Gridcoin - State of the Network - 19 November 2019

Report #43 - November 19th, 2019

Welcome to another Gridcoin State of the Network! The SotN is usually published on the 3rd Monday of every month. For more information on the happenings within the Gridcoin network be sure to check out the other reports put together by the community!
@crypto-swiss’s monthly reports
@parejan’s weekly project updates
Gridcoin "Ernestine" Release
A second “E” leisure update has been released.
This update includes some non mandatory changes preparing the path for Fern. As a reminder, Fern will be a mandatory release including the long awaited Team Requirement removal.
Live Community Discussions
The Gridcoin Fireside
There are two new Gridcoin Fireside episodes titled:
The Gridcoin Fireside #24 - Blockchains and Cryptocurrency Part 5: FOSS Organizational Models
The Gridcoin Fireside #25 - The System of Science
You can listen to them all on podbean, spotify, Apple Podcasts, or LBRY.

Even if they are not directly talking about gridcoin, a new type of podcast is currently being run by @jringo and @Delta1512 to discuss BOINC, BOINC developments, BOINC projects, the BOINC community and network, and SCIENCE!.
There are already three episodes available for listening :
BOINC Radio #01 - What is BOINC
BOINC Radio #02 - Gameification and UX
BOINC Radio #03 - UX Games and Browsers
You can listen to them all on podbean, spotify, Apple Podcasts, or LBRY.

The Gridcoin Hangouts
The Gridcoin Hangout has hosted hangouts #122, #123, and #124.
You can listen to them all on fkinglag's youtube channel.
Hot Discussion Threads
Help us improve our earthquake forecasting model
Back on the grid with a weekend toy build, PiCubed.
NiceHash-to-Gridcoin converter
New World Community Grid project - African Rainfall

Every month we bring you the most up to date statistics regarding the operation of the Gridcoin blockchain and Gridcoin BOINC projects. The information is gathered from Sunday to Saturday on a fortnightly basis and compiled from the getblockstats RPC command in the Gridcoin wallet, BOINCStats, GRCPool, Gridcoin Stats, and from individual project websites.

Blockchain statistics from 1/October to 31/October
The table below contains the blockchain statistics and covers blocks 1,725,570 to 1,752,871.Blockchain charts
The charts below contain the longer term blockchain trends.

Team and pool statistics from 1/October to 31/October
The table below contains BOINC team and pool statistics for the month of September.Team and pool charts
The team and pool charts contain the longer term team and pool trends.
This concludes the 43rd Gridcoin State of the Network Report. We’ll see you in a month. Happy crunching!

Interesting to note that the minimum block size has dropped off a bit, I wonder if that might be from transaction efficiency improvements.