Gridcoin - State of the Network - 13 February 2020

Report #53 - February 13th, 2021

Welcome to another Gridcoin State of the Network!
Another release is on the way. It should fix the new CPID bug once and for all (fingers crossed).
There are a total of 55 closed issues in the release so far.
There 6 outstanding issues.
The release may be a mandatory.
Read more on GitHub
Using the Foundation Funds and Building a Treasury
A proposal is being formed around paying developers and contributors for their work, budgeting remaining GRC, and building a treasury systems for future development.
There will be at least one more draft and period of discussion before a poll is made.
Follow along on GitHub
Whitelisting Minecraft@Home
There is a poll seeking the addition of Minecraft@Home to the list of Gridcoin approved projects.
Follow the discussion on:
New Pages Added to New Wiki!
There's a new wiki with lots of new information on it. Jump in and help out!
Read more onReddit
Live Community Discussions
The Gridcoin Fireside
Or on Odysees, Spotify, Apple podcasts, Stitcher, or your favorite podcasting app!
You can listen to all episodes at the website
Or on Odysee, Spotify, Apple podcasts, Stitcher, or your favorite podcasting app!
Project brief
You can listen to all episodes at the website
Or on Odysee, Spotify, Apple podcasts, Stitcher, or your favorite podcasting app!
Hot Discussion Threads
Has Gridcoin a Payment Service Node
Just Discovered Gridcoin and Am Excited
Do You Think Gridcoin will Ride the Crypto Wave
Can Someone ELI5 Staking and How to Actually Obtain GRC

Every month we bring you the most up to date statistics regarding the operation of the Gridcoin blockchain and Gridcoin BOINC projects. The information is gathered from Sunday to Saturday on a fortnightly basis and compiled from the getblockstats RPC command in the Gridcoin wallet, Gridcoin Oracle, BOINCStats, GRCPool, Gridcoin Stats, and from individual project websites.

Blockchain statistics from 1 January to 31 January
The table below contains the blockchain statistics and covers blocks 2,131,686 to 2,159,471.Blockchain charts
The charts below contain the longer term blockchain trends.

Team and pool statistics from 1 January to 31 January
The table below contains BOINC team and pool statistics for the month.Team and pool charts
The team and pool charts contain the longer term team and pool trends.
This concludes the 5nd Gridcoin State of the Network Report. We’ll see you in a month. Happy crunching!