xenophobia and voting against ODLK. It was most likely personal, and not professional opinion.

I might have picture evidence somewhere... but I'm pretty sure everybody knew this was the reason ODLK1 was whitelisted in favour of ODLK. There is record of this on CCtalk. You don't have to apologize for something you didn't say... Don't worry about it, bud. Let the fools that cast stones stick up for themselves. <3

And thank you for the congratulations... but more importantly, I hope to see you there! :D