trade blog for the week starting 8/8

in #greg8 years ago

8/16/17 update: Greg closed the XRT short out today. There were only 2 trade prices...7.10 and 7.15. A total of 13 contracts traded all day. Greg paid 6.68 for probly 2 or 3 contracts so he made $150 for every $1300 to $1800 put at risk. I'll beat that left handed. :-) Nonetheless, Greg needed a win. I see he opened a long in GOOGL and held his QCOM long. I'll spew the GOOGL pricing next.

8/8/17 3:29 PM EST update: I'll close this trade out here at 3.29 bid. I "might" be back to this trade also. Q's now at 144.30.

I'm assuming you didn't buy his new face ripping system ;) ??

Just simply apply more pure aloe if you don't like your own face. Why R.I.P. it off? Not impressed with Greg's system so far anyway but maybe he will redeem himself with an SLV "save." Johnny Cochran might say >>> "If greg can redeem..I will RESTEEM!" :-) ...cept I can't afford to of course. :O If I play this right I can get Greg to upvote ALL of my spews so that I will be able to afford to spew atall whenst "bandwith" starts dying at this place. :-) I can save you from your mistakes, Greg! You just need to request my assistance. :-)

8/10/17 update: Anotehr loss in the string of losses for Greg. He just closed this QQQ long out and I will give him 5.72 as his closing price.

8/14/17 update: New trade for Greg. QCOM Jan expiry $55 calls.

Total of 4 contracts traded total so far today even "after" he posted the pick. All trades at 5.00 or 5.05. I will give him 5.00.

Since teh chart says it'll see $52 and is now signaling sell already I will post the other side of the trade via the 9/8 expiry $52 puts at the current .83.

8/18/17 update on my QCOM short against Greg's long call: 2:44 PM EST. Last trade on teh QCOM $52 puts for 9/8 expiry is 1.31 with teh bid now at 1.21...asked at 1.30. I'll sell these ifn teh asked breaks below 1.25...otehrwise hold. QCOM now signaling a short term buy so I will exit if it rallies on moderate buying volume from the current 52.15...ish area..."live!" Price paid was .83.

8/21/17 update: Same plan as Fri. QCOM is moving lower so the bid on the 9/8 expiry $52P's (puts) is moving higher. I go out if the asked breaks below 1.25. Otherwise I will hold for a potential 100% gain so limit to sell at 1.70 to cover all costs "if" QCOM continues to move looower.

8/18/17 10:45 AM update: Bid now at 1.51 so now I move my stop up to 1.40 bid. That gar-own-tees at least a 50% gain. Still shooting for 1.70 to exit though. That's a "1005er"...and that's what I shoot fer. QCOM now at 51.55...ish.

8/21/17 update: Sometime during the day the QCOM 9/8 expiry $52 puts were sold at 1.40 so the trade netted 68% before commish costs. No way we will ever know what Greg did with his last two trades logged in before he deleted the trading blog where he posts his picks. I guess Greg gave up after he was caught "misrepresenting" a GOOGL trade. "Probly" better that he didn't log in "actual" pricing on the trades. If Greg brings back his posted picks I will continue to track his trades.

8/16/17: New trade for Greg today. A long in GOOGL via the Dec expiry $935 call options.

OK, this trade needs to be "red flagged" as the last trade price was at 46.10 per contract. No volume today at the after hours trades were all about at $943-$945. ...pretty much where it closed today. Greg got excited about the move so he posted the trade like he "actually" did it. He never made this trade today in "reality." I think he is trying to game the bid on current contracts...which nobody is buying. Going to be interesting to see what the first trade price is after his buy call.

Joejustjoe, im not seeing you post much about butcoin here at 4450.00. 2000 posts in 2 months but now silent?

8/18/17 update: These GOOGL contracts Greg "claims" to have bought closed yesterday at 42.10. On teh day Greg posted the trade you can see the "actual" last trade for the day before as there were no 'actual" trades in GOOGL $935 calls at all on the day Greg said he bought those contracts. I logged him in at the prior days pricing. The bid was actually about $3 higher in the $49 area as Greg bought the exact top of this most recent run. Greg, could you please advise me as to which price I should log you in at for this trade...being that you actually made the trade. :-)