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RE: Gridcoin Community Classroom #011

in #gridcoin7 years ago

Interesting this was posted 3 days ago but fkinglag posted yesterday saying mumble. wtf all these different applications/platforms and not just settle on something and stick with it? irc/slack/mumble/discord/soundcloud/etc as you have asked me to host storage for something or another. How about Gridcoin setup and host its own stuff vs using 3rd party applications? I mean $46,000USD in the baby squirt poop coloured client ( we need client colour options let alone theme options ) and we use wiki with an cname forward for dns vs hosting a Gridcoin community information medium and whitelist and info for compiling the client and more , 3rd party applications for chatting vs own ircd ( there is one but you let alone anyone else wont join ) or own community application that should be built into the client even if they use some CGI irc client code that already exists or some other option as there are many options to get the team into 1 location and not all over the board. No wonder we cant function like a real team and work together , there is no way to get everybody into 1 single medium/location/application/webpage/software other than the wallet itself because everybody is to spread out and thats not always true either because you don't need the GUI and people don't always have it running. Heck , I wish there was a non GUI option for Windows and gridcoinresearchd.exe could be installed as a windows service and windows full nodes could be a service or daemon sitting in the systray / taskbar or even per running it as a service and not even have an icon in the notification area. Anyways it would be nice to have everyone on the same page , heck you and fkinglag run the " classroom " and were/are not even on the same page per both your posts contradicting each other and the location and where to be and your posts being 3 days ago and his 1 this one had to be dug for and located deep into a pile of steemit feed. I can only assume its not just me whom is frustrated , as there were others whom joined the mumble... Thanks thomasb for the info when you too joined.