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RE: Gridcoin Mandatory v3.6.0.2 - V8 Staking Time Estimate Update
Got 3 blocks yesterday (solo)
3 x 7,9 XPM = 23,7 XPM x 0,41 $ = 9,7 $/day! Not bad for old 2 x R9280x cards?
To earn same amount with BOINC Primegrid I must earn 230 GRC! This is not possible with 2x R9280 cards, I think...
Grossly overinflated, if not completely invented.
Using Claymore GPU miner, users reported only 2.31 XPM per day (on a single 280X):

OK, I take a screenshot specially for you:
Happy now?
So, a lucky chance which tells us nothing about the usual, average mint. And by the looks of it, those two blocks aren't even confirmed (after two days?) so they could have been on a weird fork, for all we know. Sell your bs to noobz.
Whats wrong with you...
mined blocks take 3000 confirmations for Primecoin.
But you, as a crypto n00b, have found one crypto (GRC) and you are now total fanboy of that crypto :D
Shame on you...
Ah yes, the big crypto expert, your reputation is proportional to your knowledge, I guess. And you still haven't said anything about your average XPM mint, nor about the GPU miner you are using. Too difficult questions, probably?
I don't have time to search xpm miner logs for you...
I just started my grc wallet and can give you my rsa report: (10 cores FX6300 + some time of 280x/270x gpu's work)
CPID Lifetime Interest Paid" : 6.81000000,
CPID Lifetime Research Paid" : 186.80000000,
CPID Lifetime Avg Magnitude" : 28.30188679,
CPID Lifetime Payments Per Day" : 4.11863239,
It's REALLY bad result... 4 x 0,04 = 0,16 $/day
BOINC projects:
Citizen Science Grid 1,005,332.73
Einstein@Home 1,944,005.00
LHC@Home 5,614.82
MilkyWay@home 722,334.83
Rosetta@Home 16,756.95
SETI@Home 82,039.90
SZTAKI Desktop Grid 1,159.89
VGTU project@Home 49,550.95
You, as a troll and grc fanboy, should not worry about my reputation :D
I was active miner 2013/14 now I'm not...
I just play with old hardware and new software:
for example, last week found 2 Magi blocks in a row with old FX6300 cpu (1 hour and 5 bucks!)
Luck is on my side ;D
So, it's like I said - just a bunch of BS. Keep posting it on #gridcoin and your reputation will reach zero fairly quickly.
EDIT: You realize you are looking even more ridiculous with all those silly, useless flags? Your rep is 4, your SP is 0.5, it's laughable. But I guess you don't know how Steemit works either.
I really don't know anything about steemit and don't wanna know, I don't like this platform - made account just to get information about gridcoin.
I mistakenly thought GRC is a crypto to try, but turned out, it's a joke!
BOINC is great, but GRC is not worth to leave your BOINC team!
my GRC rsa report: (10 cores FX6300 + some time of 280x/270x gpu's work)
CPID Lifetime Interest Paid" : 6.81000000,
CPID Lifetime Research Paid" : 186.80000000,
CPID Lifetime Avg Magnitude" : 28.30188679,
CPID Lifetime Payments Per Day" : 4.11863239,
It's REALLY bad result... 4 x 0,04 = 0,16 $/day