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RE: Basic Income and Cryptocurrencies

in #gridcoin8 years ago

I've recently started running BOINC and mining Gridcoin. I did quite a bit of BOINC mining back when the Ripple folks were handing out XRP as a reward. Turns out I scraped up big pile of XPR worth quite a bit (a few BTC) all for just helping out a bunch of science projects.

I won't pretend that running BOINC and getting GRC is ever going to be that lucrative - I'm basically running a new loss when power cost is considered. However it is fun and I still love feeling like I'm helping out some science projects. I've even started running BOINC on my phone. It would be nice if it would pay for my cellphone bill but that isn't going to happen.

And UBI - it's the future, in civilized societies that is. Make take a few civil wars to get it. But I reckon they will be short ones because billionaires don't have much of a stomach for their economies and stock markets crashing when the people rise up and revolt taking their fortunes with them.