Intro: Corrige Praeteritum, praesens rege, discerne futurum
I signed up in Steem in order to...
- [x] re-activate my passion for blogging
- [ ] connect to like-minded freaks
- [ ] spread the word about the future of crypto currencies - Gridcoin
- [ ] share my Online Marketing and Digital Analytics knowledge
- [ ] write about my insights from 27 pretty crazy and intensive years on this planet
- [ ] get damn rich by posting pics of cats eating tacos, triggering higher dopamine levels in all of us
- [ ] finally master the english language
I do all of this under my life motto, which is tattooed on my body and which is the title of this post at the same time. What a coincidence, huh
Read ya`ll soon!
Welcome to Steemit! Hope you have fun!
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.
Thank you @hiet-tran!
Welcome @lxpcrypto.
#Gridcoin has the best community there is, you can always count on our support here
Always great to see Gridcoin community members joining Steemit! :)
@cm-steem i told you :)) btw im bishop from telegram. Cheers!
@vortac thank you very much! i`ve been supporter since 2013 but had a break in between. Happy to see its rising up now :) will give my best support to make GRC become Top 10
Welcome to Steem @lxpcrypto I have sent you a tip
Welcome to SteemIt!
I look forward to interesting debates on Gridcoin vs the other fog-computing systems starting up.
Feel free to check out for some great starting tips.
Hey thank you @somethingsubtle! I`m also curious to find out more about the differences between GRC (grid) and SONM (fog). Have a nice day!
Welcome to steemit community.

I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Please read the following address and press voting
Good Luck