GRIDCOIN - STATS of the NETWORK - 1 August 2022

Report #13 - 1 August 2022

Welcome to the thirteenth Gridcoin Stats of the Network!
Gridcoin is an open source cryptocurrency (Ticker: GRC) that rewards volunteer computing for science through the BOINC platform. [1]
The Gridcoin statistics are divided into two sections: Blockchain Stats and BOINC Stats.
The information is gathered and compiled from the getblockstats RPC command in the Gridcoin wallet, Gridcoin Oracle, BOINCStats, GRCPool, Gridcoin Stats and individual project websites.

Blockchain statistics from 1 July to 31 July
The table below contains the blockchain statistics and covers blocks 2,619,357 to 2,646,927.Blockchain charts
The charts below contain the longer-term blockchain trends.

Gridcoin Network statistics from 1 July to 31 July
The table below contains the Gridcoin network and GRCPool statistics for the month.The next table provides the breakdown of the TOP20 participating BOINC teams and their contribution to the Gridcoin Network.
GRC Network charts
The GRC network and GRCPool charts contain the longer term trends.
This concludes the 13th Gridcoin Stats of the Network Report.

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