Gridcoin Highlights - A new tool for Gridcoin outreach

in #gridcoin6 years ago (edited)

1 Gridcoin Highlights.png

Gridcoin Highlights

There are a few of us working on building outreach infrastructure.

First, we introduced the discussion:

The Gridcoin Fireside #07 - Building Outreach Initiatives
The Gridcoin Fireside #08 - Funding for and By the Blockchain
The Gridcoin Fireside #09 - Outreach

Next, we wrote a more complete white paper and put it up for a poll. A poll that is still running. Don't forget to vote by August 15th!

The Proposed Paper
The Paper Proposal

Now, I'm happy to present to you a Gridcoin summary in the love/hate format of the century -- PowerPoint!

The Document

This particular document was assembled by myself, @jringo, and @jamescowens.

This type of document is great for introducing Gridcoin to people already in the crypto-space, people who would probably be interested in Gridcoin if it weren't for the thousand other coins and tokens mobbing their feeds!

This document presents information in a very consumable format. It takes less than 5 minutes to skim the doc, and maybe 10 minutes to give it a close read.

This is the document you can print out and share with someone you know would love Gridcoin if only they knew more about it!

This document pairs nicely with a well executed pinot noir presentation.

It answers the following questions:

  • What makes Gridcoin unique?
  • What has Gridcoin done over the years?
  • Does Gridcoin have plans for the future?
  • Do other people care about Gridcoin?
  • Why should I care?
  • How do I learn more?

You are highly encouraged to take this document and use it! If you want the PowerPoint file for a presentation, just contact me on discord, slack, or through e-mail ([email protected]) and I'll send it your way after a brief discussion.

PDF Format Hosted on

You can also view the slideshow directly on

1 Gridcoin Highlights.png
2 Gridcoin Facts.png
3 Gridcoin Development.png
4 Gridcoin Infrastructure.png
5 Gridcoin Economics.png
6 Gridcoin Incentives.png
7 Gridcoin Innovations.png
8 Gridcoin Innovations (cont.).png
9 Gridcoin Engagement.png
10 Gridcoin Development moving forward.png
11 BOINC.png
12 BOINC - Utilized By.png
13 BOINC - Utilized By (cont.).png
14 Research Incentivized by Gridcoin.png
15 Gridcoin Presentations.png
16 Gridcoin Presentations (cont.).png
17 Block Explorers.png
18 Exchanges.png
19 Additional Resources.png
20 Contacts.png